Sprites, textures, sounds, code, and other resources belong here. Share and share-alike!
Forum rules
Before posting your Resource, please make sure you can answer YES to any of the following questions:
Is the resource ENTIRELY my own work?
If no to the previous one, do I have permission from the original author?
If no to the previous one, did I put a reasonable amount of work into the resource myself, such that the changes are noticeably different from the source that I could take credit for them?
If you answered no to all three, maybe you should consider taking your stuff somewhere other than the Resources forum.
Tormentor667 wrote:Well, thanks for the tipps Jimmy, I just opened the forum but haven't added any fonts yet to the repo. Would you mind posting one example to http://www.realm667.com/board/viewforum.php?f=47 that I can include and start with so people know what they have to take care of?
Status update (no rape )
Time for jimmy - and everyone else who is interested, skilled or whatelese - to go crazy with the new Font Press over at the Realm667. Submissions can be made, fonts can be downloaded, keep the new area burning
Sorry for derailing this thread, but Jimmy, do you think you mught be able to help here? http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=47541
...maybe even come up with a different Wolf-style font that I could use in my supersecrethiddenindisguies-doom mod?
Jimmy, how do you get around ImageTool complaining that a glyph has height x instead of y? I'm trying to edit your smallfont, I literally touched nothing but the colours (reduced them to a single shade) but now ImageTool refuses to build it! This is so frustrating :/
Yes, the command is correct, and It's not the problem. It has something to do with the source image. I don't know why, but rearranging the cells in a similar way to that of the bigfont which comes with the tool, seemed to fix it.
I've updated the zip file in my post above to include the source image (I should've done that when I uploaded it yesterday, but somehow I forgot).