Version 0.15 is now out, addressing some especially major bugs and tweaking balance.
Please check the first post for download.
Wouldn't it be better if the ethereal crossbow and firemace were swapped? Try playing Ultimate Doom with Corvus -- unless you cheat, you'll never get the crossbow, so you'll never be able to use shell-equivalent ammo.
I've been puzzling out Doom compatibility for some time. It's got the same problem that Chex Quest/Heretic has, but without the obvious solution of spawning two weapons at once because of Doom's overlap with Doom II. I've been thinking about having Weapon III replacing the now-useless-thanks-to-ZDoom's-wonderful-map Allmap as well as the SSG, but then that brings up the question of "What if a levelset doesn't include the map?".
and a majority of them tend to be unaffected by the ripper property of the Spear of Destiny's secondary projectiles and the ripper rockets.
The rockets have a very tiny explosion radius with +FORCERADIUSDMG on them. The enemies that it doesn't rip through, it forces massive damage on; they're B.J.'s official boss-killing weapons of choice.
by the way, why don't you use any of the better sprites of wolfenstien, didn't they make better sprites?
Pretty much exclusively for the retro feel--when people think Wolfenstein, they think the big blocky pixelated sprites. I was considering having an alt-fire that swapped between the fancy graphics and the old retro graphics,'s Wolfenstein. If I'm trying to graphically enhance Wolfenstein, I'm doing it wrong.
Oh dear.
Well, uh. You'll probably be happy to know that the next release (not the next update! The next release! There's a difference!) will include a new hero.