[Discontinued] NC HUD v2.6.0 - September 7th, 2019

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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by X-DOOM »

Oh sweet, i really enjoy the new hud, even more with the reloading frame for the ammo count. I made a modification myself and you just made a perfect and polished one.

I just added it to my mod and it rocks.
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by BlueFireZ88 »

Good to know that work for the Expanded HUD really went a long way for your HUD. It's looks great. :)
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by Blue Shadow »

Yeah, I liked how the Expanded version turned out at the end. So, I decided to incorporate its features into the official version.

@X-DOOM: Thanks. It's good to know that you're enjoying the add-on.
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by Xtyfe »

Awesome, thanks for the update
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by aspicboat »

A nicely designed hud, love it.
I have one question though: I want to use this with Brutaldoom, but the ammo counter and the weapon display for some reason doesn't work. It does work without it. I tried it with Zdoom, Gzdoom 1.7. Can I do anything with it or is it an issue with BrutalDoom 0.17?
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by Blue Shadow »

Ooops! Sorry I didn't notice your post for some reason.

Anyway, without making some modifications by the end-user (i.e., you), the HUD won't work out of the box with mods that modify/add to the player's arsenal (weapons, ammo and armor). If there was a way to seamlessly make it work with them while keeping the same current presentation, then I would've done it. But sadly, there isn't. So you have to make the necessary adjustments yourself.

However, if you don't know how, or don't want to bother with doing all that stuff, then you're in luck! Because blackfish has made a version of this HUD that can be used with Brutal Doom. Check it out here.
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by wildweasel »

Blue Shadow wrote:Ooops! Sorry I didn't notice your post for some reason.
Probably because I didn't notice it, either; my greatest apologies for not approving it for three whole days... =P
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by aspicboat »

I'm grateful for the help, thank you. I didn't mind the wait, so no worries, I'm glad I can enjoy this work fully with BD. :)
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by Blue Shadow »

Just a bit of info: aspicboat got me thinking about the HUD's lack of flexibility with user-made mods. So, I'm currently trying to come up with something to make it a little more* mod-friendly. Initial results look promising, but there is still a lot to do.

Will I succeed? I'm not sure. But I guess time will tell.

* Even if I managed to improve the HUD's flexibility somehow, the end-user would still need to modify it to make it work properly with the mod(s) they're trying to use the HUD with. I don't see that being avoidable completely with what current features ZDoom has to offer. But the number of modifications won't be as many as they're now (hopefully).
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by TiberiumSoul »

could i use this in my strife project? or rather could i ask for a personalized version of this that will work with my mod :P

by my limited understanding of SBARINFO the only real changes that would be necessary is around the weapon names which are as follows:

Makoto Type 919
Tank Rifle

with the following ammo types:


if you wouldn't mind doing this i'd appreciate it greatly or if you'd be willing to learn me the basics of SBARINFO (I've looked at the kek'n wiki and i still don't understand it.)
Last edited by TiberiumSoul on Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by X-DOOM »

Blue Shadow wrote:Just a bit of info: aspicboat got me thinking about the HUD's lack of flexibility with user-made mods. So, I'm currently trying to come up with something to make it a little more* mod-friendly. Initial results look promising, but there is still a lot to do.

Will I succeed? I'm not sure. But I guess time will tell.

* Even if I managed to improve the HUD's flexibility somehow, the end-user would still need to modify it to make it work properly with the mod(s) they're trying to use the HUD with. I don't see that being avoidable completely with what current features ZDoom has to offer. But the number of modifications won't be as many as they're now (hopefully).

It is indeed hard to make it work with a mod, it took me about a whole week to understand how to add properly all custom weapons and such. But i so like how this HUD improved my own game, it was worth reading every lines of his code and the time i spent making it work with all my weapons. I even improved it a little.
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.6

Post by Blue Shadow »

TiberiumSoul wrote:could i use this in my strife project?

As for supporting Strife or any other game, I'm sorry, no. I made this HUD for Doom and Doom only. If you or anyone else wants to use it in other games, then you have to make the necessary adjustments yourselves. I did put comments in the code where I thought it needed to show what certain things are for or what they're supposed to do (of course, I'm assuming you know the basics beforehand). If you're stuck with something, then refer to the wiki (can't stress this enough) to learn how certain features work - that's how I, myself, learned, basically.
X-DOOM wrote:It is indeed hard to make it work with a mod, it took me about a whole week to understand how to add properly all custom weapons and such.
Sorry that it took this long to figure things out in it, and make it work with your mod. It's good to know that it was worth it in the end, though. :)
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.7

Post by Blue Shadow »

Version 1.7 is up! Refer to the OP for what is new or changed in this new version.
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.7

Post by TiberiumSoul »

ok so im trying to use this with my gzdoom version of tiberiumdoom and it works but the ammo bars arent diplaying .-. ive tried changing the sbar info to call on the mods guns and that didnt fix it what am i doing wrong .-.
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Re: [WIP] NC HUD v1.7

Post by Blue Shadow »

What version of the HUD are you using? Note that in the latest version (i.e 1.7) things kind of changed*, and in order to make your custom weapons work with the HUD, you've got to do things a little differently. Check the readme.txt file inside the HUD's pk3. It, hopefully, explains everything you need to know on how to make your weapons work with the HUD.
Spoiler: *

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