Well, to be honest, I didn't want to say anything with the stats, just some overview for others (because you always can connect stats with detail if I am working on a map like this, but that sounds arrogant, so please forget about it).
And don't get me wrong, Risen, if I say that some of your and Lexus' parts needed a major touch up. I didn't say that they are bad, I just meant that some areas had places, where I saw that something is missing. And that was no question of "eye for candy", it was a question of episode-1 feeling and effort... damn, that also sounds a bit stupid and offending
Well, check the shots and you might see what I mean!
The new area with buildings behind the place where you normally get the secrets (medikits, soulsphere, etc) For the area you need the yellow keycard!
The place where you can get the blue keycard. I added some detail and stuff to this room!
The final revamped main nukage pool. I hope you guys like it now as it is! If you fall into the nukage, you will be teleported "dukenukemstyle" into another pool, so the small plates look like they are really swimming
This is just for you Lexus
I added the PIPEWAL1 textrures back to the first room and please tell me that you are happy now
I also changed the look of the room after you went through trhe thick pipe of the first nukagepool before the red keycard. It works now better with the grey pipe