[Project] "Knee-Deep in ZDoom"

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Post by Risen »

I am on for week three and had intended to work on this. However, I was waiting for leha to post it. I've continued with the intermission otherwise. I don't mind if NMN takes it, though, he is a much faster mapper than me and I will be out of town for a number of days this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday coming up.

Am working on it now. I hope to have the import file tonight.

There is nothing good here for the intermission map! Perhaps someone should look into remixes for E2M3.
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

I have to say, the new start of E1M7 is amazing! :) That lighting in the lava pit looks simply superb. The only problem is, there's no similar lighting effect in the lava pits in E1M8...

I've noticed numerous texture misalignments throughout the level, so they're first on my to-do list. Next up is to create a transition to the start of E1M8, since it's rather odd standing in a fleshy corridor one minute and then a stone room the next ;).

I'll also add in more of my red coloured computers, since they were after all made for this level (and E1M8).
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Post by cccp_leha »

Aren't we still on week 2 (or were, 2 days ago)? To the best of my knowledge, no one is up for E1M1 for week 3. And if someone could point out the location of the most recent E1M6, that would be swell.

@Tormentor: I am assuming that you saw my post a few pages back, explaining the reasons for my absence. So...

Progress report: stuff. The level flow is pretty much done, which means that you can now logically go through the map without nocliping, except the dead-end in the slime and the water teleporters - those have not been touched. Some detailing and texturing issues remain, but I hope to take care of those within the next couple of hours. I will be checking the forum regularly during the remainder of the eveining to get any important information.

EDIT 1: Ok I just noticed E1M6 on the previous page. Doh!

EDIT 2: Crap, it seems that I was on for E1M1 and E1M6 for week 2... Hmm, that's weird but whatever. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue - I'll be right here.

Just for proof of E1M1 work:
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Post by Risen »

NiGHTMARE wrote:I've noticed numerous texture misalignments throughout the level, so they're first on my to-do list. Next up is to create a transition to the start of E1M8, since it's rather odd standing in a fleshy corridor one minute and then a stone room the next ;).
Don't worry too much about this! The maps are supposed to be different buildings. I think the current M7 exit is especially well themed, I don't want to ruin it.
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Post by Kirby »


Gj man!
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

cccp_leha: looking good, but those ASHWALLxx textures should really be replaced by the N_RKPBxx textures :) (note: this goes for E1M8 as well! :evil:)

risen: it was decided a while back that there would be some kind of transition between all the maps. I don't neccessarily mean starting one map in the same place you finished the last one, rather some kind of evidence of how you travelled between the two places :).

Don't worry, I won't ruin what's currently there.
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Post by cccp_leha »

NiGHTMARE wrote:cccp_leha: looking good, but those ASHWALLxx textures should really be replaced by the N_RKPBxx textures :) (note: this goes for E1M8 as well! :evil:)
You're just trying to promote your own texture set! :P
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

That, but also consistency amongst the levels :)
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Post by Chris »

Since no one's bothered answering yet:
Best recommended OGG Vorbis compress rate?
Quality 3 (default). This usually puts it between 100 and 128kbps, sometimes lower, but still sounds just as good, if not better, than a 128kbps MP3. Vorbis is always VBR don't forget, so don't worry if those numbers looks a little low.
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Post by Risen »

This should do it, I hope.
Save this code to a file, say intermap.acs.
Add the line #import "intermap.acs" to your script.
do not modify your exits, keep then as exit_normal.

For M3: when using the secret exit, set the secretmap global to 1. Then, exit normally. No need to use the secret exit type.

Code: Select all

#library "INTERMAP"

global int 1:g_ms[];
global int 2:g_ps[];
global int 3:secretmap;
global int 4:globalinit;

int pasthealth[8];
int pastarmor[8];
int pastbullets[8];
int pastshells[8];
int pastrockets[8];
int pastcells[8];
int playerstat[8][13];
int mapstat[8][7];

script 800 ENTER {}

script 801 (void) {}

script 803 UNLOADING {}

script 804 DEATH {}

script 805 RESPAWN {}

script 806 OPEN {}
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Post by Tormentor667 »

@Nightmare - Exactly ;) SB for skybox, W for warping ;) It is THAT easy ;)

@Risen - For music of the intermission: I want the intermission map D_DM2TTL to be used, it's just an ambient sound but I think it might fit.

@cccp_leha - Well, nice screenies, I just hope you have enough time to do something about the nukage deadend because it ould heavily increase the depth of the map :) For the E1M6 issue: NMN takes it now and will work on it in week 3 so this has been solved. Oh and by the way: Try to use some of nightmares new rock textures for your outside areas!

@Risen & Nightmare on E1M7 - Well, I have to agree with Risen on this: Don't change anything about the exit in this map, just don't care about exit transitions this time ;)

@Risen on the script - How does this secret thing work then? Nevertheless, we jsut have to add the script to our scripts and we don't have to change anything else!?
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

But it just seems really silly to me. How does the player leave the map when there's no visible exit whatsoever? Most other switch exits could easily be explained away by saying the room they're in is an elavator, but the E1M7 exit really doesn't strike me as such.

Also, I remember ages ago when someone said that the hellish section at the end of E1M7 ought to be extended because there isn't enough of it, and everyone agreed! :roll:

Anyway, if you're so against changing the end of E1M7, how about changing the beginning of E1M8?
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Post by cccp_leha »

@Tormentor: OK, my detailing/mapping skills are inferior to NMN's anyways, so that sounds like a good plan. But, what are we going to do with M1? So you still want me to work on it, because all I have left is pretty much that nukage thing and NiGHTMARE-ing parts of the map.
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

Well, M2, M4 and M5 are all free for editing during week 3 :).

M4 in particular still needs some work, especially the green area in the top right, and the maintenance tunells in the bottom left.
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Post by Nmn »

M6 I have and no one gets it ;)
It needs a lot of work and once I'll be either exhausted or too busy with something else I'll just post it, but I'll try to be rapid and solid (kinda like a commercial..) :D


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