[Project] "Knee-Deep in ZDoom"

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Post by Tormentor667 »

Oh by the way: We need still a good pickup sprite for the rifle :)
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Post by Tormentor667 »

Great News
E1M8 reached its final state (just the script from Risen is missing but that's not that hard to do ;)) So what I have done? (I also included Resource.wad changing!)

- Added sounds to the Super Barons (a bit of pitching and mixing)
- Added fireballs and some Maulers to the first arena with the five barons
- Fine-Tweaked some camera-change problems, now it is like a movie :)
- Added some stuff to the final battle arena (for example openings to the cabins of the Super Barons and several Blood Demons) to make the fight harder at all
- Added some new ambient sounds, scary stuff, you know ;)
- Adjusted ammo/weapon/monster balance, map is now playable with pistol from start
- Fixed several gameplay bugs
- Added the brown blood-texture for the sewer part
- Exchanged normal liquids with warping liquids
- Altered Risen's MAPINFO, now every map has it's music if you play with both, the resource and the music wad
- Added some "special endcombat music" triggerstuff to the map
- Added a better fire texture to the resource and altered the FIREWAL of the E1M8 skybox and arena parts
- Added some minor detail to some parts of the map (lights at the ceiling, organic stuff to some parts)
- Made several organic hellish influence look more realistic when appearing on the floor (+2 units)
- Rewamped the soulsphere alternate secret
- Placed the forcefield switch into the wall
- Fixed some non-changing textures in the "to-be" hellish areas
- ...and many many more tweaks and fixes!

Well, I am very proud of our final map (well, it's my baby *g*) and just play around with it and try to find bugs :) As for me, I think I have fixed everything! ;) You can get the map here:
http://home.arcor.de/tormentor667/kdizd ... -ze1m8.zip

And you can download the latest resource with all the sneaky changes here:
http://home.arcor.de/tormentor667/kdizd ... zd1res.zip (4,351,250 bytes - uploading right now)

And once more the music wad link:
http://home.arcor.de/tormentor667/kdizd ... sicres.zip

So what's next? I have now exactly 2 more weeks in which I absolutely don't know what to do :) So if anyone of you needs help, just let me know!
Last edited by Tormentor667 on Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

1) Both the corresponding things seem to still be in place, and as I mentioned I didn't touch this room. I'm not really familiar with 3D teleporters, but could this be a bug in ZDoom 2.0.94? Maybe someone can test it in another version (don't have time right now).

2) I meant to replace the SSG with a med kit (since that's too early to get the SSG), but accidentally replaced one of the Copy Ceiling Plane things instead. Whoops!

3) + 4) Fixed. Also fixed a missing step texture in the hall lto the right of the UAC symbol room and a few more misalignments.

5) The example you gave seems to be the brightest (176 when all the others are 144 or 160) so I've lowered it to 160. If 160 is still too bright, someone else can do it (or it'll have just to wait until the end of week 3)

6) This is one area I didn't get around to doing much in, save a few minor fixes in the outside bit. In fact, I never even noticed the ugly slopes :P. Also, the metal bits could really do with some texture other than the metal squares.

7) Okay, done.

8) Just didn't get around to it.

9) Not completely untouched, since I rounded the corners, changed a few flats, etc. But yeah, it definitely doesn't look too good compared to the rest of the level, which is why I already mentioned it needs a going over :).

Will upload fixed version ASAP :)
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

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Post by TheDarkArchon »

Tormentor667 wrote:Oh by the way: We need still a good pickup sprite for the rifle :)
How about this one?

EDIT: Touched it up a little bit, including darkening the green.
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Post by Tormentor667 »

@all - Resources and E1M8 are up right now, get them on the links on this post:
I have some problems with my webspace right now and uploading files is quite a real problem, but I think it works fine for now .. well at least for your download pleasure ;)

@Nightmare - Yeah, much better :)

@all - So what we have so far is the following stuff:
E1M1 - [missing?]
E1M2 - (for week 3) http://home.arcor.de/tormentor667/kdizd ... -ze1m2.zip
E1M3 - [missing?]
E1M4 - (for week 3) http://uk.geocities.com/nb_nmare/ze1m4.ZIP
E1M5 - (for week 2) http://uk.geocities.com/nb_nmare/ze1m5.ZIP
E1M6 - [missing?]
E1M7 - (for week 3) http://home.arcor.de/tormentor667/kdizd ... -ze1m7.zip
E1M8 - (final) http://home.arcor.de/tormentor667/kdizd ... -ze1m8.zip
E1M9 - [missing?]

I still wait for some progress report or screenshots on E1M1 (cccp_leha?) and I also might hope, that ellmo gives some progress report finally, because I haven't heard much about E1M3 for the last few days. E1M2 is, as far as I know, still the latest version after week 2, which I uploaded , so I placed this link there for week 3 (also cccp_leha) although i even think it is final! I am very angry about the fact that no one continued work on E1M6 since week 1 of round 1 and this really sucks, because it is the worst of all maps in the bundle! Also we wait for some progress report of cccp_leha on this because he signed up for week 2 on this map. The question is, if Risen is able to work on E1M6 on week 3 (both weeks), because this really needs a lot of work! And what about E1M9? BioHazard is working till the end of week2 on this and the end has been 2 days ago if I am right with the dates! And NMN wanted to take it on week 3, didn't he? Well, just give me news, info and progress report, so I feel better!!!!!
Last edited by Tormentor667 on Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tormentor667 »

TheDarkArchon wrote:
Tormentor667 wrote:Oh by the way: We need still a good pickup sprite for the rifle :)
How about this one?

EDIT: Touched it up a little bit, including darkening the green.
Well... why is it green?! O_o
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

I did it without reference to the rifle since I had to reformat my HD (:evil:) and I thought it had green around the edges of it. Having downloaded the pack now I see I'm wrong. >_<
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Post by Tormentor667 »

No problem, we have still enough time ;)

@NMN - Just want to ask: Are you willing to create a centered grenade launcher sprite for our HUD?
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Post by Bio Hazard »

Tormentor667 wrote:what about E1M9? BioHazard is working till the end of week2 on this and the end has been 2 days ago if I am right with the dates! And NMN wanted to take it on week 3, didn't he? Well, just give me news, info and progress report, so I feel better!!!!![/b]
well, i have been kinda busy with other things las of late, but i just had a huge idea for M9, but it would requre removal of a lot of cyber-menace's work. so i want to get his OK first
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

I just remembered I was going to provide you with a fixed SUPPORT2 and N_SUPP2B, so here they are :).
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Post by Nmn »

Ok ok,
first-da Grenade Launcher.
I see what can be done ;) No promises tough, but I'll see to it. Could someone give me a pic of some grenade launcher? I don't have time to wade in the web for now.

Now-Tormentor who has e1m6?
Just because I'm so cool 8-)
let me have it.
I'll make this map so badass Shaviro will be crying like a baby, :grr:
Is that ok with You? Let me have that bastard and I'll make it a badarsed map! ha!
Tomorrow is my day off, more, day after tomorrow (that movie sucked ass!) is also free :D, this week will be an easy one, I'll gain enough inspiration from the maps we've got already... inspired by my own work? o__O ??

Biohazard-if this propositions materializes-keep m9 and I'll see to m6.
Oh yeah- where the heck is ellmo?-I know Your pain with him disappeaing without giving a valid reason, but I trust him, let's wait, tough how long-that is the qustion ;)
EDIT: I can't download the Res file-it's broken! :sadno: help! Could someone post a link to e1m6-the latest, if I can call it that way.. :glare:

Last edited by Nmn on Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Bio Hazard »

whats the entrance to M4? isint it like a tram station?

so i could make the end of M9 be a tram to take you to M4?
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Post by Nmn »

You can just copy the tram from e1m4-or build something similair. ellmo already discussed this here-"extis' flow"
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

nmn: I managed to find a rather Doomish looking one called the M-79. Pictures and info here and here. In fact, I think Scuba Steve may have made a version of this.

Biohazard: Good idea, though I think the three tram stations (non-secret end of M3, end of M9, start of M4) should somewhat resemble each other :).
Last edited by NiGHTMARE on Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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