[Project] "Knee-Deep in ZDoom"

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Post by ellmo »

Okay, I have an Idea how to solve the problem that occured with my arrival. If NiGHTMARE agreeds, I would take the whole ZE1M3 for polishing, filling all the week-slots, and (belive me) fixing all the bugs and uglies.

Im asking of that, because I know I will have ideas and will, to polish this map, but switching between different maps, done in different styles would defiantely spoil all the work done on them.

That's of course my personal opinion. And If I were walking in your shoes, I would stick to previous plan, 1 polisher to one map. That would be better not only for me, but for the maps also.

So may I ask to have ZE1M3 on my own? I know that's a bit against the rules, and It would require NiGHTMARE to change his plans. But it's done for the sake of the project. Well at least for the sake of this map.
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Post by Nmn »

I must second that
IMO, the plan of having a "round robin" for Phase 2 is a bad idea. Round 2 is supposed to prepare maps and polish them up to be released. Once R2 is over there's nothing that can be done with the maps. While if You have 3 mappers instead of polishing it up they will think to add more stuff and probably fail it.

IMO, one mapper for 3 weeks will do more of polishing than 3. You've chosen the best mappers here Torm [ :D ] to do the job.
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

That's fine. If it's okay with Torm, I'll have E1M4 during week 2 instead of week 3, and E1M7 during week 3.

Anyway, the idea of a "round robin" approach was supposed to help bring more of a consistent style to the episode (which would make "switching between different styles" all the more important - your job is to help reduce the difference!).

The other problem with one mapper working on one map for all three weeks is that while it's fine in theory, we need at least one person working on each map. So, are you going to follow through on the idea and find us three more highly skilled mappers? :D
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Post by Tormentor667 »

@ellmo - For round 2, check Page 74 or 73! There you can find the new list. For the new shot: Nice, but the border of the lights does look a bit ... errrugly! Oh and by the way: You can do far more to the map then I told you in the resumé ;)
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Post by Bio Hazard »

im going to continue development with 63a alright?

we are cleared to start mapping now right?

EDIT: oh yea, im writing a bug report huh? i need to finish that first (been playing strife so i got distracted)

with the amount of bugs ive found so far, were gonna need way longer than 3 weeks...
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Post by Bio Hazard »

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Post by Tormentor667 »

@BioHazard - Thx alot for thr BugReport, this will help very well while proceeding on our week 3 :) I will put the Link on the mainpage right now! And yes, you can start right now woth your map although I will wait to officially begin until I have 2 persons for each map!

@Nightamre - So which map on Week 1? Well, I don't like your plans and I'd be more happy if ellmo could at last take 2 maps instead of just one in all 3 weeks so 1st, another mapper can work on E1M3 and 2nd his style is also placed in another wad as just E1M3. So I recommend Nightmare working as considered in his week on E1M3, then he will give it to ellmo. While Nightmare works on E1M3, ellmo will work on another map. Might that be okay?
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Post by ellmo »

Tormentor667 wrote:Might that be okay?
Humm... it would be okay, but unfortunately I cannot agree with this, seeing how much work is to be done about ZE1M3... To be perfectly honest; aside from the underground part, and the pit at the beggining (where there used to be nukage and is an elevator now), this is the weakest map in the whole set. It needs someone dashing with work and I really can do that. I don't know how much time do I have till the first week ends, but time's against us and if We want this WAD to be released on schedule I don't think it's a good idea to switch polishers, at least not now.

I understand that varying styles are important to balance the whole MapSet, but it's not just my whim to have a map on my own, while everyone other has to share. I can tell from what I see, that I need to work really fast all the time I have, before the map will meet the standards of the other. And as for now, there's about 70% of orignal ID's E1M3 almost completely untouched and unimproved...

If you accept, I will continue work on E1M3 through 1st and 2nd week, sending it to NiGHT on 3rd. Then I would start working on some other map for a week. If that's a must.

But if I was to decide (unfort. I'm not), I would stick to this one map and make sure that all that had to be done was done... and that there are no silly bugs. It's even better that way, that after two weeks of intense work the level will have no secrets before me, so the third week would be just like a accurate surgery, allowing me to get rid of any and all flaws...
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

Bio Hazard wrote:BUG: HOM-age at the mountain of boxes

It there becuase the crate one texture is too small to fit it. And I didn't have much time left so I didn't make a stacked one.
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Post by ellmo »

Meanwhile... ZE1M3, the Supercharge window...
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Post by Tormentor667 »

@ellmo - Okay, I agree with you now and will let you do the complete work on E1M3 on all 3 weeks, but while working, try to connect your editing style to the one of the other maps ... but why do I say that?! As I can see in the screenshot, you do this very well :) So just keep on working!

@Nightmare - So, which map do you want to work on on WEEK 2?
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Post by Tormentor667 »

After looking on our list and on Lexus' latest week's work, I decided to move him also in the round 2 team. I hope this is okay ;)
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

I'd like to work on E1M7, but this is already taken in week 2. However, if you put me down to work on E1M4 in week 2, I can then work on E1M7 in week 3 :).
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Post by Tormentor667 »

Ok, I will do that :) BTW: @all - Make the bright green haze in nukage areas much darker, so that it looks like a dark green. This would make up for a much better atmosphere!
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Post by Risen »

Bio - good bug report.
To get the blue key you have to shut off the forcefield... you do that in the upper room on the other side of the map. Perhaps we should take out the switch up there that turns it back on? I though it would be nice for Deathmatch but I can see how it might be confusing.

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