[v1.0.0] NecroDoom - Ye olde mech-suit mod.

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Re: [BETA] NecroDoom

Post by DoomRater »

So out of bordeom I fired up Necrodoom with Hexen to see how hub behavior works. Interestingly...
1. leave the hub level with a suit in one piece.
2. return to the hub level without a suit.
3. when you return the game will act as if you are in a suit, but you'll still have your detonation button and runner HUD, and hitting the detonation button will still blow up the suit standing around and not you. you can also get into the suit and the game will continue normally after that.
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Re: [BETA] NecroDoom

Post by Xaser »

Uh oh. I never actually tested the suit mechanism with hubs, so it's quite possible it's borked. I'll see what I can do to remedy that... thanks. :P
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Re: [BETA] NecroDoom

Post by RaVeN-05 »

Played Necrodoom, well it rocks, nice work :wub:
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Re: [BETA] NecroDoom

Post by CorSair »

Now when someone actually brought this up, I got few notes, aside that it rocks the socks off. (Especially those twin gatling cannons.)

The screen is not exactly friendly with 16:9 views (I use 1600x900 view.)
And as for HUD... I got slight troubles reading the numbers on screen. Probably doesn't bother rest of you and some can be color-blind, so it could hinder the view, but... Any way to get two colours, like red/green or blue/yellow or similar? :P
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Re: [BETA] NecroDoom

Post by zap610 »

Somewhere out there, this is happening:

Also project looks awesome! How did I not know about it until now???
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Re: [BETA] NecroDoom

Post by Xaser »

So, amv2k9 has pulled through again and done to Necrodoom what he's done to Psychic. Quick teaser:


Next version will have full (but probably not bug-free) Heretic, Hexen, and Strife support, as well as plenty of new inventory items to play around with and plenty of fixes across the board (hubs work properly, among other things). Still tweaking and testing a few minor things, but it shall be soon.

There are still a few items on the really-far to-do list, including widescreen support and maybe some proper DM balancing, but TBH I feel as if I'm better off waiting until Zandronum catches up before attempting such, since it'd be futile a bit.

Major huge thanks again, amv, for making this happen! :D
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Re: [BETA] NecroDoom

Post by twinkieman93 »

Oh, sweet, this is still a thing! Is Psychic still a thing? Because I like that thing too.
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Re: [BETA] NecroDoom

Post by DoomRater »

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Re: [v4] NecroDoom - Now with Raven+Strife!

Post by Xaser »

So I guess since this guy's still in betamode, I may as well go ahead and upload what I'm calling "v4" (for some weird reason) since most of the major new "surprise" is done and could use some proper testing. Hooray for blatant crowdsourcing!

Anyway, the biggest change thus far is Heretic, Hexen, and Strife support, largely because "why not?" (though actually because amv2k9 started a patch and I couldn't resist merging it in -- thanks for making this happen, sir!) Though there are probably bugs, all games should hopefully be playable all the way through, and I've at least played through all of Hexen so can attest to the fact that it managed to not break horribly at least once through. ;)

I added some notes about the new game on the first post that may be worth reading, but it's mostly just item descriptions (since there are some new ones that aren't documented in xa-necro.txt yet) and some other randomness. At any rate, the download link:


Have fun with it, and feel free to post any brokenness.
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Re: [v4] NecroDoom - Now with Raven+Strife!

Post by Captain Ventris »

Yesssss update! Like the sound of the rocket launcher spread change.

By the way, Xaser, I sent you a pm a week or two ago if you haven't seen it.
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Re: [v4] NecroDoom - Now with Raven+Strife!

Post by VicRattlehead »

Punching afrits while they're curled up makes them unkillable.
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Re: [v4] NecroDoom - Now with Raven+Strife!

Post by Gez »

[wiki=Classes:FireDemon]Afrits[/wiki] are unkillable when curled up and become killable after "waking up" (at the very end of their "See:" state sequence). If their See sequence is disrupted somehow, they'll stay this way.
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Re: [v4] NecroDoom - Now with Raven+Strife!

Post by Xaser »

I recall being able to send one into their pain state somehow, which skips the necessary state. I haven't figured out what causes that, though -- there's nothing special about the melee attack aside from a new damagetype and maybe +PUFFONACTORS that would distinguish it from any other puff (i.e. it's not using FORCEPAIN). It still seems more like a bug with the actor itself, since it's basically incompatible with anything that uses +FORCEPAIN, Though the fact that the melee attack is able to send it to the pain state despite having INVULNERABLE set is beyond me. Maybe that's the actual trouble.

I'll redefine the Afrit mod-side to always unset Invulnerable in the Chase sequence, but ideally that shouldn't be necessary in the first place. :P

[EDIT] Fixed for the next version. I feel silly for forgetting about this -- thanks for the report there.
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Re: [v4] NecroDoom - Now with Raven+Strife!

Post by DoomRater »

Might be a bug with custom damage types? I think that's actually worth reporting.
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Re: [v4] NecroDoom - Now with Raven+Strife!

Post by A.Gamma »

So... I'm getting a really odd bug playing this on gzdoom r1505 and r1506 where I'm unable to change weapons (It also happens on Pagan D:) but everything works fine on r1496. Obviously this is not your fault, just thought I'll let you know.
Great mod BTW, pretty fun.

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