[sprites] Weeping angel

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[sprites] Weeping angel

Post by UltimateLorenzo »

I managed to write the decorate code for a weeping angel monster.

At the moment I only need the sprites... for the nature of the monster, I just need 2 sprites: the angel with the hands on the face and the angel attacking you.

If you don't know what a weeping angel is, read this:

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Re: [sprites] Weeping angel

Post by neoworm »

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Re: [sprites] Weeping angel

Post by UltimateLorenzo »

neoworm wrote:With a little touchup, maybe this:
http://www.spriters-resource.com/pc_com ... heet/33678
Actually it is the temporary sprite I'm using as placeholder for my angels... but I would prefer a true one.

But thank you anyway!
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Re: [sprites] Weeping angel

Post by printz »

How about screencapping them right from the films? They're always seen motionless, you don't need to do any complex animation.

Also will their attacks forcefully reload a previous autosave?
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Re: [sprites] Weeping angel

Post by UltimateLorenzo »

printz wrote:How about screencapping them right from the films? They're always seen motionless, you don't need to do any complex animation.
Yes, I tried but... I always get two sprites (and I need 2 sprites) different...
printz wrote:Also will their attacks forcefully reload a previous autosave?
This is a very good idea... how can I implement it in zdoom?
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Re: [sprites] Weeping angel

Post by printz »

Easiest way I think is:

- force autosave to be enabled (can it?)
- use autosave checkpoints all over the place
- make the Angel kill the player, but in a different mode than usual (no scream, for starters)
- the player will be forced to restart, but will restart at the latest autosave.

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