[Textures] Adventures of Square texture set

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[Textures] Adventures of Square texture set

Post by Jimmy »

For anyone interested in using the zany textures I created for The Adventures of Square, here they are.
Square Textures [r1] (1.3MB)


Use of UDMF when making maps with these is highly recommended.

These were all done by me. Replacements for the sprites aren't finished yet, but I've done things like candles, lamps and plants which will be included in the full version.

Unfortunately the colors don't show in Doom Builder 2's visual mode, so telling how a room will look when finished involves a lot of guesswork. Sorreh. :?

Feel free to do what you want with this. :) I'm not abandoning the project, but right now I want to focus on finishing Blocks of Doom II.

EDIT: Whoops. Reuploaded. The new keys should be in working order now.

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