Re: ATTN: Stricter rules re: commerical game resources.

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Re: Re: ATTN: Stricter rules re: commerical game resources.

Post by cq75 »

InsanityBringer wrote:A sound can be generated from "nothing" (using waves and the like). look at this thing, it doesn't generate very high quality sound effects, but it generates sound effects from "nothing"
Thank you, even though the sounds it makes sound like something from the 80s, I'm having a great time with it, and I made a good water drip sound
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Re: Re: Re: ATTN: Stricter rules re: commerical game resourc

Post by Worst »

There's also a flash version of that thing, perhaps useful for those too lazy to download the program. :P

Ontopic; while these rules might not be completely perfect, I think that they are certainly a step in the right direction.

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