Doom 2 Recolored Resource Pack [Unfinished]

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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7.

Post by BloodyAcid »

That's awesome! I thought for a while this project would be dead, though it hadn't occurred to me the monthly updates you make.

On a similar note, I want to apologize for never getting back to you on the tester thing.
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7.

Post by DefconRazor32 »

BloodyAcid wrote:That's awesome! I thought for a while this project would be dead, though it hadn't occurred to me the monthly updates you make.

On a similar note, I want to apologize for never getting back to you on the tester thing.

It's all fine and good BloodyAcid I had a feeling you were very busy considering you had real life to deal with and your own doom project to work with too.
I think most the time i felt slight depression cause i sometimes felt i wasn't getting anywhere, but i think most the time i see what others do and i tell
myself i must complete my own realm of doom2 or all will be vein if i don't get it done.
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7.

Post by DefconRazor32 »

Hey everyone I'm still in the testing phases today and sorry if the upload was late the finished version of 2.7 update it's ready now.

2.7 Update: ...

I have made the official release of the 2.7 update now i dunno if it will be unstable or not, cause I'm testing textures still , but i have gone pretty far on textures and even added some new nice looking outside textures great for canyons or rock sides. I'm still unfinished with some textures, but i been testing out a lot of new stuff. I'm hoping to get some new preview pics soon once i make a new map. I added custom light edits with a different type of texture and added all new types of nice nifty textures.

Well i better get back to the work at hand and edit the first post, I'll edit this post as well once i get everything updated. hope you enjoy the new textures. :3:
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by DefconRazor32 »

Hey i just came to let everyone know that this thread isn't dead at all i just been going through a lot of real life stuff. I will be posting beta's for the 2.8 update in the next few posts. I will be including previews for real this time as I'm too lazy to be playing around with screenshots. I will be working on and off on the 2.8 version progress. I haven't even finished the new marble edits cause i been just not motivated enough I think once i run outta of ideas then the 2.8 release will be the final version. I'm also working on the demo map ridget lately to fix some the blandness in certain rooms i think the beta will fix some the mix-matched themes and make things more detailed or varied.I hope to get some the previews as early as Saturday or Friday they are regarding the new ground, rust, and wall textures. I hope that some people will be happy that this project is still alive and well.

I promised to show some previews to come so here is one of them:
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by doomfiend »

Spiffy Texture updates. Now I gotta update my map(s) with these new ones :O
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by DefconRazor32 »

doomfiend wrote:Spiffy Texture updates. Now I gotta update my map(s) with these new ones :O

nice to read that you like the previews.

Today is another thing that will overall improve the dark terrain of Doom2 recolored including new rust and other ground textures.


Uploaded with

I'm still working on more as i go and I'm still unfinished. When ever i finish 2.8 that will be when the numbers of ideas will be fulfilled and that i will run out of ideas. The only difference will be that add-on's will still be available and other stuff that i work on will be added into the existing texture packs that i modify.
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by doomfiend »

wow... These are looking great.
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by DefconRazor32 »

Due to some technical difficulties I'm gonna be looking up another site to link my doom2recolored wad till the original files get re-uploaded from the file hosting. I'll be looking into the dropbox site stuff . I would like to thank wolfman for letting me know of the drd file site when it went down thanks much . I will be re-updating the 2.7 wad with some new resource parts to make up for my late response toward this issue as a way to show that work is still being done.

The new link will be up in a few days or hours when i'm done i'll post it here: ...

(if this link doesn't work lemme know in this thread)

mediafire back up on 2.7 now updated: ...

(if this link doesn't work lemme know in this thread)
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by DefconRazor32 »

sorry i haven't replied in a while, but i found a way to make some bloody textures literally but the only thing is it will be around only in the hardware build as doom 2's color
Palette hates my new bloody hues and saturation's. In other words if you can't run full color stuff you won't be able to utilize the bloodstained textures or other wise noted new textures. There is some good news tho i will be releasing part one of the 2.8 project textures which contains a nice amount of new rust textures for even more ruined areas and other stuff. i think as of late now, i might soon create that silent hill like doom2 themed set and finally have it finished, but we will see after the final release i'm not making a permanent date but i'm thinking maybe August or September of 2013 but that's for the software update not the hardware one. I hope to read more from everyone as the days come pass. I do hope you all know there will be more rust add-ons when I'm done with 2.8 project, so don't think this project is over yet. 8-)
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by Lippeth »

As far as I know, truecolor png files bypass Doom's palette so you can use whatever hues and shades you like without conflict even in software mode. If you're adamant on using Doom formatted files, export the iwad's colormap and only use those colors. I'm sure you can still make fantastic looking bloody textures with proper shading and contrast. Someone correct me if I'm wrong about any of this.

My thoughts on the overall project are probably nothing new, but while some textures are absolutely brilliant, others just hurt my eyes. I'm still excited to see this project evolve!
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by DefconRazor32 »

Everyone when i get a chance i'll be uploading the second beta release for the 2.8 textures pack not saying when but it will be this month found a few textures that weren't
showing when i was using doom2's original floor texture mode so i'll have to make some floor variants.

I'm also working on a real project this time i call it Vertigorock, I plan to make it just a simple side project i was wondering if anyone would like to volunteer on helping
me with this project i need help with monster and weapon placement. I made so far two areas the first might seem to be cramped but i was working on the detail but the second area won't be cramped i promise.

The second area I'm still working hard on the detail for the it, the temple spawn was already made, I'm adding the supports and other stuff. I'm planning a whole cave system and other stuff but it's subject to change.

Here's the preview:

I will be crediting anyone that decides to volunteer and help me it will be added when the map project gets done. I haven't mapped in ages so this is gonna be like motivating to help me get back to my roots and find a way to help me evolve this project further.
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by poopgai »

These textures look totally awesome! These are exactly what I was looking for my project. :D

Just curious, when you are releasing the second beta is it going to be a replacement texture pack?
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

Really, a useless bump?
I thought there was an update! >:(
I think you need to read the rules.
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by wildweasel »

The thread was only one week old. I don't think that this qualifies as a useless bump.
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Re: Doom 2 Recolored [Project] [Sprites][ Textures] ver 2.7

Post by DefconRazor32 »

I just want to clarify that i do actually put on updates, maybe not at the right times, but i do my updates nonetheless. I also like to put up that i do read the rules every-time i post in this section, if i bump in this thread it's to clarify updates and also other things including my projects hence the tags, if anyone thinks I'm wrong i respect their right to post it. Enough of my stupid dumb ranting back on topic.

poopgai thanks for commenting appreciate the feedback, this texture pack isn't really so speak a total replacement it's to compliment other existent textures from doom or doom2, I first thought about only making grunge and rust and set out on other ways to make this texture pack truly unique and even very useful. I think the only way to convey how the texture pack works is how the person mapping it uses it so i hope when i release the beta of part 2 i hope you find it useful and to your likeness.

The update for the second beta will be uploaded Sunday October 27 as of this writing. It will be uploaded on media fire and dropbox unless anyone can recommend other hosting sites .

(The official beta part two build is up on the dropbox link please give feedback if you can, the link is on the first post)
Last edited by DefconRazor32 on Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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