The other day I decided to go over some of the hand-drawn graphics in tnt that have always bothered me with their crudeness and replace them with what I consider better renders of what they are supposed to be, albeit without 'breaking-the-bank' of the existing doom graphic's artistic style.
at the time I foolishly posted them on the spriting carnival forgetting to paste them here where they should be.
well Ive made some changes since so here are the ammended versions:

ah yes the famous fence from map20.
well it now represents an actual fence this time, from duke3d originally I think.
I first changed the size and form somewhat, and then I changed the rusty brown tones for green tones to slightly suggest at colourscheme of the original. (just slightly, I didn't want it too green afterall...)
The 'broken' one was then made from the 'clean' one...
Although I posted this on the carnival I've since darkened it down somewhat.

from map27, these are just done as a doomsign design instead of the crude red letters that always reminded me of cheezy 90s wordart...
(hell, it most likely was made that way. we've all done it for something back then, right?)
still not sure if this is a reference to Hitchhiker's Guide or not.
we may never really know now...

also from map27, these are poached from Ion Fury and yes, they are just horizontally flipped but look much nicer in game nonetheless...

this is to replace the ugly green edged mesh most prominently featured outside the big green building on map21 (yeesh, that was a jarringly fugly texture...)

These doors, also from map21, now have a nice transluscent glass effect in the windows and have been generally cleaned up some.

Another from map21, this is actually quite a deviation from the original.
Instead of the awfully pallette-raped stained glass, this one is now based off of the doom2 window but resized and framed to fit with the wood textures that map21 is rife with,making it a suitable replacement, IMHO.
Like the doors above, it features a better glass effect, too.
yes, I know its nothing like the one its intended to replace, but, come on, anything is better than
that window was... ;D

back to map19 now, these windows, used in the office and computer stacks, now have the same better glass effect as used on the last two.
btw, the base of said 'glass-sheen' texture is taken from duke3d
now I'll point out that the textures with transparent glass are best viewed in gzdoom hardware mode
In software, PCWINL looks vanilla, and on DOGLPANL and DOWINDOW the glass is simply rendered 100% transparent. so its not exactly game-breaking..
however truecolour-software mode renders them fully opaque. so is not reccomended, consider yourself forewarned...
the otherstuff is fine. its all doom pallette anyway afaik.
Its just the three glass textured stuff thats effected because they feature gradient transparencies on the artwork itself...
Now, that sort of engine-exclusivity normally bothers me but on this occasion I've overlooked it as its something that could quite have easlily been done in other methods in the engine. just that this way, no coding or mapping is required. just simple replacement...
Here are some screens: