Custom Texture Thread.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
Egyptian "night sky" pattern (Doom palette, Public Domain license):

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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Corvus and Tome of Power stained glass
credits to Raven Software and ItsNatureToDie
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
Different arches
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
you don't HAVE to convert it to the doom palette at all. even if you value a "purist" approach I think it is valid to compromise on a component that exists somewhat outside the regular game world. I know that I would rather see a pretty sky than one made ugly for no real reason.
Or you could upscale it a few degrees, dither it to the doom palette, and display it at reduced scale, although that may seem both non-purist and regressive.
Or you could upscale it a few degrees, dither it to the doom palette, and display it at reduced scale, although that may seem both non-purist and regressive.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
True, but I've gotten into Boom mapping and it kinda broke my heart all my sky textures needed heavy reworking to actually look good in the Doom palette. Speaking of... this should look fairly good in vanilla Doom.

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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
the scraggly bits in the uppert part definitely remind me of some vintage doom skies, like the widely copied one out of "forest valley," I think it was called. I like the inclusion of yellows.
you could alternatively turn it monochrome and then manually use doom blues to recolor it, the sort of thing I used to do years and years ago (though more frequently with green), or the much wider range of browns to make it look that much doomier.
do you plan to pre-mirror it before using it? I also obsessively did that in the past, and often wonder if anyone else did or does.
you could alternatively turn it monochrome and then manually use doom blues to recolor it, the sort of thing I used to do years and years ago (though more frequently with green), or the much wider range of browns to make it look that much doomier.
do you plan to pre-mirror it before using it? I also obsessively did that in the past, and often wonder if anyone else did or does.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
I think I should just turn it monochrome and throw in hints of blue, since Doom only has 16 blues. Also, pre-mirroring? Dunno what you mean exactly by that.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
Just an (on topic) opinion piece:
For me, purely from a personal standpoint, I really have grown to dislike textures that have been forced into the Doom palette.
I don't mean textures designed for it from scratch; I mean textures that did not originally have a palette that was particularly close to the Doom palette in the first place. I, like I'm sure most people here, have seen so many textures like this over the years that I can spot the specific Doom palette artefacts that are caused on certain textures. You know, areas of a once mossy wall, or a slimy metal tank which now have overly large patches of greens from the 152-159 range that have lost much of their detail and subtlety as a result, large areas of grey that obviously look as if they must have had a different colour at one point, brown areas of a texture illogically having pixels from the two main brown ranges in Doom in the same area and sometimes a few dark reds thrown in for good measure. etc. etc. And if a texture had any blues other than strong (R 0 G 0 B lots) ones... Blergh! Honestly, to me it just looks awful.
I'd much rather have textures designed specifically for the Doom palette, or textures done in colours so that they compliment the Doom palette even though they might have some colours outside of it (which can actually be quite effective) or, if a texture doesn't suit being forced into the Doom palette then have it be used in its original colours.
Myself, I gave up really caring about the Doom palette a long time ago. Being freed from it is, IMO, one of the greatest things about GZDoom. I don't mean "well that gives me a license to put as many contradictory styles into a map as possible" (though I guess it kind of does
). Things still need to compliment each other. However, seeing so many once beautiful textures made ugly by brute-forcing them into Doom's colour range is such a shame. They don't look good. /opinion 
For me, purely from a personal standpoint, I really have grown to dislike textures that have been forced into the Doom palette.
I don't mean textures designed for it from scratch; I mean textures that did not originally have a palette that was particularly close to the Doom palette in the first place. I, like I'm sure most people here, have seen so many textures like this over the years that I can spot the specific Doom palette artefacts that are caused on certain textures. You know, areas of a once mossy wall, or a slimy metal tank which now have overly large patches of greens from the 152-159 range that have lost much of their detail and subtlety as a result, large areas of grey that obviously look as if they must have had a different colour at one point, brown areas of a texture illogically having pixels from the two main brown ranges in Doom in the same area and sometimes a few dark reds thrown in for good measure. etc. etc. And if a texture had any blues other than strong (R 0 G 0 B lots) ones... Blergh! Honestly, to me it just looks awful.
I'd much rather have textures designed specifically for the Doom palette, or textures done in colours so that they compliment the Doom palette even though they might have some colours outside of it (which can actually be quite effective) or, if a texture doesn't suit being forced into the Doom palette then have it be used in its original colours.
Myself, I gave up really caring about the Doom palette a long time ago. Being freed from it is, IMO, one of the greatest things about GZDoom. I don't mean "well that gives me a license to put as many contradictory styles into a map as possible" (though I guess it kind of does

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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
That is how I feel about all the low resolution in the sprite carnival!
I remember that you made something with all the blues changed to more pleasantly sky-ish tones some years ago and that might have prompted me to make my greens more vibrant, though i had swapped out redundant whites for additional purples before then (and subsequently had to clone and slightly recolor regular sprites that somehow distinguished between the redundant whites).
A lot of people are primarily interested in filtering their ideas through a retro aesthetic, especially with more and more self-describing "game dev" sorts who get recognition for doing that. without a model to strive after they don't know where to start or stop, I suppose. I got stuck on doom early and just never finished anything so I enjoy no longer being blocked at arbitrary points, but do now and then have a bit of regret about parting with an element that I thought stood against but within the limits particularly well.
I remember that you made something with all the blues changed to more pleasantly sky-ish tones some years ago and that might have prompted me to make my greens more vibrant, though i had swapped out redundant whites for additional purples before then (and subsequently had to clone and slightly recolor regular sprites that somehow distinguished between the redundant whites).
A lot of people are primarily interested in filtering their ideas through a retro aesthetic, especially with more and more self-describing "game dev" sorts who get recognition for doing that. without a model to strive after they don't know where to start or stop, I suppose. I got stuck on doom early and just never finished anything so I enjoy no longer being blocked at arbitrary points, but do now and then have a bit of regret about parting with an element that I thought stood against but within the limits particularly well.
doom matches sky textures to the in-game angles, which go right to left instead of left to right, which results in the graphics showing up backwards. most people don't notice, but once I did notice, it forever-after bothered me to see my own skies have that happen to them.Also, pre-mirroring? Dunno what you mean exactly by that.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
Christmas patches for everyone to use in projects:

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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
WIMAP2 remake with HOMM3 graphics
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
I've disassembled the doom 1 E3 sky, which I don't think has been done before:
and this is what I came up with when messing around with it:

if you feel like giving it a try for fun I'd love to see what you can come up with! this is probably one of the skies that gets the least amount of full blown edits so it'd be interesting to see what can be done with it.
and this is what I came up with when messing around with it:

if you feel like giving it a try for fun I'd love to see what you can come up with! this is probably one of the skies that gets the least amount of full blown edits so it'd be interesting to see what can be done with it.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
it would be neat to see the smoke animated and maybe the rocks glowing, and I could probably do that, though I probably won't. not today, anyway.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.
Personally I don't think it's meant to be smoke, rather clouds/mist, https://i.imgur.com/1OYYHE1.png like that. But it certainly could work with an edit of some kind.