Doomsday Engine Flare?

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Re: Doomsday Engine Flare?

Post by amv2k9 »

Sergeant_Mark_IV wrote:This is interesting. I tried it out, but it seems that the Doomsday engine renders the flare AND a glow. I used Blox's alpha flare with 50% translucency over the Brutal Doom glow, and I think it worked very well.
Looks OK, but there should be different flare graphics with the starburst effect at different angles, so that decorations don't have the exact same-looking flare effect.
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Re: Doomsday Engine Flare?

Post by Minigunner »

One thing I would like to point out is that the usage in the above screenshot is rather gratuitous. IMO I would reserve flares like that for small, intensely-bright objects, while bigger objects get a "glow" that has the same shape as the object's outline. Also, these flares should be more visible in darker areas, but I don't know, that's just me.

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