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I am still debating on rather or not to finish my HUD (heads up display) It contains the old Zdoom hud as well as the New Bar HUD at the top of the screen to satisfy both types of players who Likes / Doesn't like just the Bar HUD / Zdoom HUD
It's based off of some Halo cmt mod with slight modifications, etc... If you want it... I'll finish it, and if you want any more improvements on it Feel free to ask and I will more then likely jump on it
If Skull tag would update and add some Resolution command in the Sbarinfo then yes... It would be ST Compatible, as it stands now, the Old HUD doesn't work very well, as in the old bar is in the middle of the screen... same with the auto map... and then after that I have to place the key icons somewhere probably in the top right corner like usual, maybe a mug shot some where... Still debating rather or not I should display Secrets found, Monster's killed / Monsters remaining, and a timer...
oh right... it also has a small script in it so I will make a version if you plan to play this on ST... (I think the script is in the 800's?) This script is like a small Health warning thingy when your heath goes under 35... No its not a flashing red screen, its more along the lines of that halo shield beep when the shields are empty... also since I'm moving tomorrow, I will be online again on the 27th... and possibly upload the HUD then... CHeers
Done... and Done... Text for Vitality and Shields are now bolder... had to change the color to lets say... Yellow / white so it does not fit in with the out side boarders...
Aside from that... I was wondering how does one make another bar... on top of the normal health bar when your health / armor goes over 100? I was thinking on making the health bar go from red to an orangy yellow... and the armor bar goes into a light blue... I could change the colors but I just don't know how to do the code in general... any ideas? Im at my brothers place so I can not show any progress on the HUD so far... and when It comes to releasing it... do what ever you want with it... include it in a mod... etc... No permission needed... my stuff is everyone's stuff :3 after all... I am using other people's resources so its only fair...
Alright I started to work on this again, Sadly this will NOT be for Skulltag, because a script is needed for the resolution... How ever If you wish I can make it so host's or wad authors can have the wad (this hud) hosted thus working as it should be for the skulltag servers, but that just means it won't work if you put it in the skins folder D: ... oh well, maybe one of these days they will update the sbarinfo and fix it... Aside from the said "issues" as stated above anything else would you people like to see in this hud? I don't want to make it too cluttered I want to keep it simple and not an eye soar which will take up needless space on the player's screen, Which is why I added the old school zdoom hud to satisfy the old school doomers who just want to know the stats of their hp and what not... I dunno if I want to mess around with the status bar hud though... but it does seem like It could use a face lift for something different I guess...
Note: if you want to use this wad as an addon for you're project... go right ahead... all my project(s) are for you guy's :3