can you make the defiler shotguns tertiary attack free? To many things already use mana, there has to be a easy way to knock a enemy back. I mean comeon. Using mana to keep a single enemy from mauling you? I know necromancer is a bit to weak to kick them away but seriously.. and shorten the long delay in between doing it.
the jump and crouch key doesn't seem to work in Whispers of Satan.
Valherran wrote:
7. Blood Magic - Why does the alt-fire bounce off of walls and try to hit you 4x harder and faster than what you threw it for initially? This weapon would be better if it refunded some or all of the mana back if you kill a target to steal HP, and NOT hurt you on return.
This is my thoughts exactly. As soon as used the alt fire I was confused.. why was I getting injured? Why was it flying back at me so fast that it knocks a big chunk of my health, why was I even using it... I reckon that remaining stationary should be rewarded. It should only give you health if it comes back to you.. much like how blood magic works for the Tremere in World of Darkness. Perhaps give you a small portion of the mana it cost to cast back, as well.
That way it makes it more difficult to utilize effectively against multiple ranged enemies. But fairly effective at groups of melee enemies. Leaving the primary attack functioning the same way it does now, only useful against a single enemy that you can get close to fast.
Valherran wrote:3. Leech Sword - A sword that steals life at the cost of mana is pointless in a survival type MOD such as this. This weapon would be better suited as a mana stealing weapon that DOESN'T cost life to use. It is really risky and/or dangerous to get into melee combat in this MOD, using the shotgun point blank is pushing it as it is..
Leech sword seems to be just a beefier close range version of the blood magic's alternate attack, although I can see how it clearly is no where near as good as a chainsaw, and enemies are quite deadly. I don't presume to know how to balance it, but that does sound like a potential way... giving us something we don't already have.