ROTT TC - Update 1.6 [save bug fixed]

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el zee
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by el zee »

cq75 wrote:
Enemies using jump pads
[wiki]ThrustThingZ[/wiki] activated by an "actor hits floor" thing doesn't work on enemies?
The dual pistols kinda 'shake' because you cant do decorate offsets for two separate images.
Why are the pistols two separate images? When I do dual wielding weapons, I use one image; one pistol is just idle while the other is firing.

You could use TEXTURES for that, too.
The jump pads are actually items which you pickup, and it drops another in exactly the same place, they're also animated.

The pistols could be two separate images, (in fact they were when I started) however you can't do the 'offsets' in decorate (which is the recoil effect).
In originall ROTT each pistol jumped back in recoil as it fired.If someone can figure it out i'll implement it.

Obviously this is never going to be exactly like the original rott, however if anyone has any ideas on how to improve things, I'm all for it.
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by Jimmy »

I have a monstrously annoying problem - saves are broken. I'm onto the second map of the first episode, and any attempt to save beyond the starting room results in ZDoom crashing. I will attempt to reproduce this and present a crash log.
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by Gez »

el zee wrote:Polyobjects killing, but not gibbing
Put this in your MAPINFO in a DefaultMap section at the very beginning:

Code: Select all

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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by Project Shadowcat »

Jimmy wrote:I have a monstrously annoying problem - saves are broken. I'm onto the second map of the first episode, and any attempt to save beyond the starting room results in ZDoom crashing. I will attempt to reproduce this and present a crash log.
el zee has stated a couple times that it is related to God Mode messing up everything.
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by Zaero »

yuyu3 wrote:Hey man, there is something about the sky, i know that you used the same resources of rott but,.. it looks ugly!, maybe you can use the skybox from the glrott, and also the 3d pads in md2.. i would look great.
A really good idea! There are lots of cool stuff made for WinRottGL. Some HiRes pack would be nice.
el zee wrote: The pistols could be two separate images, (in fact they were when I started) however you can't do the 'offsets' in decorate (which is the recoil effect).
In originall ROTT each pistol jumped back in recoil as it fired.If someone can figure it out i'll implement it.

Obviously this is never going to be exactly like the original rott, however if anyone has any ideas on how to improve things, I'm all for it.
Well, I'm not much into the zdoom scripting but I made a dual pistol replacement (among some other things) for chaingun (Wolf3D TC), and this worked perfectly well when used as a single image (images attached). Anyway it should be even possible to make them recoil separately by editing of the frames, instead of scripts.

El Zee: Hope you can make some use of the attachment - tell me.
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by hammer oz »

Well i just played through a couple of levels and i am loving it so far.

The only problem i found is some levels are missing gads on some of the walkways and the firebomb is not working properly. it does way to little damage and the x explosion made doesnt even damage any of the enemies only the projectile does and even that does little damage :(

EDIT nevermind about the gads they where secrets ad the occasionel few that wereh missing leading you to fall into a pit of lava :3:
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by Wargasm92 »

I. Want. It.

Please, for the love of all that's unholy and DooMish, include the barkblast weapon. Love that.

Otherwise, looks great, but you need more than one colour scheme for those textures.
Wargasm92, out.
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by Machalite »

Hard to play each level in one sitting while save games are broken (the autosaves at the beginnings of levels work, though), but here's a couple of bug reports: ... 82946.jpg/
In map three, there's not enough space between the lip above this door and bottom of the staircase to fit through. ... 91420.jpg/
Also in map three, I assumed this floating block wasn't intentional. ... 35302.jpg/
This spot in map four is missing some platforms.

I noticed the Firebomb doesn't explode in a north-south-east-west pattern like it did in ROTT; it orients itself with the player.

Also, did you mean for the player to hold all of the weapons? I wasn't sure, in case this was a bug to do with the version of ZDoom I'm using. I'm using the r1205 subversion of GZDoom.

Other than that I'm waiting to see this save game bug get resolved before I proceed any further. Thoroughly impressed with it so far.
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by el zee »

Wargasm92 wrote:I. Want. It.

Please, for the love of all that's unholy and DooMish, include the barkblast weapon. Love that.

Otherwise, looks great, but you need more than one colour scheme for those textures.
Wargasm92, out.
You can do a barkblast, just pick up a dogmode, or summon one if you can't find one.
Machalite wrote:Hard to play each level in one sitting while save games are broken (the autosaves at the beginnings of levels work, though), but here's a couple of bug reports: ... 82946.jpg/
In map three, there's not enough space between the lip above this door and bottom of the staircase to fit through. ... 91420.jpg/
Also in map three, I assumed this floating block wasn't intentional. ... 35302.jpg/
This spot in map four is missing some platforms.

I noticed the Firebomb doesn't explode in a north-south-east-west pattern like it did in ROTT; it orients itself with the player.

Also, did you mean for the player to hold all of the weapons? I wasn't sure, in case this was a bug to do with the version of ZDoom I'm using. I'm using the r1205 subversion of GZDoom.

Other than that I'm waiting to see this save game bug get resolved before I proceed any further. Thoroughly impressed with it so far.
Fixed the map issues.

The firebomb isn't like ROTT, the levels aren't square so I thought its more practical to have it fire from the players angle.

Yes, the player is allowed to hold all the weapons. :D
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by el zee »

Here's an updated version (1.4), it can be run standalone.

The save bug is still there, I'm thinking it might be a Zdoom Bug.

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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by Meg@Doomer »

I feel I must post this - I'm using the latest SVN of ZDoom to play this game (r3249 July 5, 2011) and am on the first player and third difficulty ("I'm in my element: Lead."). I've experimented with the first level of both the demo episode and the full episode, and in each case have collected 100 life points and received the subsequent god mode. I then used test savegames to find out what the bug is, and in both cases, the bug would not trigger (my test savegame worked fine). I'm wondering if anyone knows specifically how to replicate the godmode savegame bug.

I also sent a PM to el zee about this. This post appears on the Doomworld ROTT thread as well.
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by FANG2 »

After getting a powerup once(godmode, dogmode, etc) future powerup pickups will not give you their effect. I used "take godmode" in the console and then it worked. This is for both kinds of godmode afaik.
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by Meg@Doomer »

I am REALLY trying to figure out how to replicate this bug and to no avail so far.

I am now on ZDoom r3263. "take godmode" in the console didn't do anything as far as I know. And I ran Map12 (second level of the first episode) up to 100 points, tried to trigger the bug, and it didn't trigger.
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - RELEASED!!!

Post by PFL »

I like this game a lot. Wasn't aware of this Triad thing. The levels are great looking and they play great too. I wonder how hard it is supposed to be since i took a chance with the highest level and feel it's easy. Many great features in that, like the fishnet or the gasmask. Excellent work.
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Re: ROTT TC - Return of the Triad - Update (1.5)

Post by el zee »

There's an update on pg1, with lots of level fixes.

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