To everybody: thanks for trying the mod! Plus, you surely know well how to do playtesting...
I noticed that some weapons cannot be switched to if you have no ammo for them, leads to issues with the weight management mechanic.
Good point. I shall have to check the non-reoadable, ammo-fed weapons and correct the bug.
Also, I think the standard attack for the sword should not alert enemies.
Seconded! Gotta check that.
I think the shotgun should drop from enemies way more often too, I've played through maps 2 and 3 of Doom II and I have not encountered it at all despite all the shotgunners in those maps.
Yeah, that could be done. As a matter of fact, I've tried to balance the random spawners as much as possible, but for the lower-tier weapons a few exra spawns shouldn't harm.
There's also some issues with using cheats, for example using 'give all' (before or after you pick up a shotgun through normal means) makes the shotgun only fire one shot per pump and it becomes no longer possible to do its alternate fire (pressing alt fire will execute the normal shot).
I checked the code again, and found a bug in the "MaxAmount" specified for the fire-management inventory item. That was a hard one to spot!

BTW, remember that if you want to cheat without breaking the weapon mechanics, there's always the "rsl" console command...
Also, using 'take all' then acquiring the weapons either through cheat or normal means makes their reload function no longer work.
Hmmm, I never tried that before. But keep in mind that the special items for reloading are given as start items to the player class, so taking them away would irreversibly break the game anyway.
The pipebomb no longer functions too if you use the give all cheat.
I have to investigate - at first glance, the bug does not seem obvious. But let me say that, considered that you have the special "rsl" cheat, this has lower priority.
Hey, cheating is not fair!
I think the range before the turret function of the harvester deploys should be shorter. If possible, make the player be able to determine the range, like by pressing the alt fire key when a turret is in flight, it stops and deploys.
Good idea! It may make it into the fixed reupload...
I suggest that the ammo counter is placed elsewhere, the game messages block it.
Hmm, I thought about that too. Maybe lowering it a bit should work.
I also suggest that the plasma concentrator is raised a little bit because the hud currently blocks its LED display.
Should be doable - I have a few sprite lines still available...
Not sure if this is intentional but armor extenders increase max armor past 200. This is unlike health extenders where it only extends the max health medkits and stimpaks can restore.
Yes! That was partly due to the way extenders are implemented. But for armor, I guess a rare, generous bonus like that shouldn't be too cheap...
The shotgunners drop shells that have the same sprite as ordinary shell (4 shells) pickups, even give the message 'picked up 4 shotgun shells' but, as opposed to the ordinary shell pick ups, they only give two shells.
Uuuh, strange. Does not appear like that in the code, but I need to try it a few times to say more...
I've discovered a big glitch with the Silver Magnum. If you drop it and pick it back up, you'll have six more rounds of ammo than you had before. This can be repeated as much as you want, giving you unlimited ammo.
Another good point! I shall fix that too.
The entropy collider? I never understood why that thing was so goddamn heavy, how come Salvo can lift it up with only one hand?
Heh... I don't like too much to give this justification, but as somebody said before me, it could be called "gamism".

Other than that, it's just a tradeoff for what should be the most powerful, non-magic weapon in the game.
One hand, you say? But look better, there's two chain-like stabilizer belts on both sides of the collider...
Bottom line: you've found a bunch of bugs, guys! Thanks for highlighting them, and expect a fixed version ASAP!