[MUCH-FIXED 25/10/2011] Adventures of Salvo Jettison

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Re: [RELEASED] Adventures of Salvo Jettison...

Post by Ethril »

This is completely awesome.

I've found a bug, though. Occasionally, when killing enemies close-up, I just randomly get instagibbed. I suspect the problem is either from gibs that have damage values other than 0, or something to do with the headshot system.
Also, it'd be really cool if you could deploy multiple bombs at a time for setting up bigger traps, but I don't know how that would be doable with both fire modes being taken already. :?
The Plasma Concentrator is amazingly fun to use, but I think the projectile might actually be a bit *too* big. It's practically unusable against enemies lower than you, for example.
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Re: [RELEASED] Adventures of Salvo Jettison...

Post by rsl »

This is completely awesome.
:D Thank you :!:
I've found a bug, though. Occasionally, when killing enemies close-up, I just randomly get instagibbed. I suspect the problem is either from gibs that have damage values other than 0, or something to do with the headshot system.
Good point! Thanks for noticing. I'll have to check the gore system and the headshot damage type.
Also, it'd be really cool if you could deploy multiple bombs at a time for setting up bigger traps, but I don't know how that would be doable with both fire modes being taken already.
Yeah, I had thought about that too, but that would have effectively required mapping another key for the bombs only, and I'd rather like to avoid that to keep the weapon code structure as clean as possible (not that is not a complicated mess already! :P).
However, what would you think about tossing a series of them by holding the primary fire key after having thrown the first one :?: After all, if you happen to have misplaced one of them you can always disengage the whole set at once... :wink:
The Plasma Concentrator is amazingly fun to use, but I think the projectile might actually be a bit *too* big. It's practically unusable against enemies lower than you, for example.
I noticed that too - in its current status, it seems actually impossible to use also in low-ceiling corridors. I'd better retune the projectile size! :)
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Re: [RELEASED] Adventures of Salvo Jettison...

Post by Ethril »

rsl wrote:However, what would you think about tossing a series of them by holding the primary fire key after having thrown the first one :?: After all, if you happen to have misplaced one of them you can always disengage the whole set at once... :wink:
I was thinking about that, actually. Sounds good to me.
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Re: [RELEASED] Adventures of Salvo Jettison...

Post by chronoteeth »

I've honestly had a lot of fun with these. You may not make some of the biggest, fanciest weapon mods out there, but honestly they just keep getting better and better. They're like the armas wads of day, if they didn't suck.

Seriously, I like this more than even the likes of diaz and zero tolerance. Yeah thats just my opinion, but everything just feels not only fun and new, but still doom man. That fact alone makes me honestly say you're probably my favorite weapon modder out right now.

It isn't the biggest
It isn't the fanciest
It isn't even the most different
But good lord, they dont need to be. Your mods these days just do everything right for doom being doom
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Re: [RELEASED] Adventures of Salvo Jettison...

Post by JimmyJ »

I have a couple minor gripes about the infantry rifle. It doesn't have any hands holding it, so it looks like it's just floating in front of you.

Additionally, the bullet casings come out from the gun pretty far up, so it kinda looks like they're coming out from in front of the gun. They also go leftwards, the same side the magazine is on, and I think it would make more sense for them to come out going right instead.
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Re: [RELEASED] Adventures of Salvo Jettison...

Post by rsl »

@Chronoteeth: :D Thanks a lot! I'm glad to know you appreciated it! :D

@JimmyJ: I agree on the fact it could really improve with the view of an arm holding it. Hmmm, shouldn't be hard to add in the next build... I'll have to check out! As for the bullet casings, it's a correct observation - count it as done, too. Thanks for pointing out! :)
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Re: [RELEASED] Adventures of Salvo Jettison...

Post by ArchXeno »

Awesome as usual. My only complaint is with the Plasma Concentration gun. It feels too slow to be usefull
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Re: [RELEASED] Adventures of Salvo Jettison...

Post by Ethril »

ArchXeno wrote:Awesome as usual. My only complaint is with the Plasma Concentration gun. It feels too slow to be usefull
It's very useful against things like clustered Barons... It is rather slow, but if it was too much faster it would be way overpowered. Try starting the fire sequence before opening a door, and then stepping through when it's about to fire, though. "SURPRISE!" :BFG:
did i just use one of the spammy weapon smilies in a legitimate fashion? i didn't think it was possible.
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Re: [RELEASED] Adventures of Salvo Jettison...

Post by rsl »

Thank you ArchXeno! :D However, regarding the Plasma Concentrator I guess Ethril has got the right tactics (and smiley!) about... Consider that I started experimenting with even lower speed values before settling on this one... :shock:

BTW guys, on /IDGames you can download the updated (and hopefully bugfixed) version of the modification. The link on the first post still applies.
Here's a brief listing of the major changes:

- specialized TekBow damage to improve on the weapon role.
- balanced starting equipment and cryofuel spawning.
- provided a new, more-readable small font (thanks Hellser!).
- fixed Tubular Bombs explosion, balanced their explosive power, commented out all debug messages (thanks Hellser!), made them multiply-spawnable at once by holding primary fire (thanks Ethril!).
- fixed Plasma Concentrator projectile to travel in narrow spaces (thanks Ethril!).
- improved Infantry Rifle appearance with sustaining hand and proper bullet casings (thanks JimmyJ!).
- prevented accidental instagib bug due to headshot damagetype (thanks Ethril!).

So I guess... Have fun! :mrgreen:
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Re: [UPDATED 01/10/2011] Salvo Jettison... NOW WITH EXTRA FA

Post by rsl »


A new update to the mod has just been uploaded to the archives (the old link always applies).
Among its highlights:

- four new weapons (to give a bit more choice and variety to the weight system):
1. Silver Magnum,
2. Cluster Swarmer,
3. Laser Cruiser,
4. Harvester Machine.
- a fix for HUD proportions when switching to fullscreen mode (pointed out by the /newstuff review).
- enabling of the originally-conceived fullscreen HUD (with animated ammunition bars on the top-left corner of the screen).

Enjoy! :wink:
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Re: [UPDATED 01/10/2011] Salvo Jettison, NOW WITH EXTRA FAT!

Post by JimmyJ »

I quite like the sound of a Silver Magnum, downloading right away.
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Re: [UPDATED 01/10/2011] Salvo Jettison, NOW WITH EXTRA FAT!

Post by VicRattlehead »

I noticed that some weapons cannot be switched to if you have no ammo for them, leads to issues with the weight management mechanic.

The orange c shaped thing
The desizer
The tekbow
The harvester

Also, I think the standard attack for the sword should not alert enemies.

I think the shotgun should drop from enemies way more often too, I've played through maps 2 and 3 of Doom II and I have not encountered it at all despite all the shotgunners in those maps.

There's also some issues with using cheats, for example using 'give all' (before or after you pick up a shotgun through normal means) makes the shotgun only fire one shot per pump and it becomes no longer possible to do its alternate fire (pressing alt fire will execute the normal shot). Also, using 'take all' then acquiring the weapons either through cheat or normal means makes their reload function no longer work.

EDIT: The pipebomb no longer functions too if you use the give all cheat.

I think the range before the turret function of the harvester deploys should be shorter. If possible, make the player be able to determine the range, like by pressing the alt fire key when a turret is in flight, it stops and deploys.

I suggest that the ammo counter is placed elsewhere, the game messages block it. I also suggest that the plasma concentrator is raised a little bit because the hud currently blocks its LED display.

Not sure if this is intentional but armor extenders increase max armor past 200. This is unlike health extenders where it only extends the max health medkits and stimpaks can restore.

The shotgunners drop shells that have the same sprite as ordinary shell (4 shells) pickups, even give the message 'picked up 4 shotgun shells' but, as opposed to the ordinary shell pick ups, they only give two shells.
Last edited by VicRattlehead on Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:05 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: [UPDATED 01/10/2011] Salvo Jettison, NOW WITH EXTRA FAT!

Post by Tapwave »

VicRattlehead wrote: The orange c shaped thing
The entropy collider? I never understood why that thing was so goddamn heavy, how come Salvo can lift it up with only one hand?
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Re: [UPDATED 01/10/2011] Salvo Jettison, NOW WITH EXTRA FAT!

Post by JimmyJ »

I've discovered a big glitch with the Silver Magnum. If you drop it and pick it back up, you'll have six more rounds of ammo than you had before. This can be repeated as much as you want, giving you unlimited ammo.
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Re: [UPDATED 01/10/2011] Salvo Jettison, NOW WITH EXTRA FAT!

Post by rsl »

To everybody: thanks for trying the mod! Plus, you surely know well how to do playtesting... :wink:
I noticed that some weapons cannot be switched to if you have no ammo for them, leads to issues with the weight management mechanic.
Good point. I shall have to check the non-reoadable, ammo-fed weapons and correct the bug.
Also, I think the standard attack for the sword should not alert enemies.
Seconded! Gotta check that.
I think the shotgun should drop from enemies way more often too, I've played through maps 2 and 3 of Doom II and I have not encountered it at all despite all the shotgunners in those maps.
Yeah, that could be done. As a matter of fact, I've tried to balance the random spawners as much as possible, but for the lower-tier weapons a few exra spawns shouldn't harm.
There's also some issues with using cheats, for example using 'give all' (before or after you pick up a shotgun through normal means) makes the shotgun only fire one shot per pump and it becomes no longer possible to do its alternate fire (pressing alt fire will execute the normal shot).
I checked the code again, and found a bug in the "MaxAmount" specified for the fire-management inventory item. That was a hard one to spot! :D
BTW, remember that if you want to cheat without breaking the weapon mechanics, there's always the "rsl" console command...
Also, using 'take all' then acquiring the weapons either through cheat or normal means makes their reload function no longer work.
Hmmm, I never tried that before. But keep in mind that the special items for reloading are given as start items to the player class, so taking them away would irreversibly break the game anyway.
The pipebomb no longer functions too if you use the give all cheat.
I have to investigate - at first glance, the bug does not seem obvious. But let me say that, considered that you have the special "rsl" cheat, this has lower priority.
Hey, cheating is not fair! :wink:
I think the range before the turret function of the harvester deploys should be shorter. If possible, make the player be able to determine the range, like by pressing the alt fire key when a turret is in flight, it stops and deploys.
Good idea! It may make it into the fixed reupload...
I suggest that the ammo counter is placed elsewhere, the game messages block it.
Hmm, I thought about that too. Maybe lowering it a bit should work.
I also suggest that the plasma concentrator is raised a little bit because the hud currently blocks its LED display.
Should be doable - I have a few sprite lines still available...
Not sure if this is intentional but armor extenders increase max armor past 200. This is unlike health extenders where it only extends the max health medkits and stimpaks can restore.
Yes! That was partly due to the way extenders are implemented. But for armor, I guess a rare, generous bonus like that shouldn't be too cheap...
The shotgunners drop shells that have the same sprite as ordinary shell (4 shells) pickups, even give the message 'picked up 4 shotgun shells' but, as opposed to the ordinary shell pick ups, they only give two shells.
Uuuh, strange. Does not appear like that in the code, but I need to try it a few times to say more...
I've discovered a big glitch with the Silver Magnum. If you drop it and pick it back up, you'll have six more rounds of ammo than you had before. This can be repeated as much as you want, giving you unlimited ammo.
Another good point! I shall fix that too.
The entropy collider? I never understood why that thing was so goddamn heavy, how come Salvo can lift it up with only one hand?
Heh... I don't like too much to give this justification, but as somebody said before me, it could be called "gamism". :3: Other than that, it's just a tradeoff for what should be the most powerful, non-magic weapon in the game.
One hand, you say? But look better, there's two chain-like stabilizer belts on both sides of the collider... :)

Bottom line: you've found a bunch of bugs, guys! Thanks for highlighting them, and expect a fixed version ASAP! :D

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