Winter's Fury

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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by Pyroscourge »

Yay, a gameplay-ish trailer!

Recently I have been trying to finish up my work on Winter's Fury Part 2, as it keeps distracting me from my other projects like Hpack and some others. (Sorry Torm and Jimmy! :P )
So, I decided to devote all my time to finishing it, and now I am up to beta testing! Although, this time I will have Private beta testing instead of public. Beta testing will consist of a revamped and improved version of Part 1, and the new Part 2. If you want to participate in beta testing, feel free to leave a comment in this thread, or PM me. I'm not sure how many testers I will take at the moment, or what order I will take them in.

Otherwise, here are some screenshots!
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by insightguy »

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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by DoomSplitter »

WOW, that looks really good! I don't really like the weapon replacements though.
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by scalliano »

Excuse me while I gather my tongue.

This project keeps getting better.
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by esselfortium »

Looks neat :)

I still really hate that cartoony and monotone snow texture, though, and for a GL project there shouldn't be much problem getting a much better one...
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by insightguy »

this mod will always remind me of this:
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by Pyroscourge »

Thanks for the comments!
esselfortium wrote:I still really hate that cartoony and monotone snow texture, though, and for a GL project there shouldn't be much problem getting a much better one...
Odd, I don't really notice it. Perhaps it's because I have been working with the texture for so long that I am so used to seeing it everywhere, and it looks normal.
However, I decided to try and change it anyway!


Does that look any better? That simply has the walls changed to be the new texture, keeping the floor the same, which isn't really that different from the first one anyway, but at least makes it look more rocky and solid. It would seem I am having a lot of trouble getting a much better one. :P

But hey, I am open to any suggestions you might have, I barely trust myself when it comes to environmental texturing.
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by esselfortium »

That's maybe a bit better, but I really just hate all the usual snow textures for Doom wads, heh. :P To me they just look like fuzzy white cloth or something.
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by printz »

How would you fix it? By making sure objects leave trails on it? By making it pile up in places like real snow?
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by esselfortium »

By using a better texture. I didn't say a thing about special effects. ... Grnl_2.jpg ... 98799.jpeg ... s%2077.jpg ... a_snow.JPG ... -24-11.jpg ... slands.JPG

Notice that none of these really look like any of those snow textures :P

Think about the stuff underneath all that snow. Dirt, rock, maybe some grass and other vegetation, etc. You're not just looking at snow, you're looking at snow on top of other things, and the usual snow textures for Doom don't really hint at that, they just filter some frostiness onto a rock wall so it looks like ice cream.

(Someone will probably point me to a picture of solid white snow. That's not the point. :P)
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by Pyroscourge »

Well, with my limited texture editing skill I came up with this:

Image Image

Old to New comparison.

Looks a bit grittier, but still kinda looks like somebody just slapped the snow all over, not to mention it's a bit darker.
I think that getting something like true snow to look right in doom is very difficult. I don't want to use any high-res either, as they just look silly. I am starting to notice why there is a lack of snowy maps. :P
That, or I am really bad at texturing. :3:

Well, uh, more screenshots!
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by Enjay »

I really like these maps / screens.

I agree that snow is a very hard thing to get right in Doom. However, I would suggest that getting something that gives the right feeling counts more than something that is actually an accurate representation of how things really look. I would say that your maps are doing that. They look cold and wintry and I feel chilly just looking at them. IMO that means they are doing their job. Let's face it, we happily accept the grass flats in Doom2 and they look about as much (or perhaps even less) like real grass as your snow textures look like snow.
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by Gez »

To say nothing about Doom's water textures. Yeah, something like a translucent 3D floor with a pixel shaded ripple texture would look more realistic, but screw it, everyone gets that it's water even if the texture is absurd.
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by Cage »

Love the established atmosphere, the Spas12 shotgun replacement sucks animation wise, imo.

I usually prefer classic/software mode projects, but the opengl effects like lights and fog work very well here and aren't excessive.

Keep up the good work!
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Re: Winter's Fury

Post by printz »

Enjay wrote:Let's face it, we happily accept the grass flats in Doom2 and they look about as much (or perhaps even less) like real grass as ...
They look like football pitch grass ;)
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