The boombox sprite was by kinsie, I just put the chex hands on it.
My stuff is free to use as long as you credit me, Arch129 and Strife feel the same way.
Chex Warrior getting zorched sprites, very important for deathmatch/CTF
<- made by Arch129 - I posted them all here to make a complete set.
<- made by Arch129
Flem micro missile sprites, I did these a long time ago, they're not great, but maybe somebody will have a use for it. They look pretty nice in game.
A "Flazball", an alternative laz-esque projectile. Currently unused
Zorchsphere (doomsphere replacement)
I don't think I need to explain this one
Boombox by kinsie, chex hands put on by me, I also cleaned the boombox up a little.
CL Zorcher sprites. Not great looking, but usable, I'd like to redo this
Projectile (small)
A fancy Chex Quest status bar
created by a user named Strife, modified slightly by me. It never got used in a game. Please credit him, though.
Zorch gloves, some of the hardest sprites I've done
the arm doesn't look quite right, and they look a little flat in places, but other than that, I'm happy with them