Brütal Doom v0.18

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Re: Brütal Doom v0.18

Post by Valherran »

How about you all ignore the recent events and quit derailing this further than it already has. If anyone is making this get out of hand, it's the rest of you taking shots at Sarge, not Sarge himself. It is a matter for admins to deal with, not a public execution vote. <.<

Back on topic:
*Lower the consumption rate of the plasma flamer to 2, or at very least 2.5, similar how the revenant launcher was. Players already need to compromise range (and safety) to use it, so it shouldn't feel entirely inferior so inferior to the bfg and normal plasma fire in terms of ammo consumption. 1 bfg shot easily does more damage than a full clip of plasma blazing, is safer to use for the player, and it only uses 40 ammo, and not 50. and plasma bolts are a little slower to kill, are much more efficient, and higher range.
Or you could increase the range a bit, and have it deal more damage? Your idea is good too though, this is just an alternative.
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Re: Brütal Doom v0.18

Post by Hornetzero »

A good start would be if Weasel blocks useless and annoying members like Ghostbreed from this thread. I never hear anything good from them.

(Warned; flaming is not tolerated regardless of whether someone "deserves" it.)
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Re: Brütal Doom v0.18

Post by Ghostbreed »

I knew someone like you would say just that. Yes, ban those who just state their opinions and let those who urge other to commit suicide stay on the boards.
Sure thing. Weasel, remove my account. I can't stand this cesspool of a forum if that's how the rules are here.

(Banned due to excessive warns, and besides, if someone wants their account closed, who am I to deny them?)
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Re: Brütal Doom v0.18

Post by wildweasel »

Thread closed. A response will be forthcoming as soon as I am at a proper keyboard.

[edit] Appropriate moderator action has been taken in all cases where it has been deemed necessary. This thread will remain closed.

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