Brütal Doom v0.18

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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by .+:icytux:+. »

Doomhuntress wrote:how about making the trees burst in green flames when a Hell Noble hits it, and make it vaporise when a Caco hits it?
I know it might look cool this way. But note that if you would light up a tree with a greenflame in reality. the tree would still burn the normal color. The color of the flame comes from what is actually burning, what is used as a fuel, not from what it was ignited by. And we all know what flamecolor wood has don't we.
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by Zombieguy »

Sergeant_Mark_IV wrote:@Vaecrius: Interesting, Could you copy-paste the KEYINFO lump you made?

@Doomhuntress: Yes, they are. Actually, wood can burn for many hours. And I like the burn with green fire idea. I don't know how to make such an option, but I think I will reduce their volume.

@bwc153: Yes, I can do the Marine thing for you. It doesnt take too much time actually.

@Zombieguy: Are you sure those casings are not hitting the water?

@Xaser: I didn't knew about that. Thanks.
No. They are hitting the water, once the casings hit liquid it splashes and sinks (as it should be). But what should not be visible on the water is the blood, and sparks. And, I think the casings should be visible on solid ground for at least 10 seconds.
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by Matt »

Minor suggestion, after playing a map where I had to retreat to regenerate a few times and had to backtrack some major distances:

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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by Jake Crusher »

Yeah, this mod definetely gives more feedback from killing demons, that's for sure. :twisted:

But I wanted to ask - maybe in the next release, there will be death animations from dying:
1) In lava? (it's not that as if I have something against this acid-melting death animation, but still...)
2) In blood?
However, the second thing is quite mysterious. For are there any suggestions or opinions how blood should kill Doomguy? Or this death animation displays when player dies in a sector which slowly drains player's health?
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by wildweasel »

The one problem with that: unless he's capable of detecting what floor texture is in use (Doom doesn't determine damage on a per-texture basis - it's just a sector effect), he'd have to use one generic effect for all damaging floors.
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by Sergeant_Mark_IV »

@Vaecrius: it sounds cool, but flies in some places like Hell, or Mars wouldn't look weird?

@Jake Crusher: Unfortunely, like weasel said, the damage detection for slime/blood/lava is generic, then I can make only one animation.

@ZombieGuy: The blood on water has been a persistent problem since 0.1. I have already tried all possible flag combinations. The only one that seems to work is the +DOOMBOUNCE with Boucefactor 0.01, but unfortunely, this would remove the blood decals on walls, since bouncing actors doesnt generate decals.

I finished a new build. It fixes/updates lots of things.
I know there are still lots of things to do. (Please, don't repport bugs in this build that already have been repported in 0.9. I already know about them.)

- Smoother animations for all weapons.
- Removed the Beautiful Doom's overused torches. I created new ones with particles.
- Added Tracers for hitscan weapons.
- Fixed an annoying bug with Fatalities 3rd person camera.
- Minigun is completely remade. Now I'm using Minigunner's fixed Parkistan's chaingun sprites (that contains the lower parts).
- Hitscan enemies now fires tracer projectiles. This helps players to evade them on long distances with sidestrafe, and also fixes a bug that could make monsters commit suicide when firing from fences/windows in Oblige maps.
- Included the new Minigun sound. (Thanks to Engineer, for finding the sound file)
- Remade reload animation for shotgun. Also, To prevent the "One Shell Reload Bug", it only loads 1 shell at time. To compensate this, the Shotgun accuracy has been increased (horizontal spread factor reduced from 5 to 4)
- Replaced the old casings with Beautiful Doom's ones.
- Removed glows from Health items.
- Smoke effects are looking much better.
- Demons will not fall from ledges. (I always tought that Demons with such big and musculous legs were agile creatures that could jump from many heights, but it ruins the flow of some levels, like TNT Map 17.)
- Removed the KEYS lump, and left the original Doom's keys. This will prevent keys from don't respawning in online ST servers.
- Fixed a bug with Mancubus XDeath animation not showing the corpse properly.
- Fixed a bug that wasn't allowing the walls at Dead Simple work after killing all Mancubus.
- Made for request: Updated the Zdoom's Scripted Marines. Now they are much smarter, powerfull (4 Rifle Marines can easily get rid of a Baron of Hell), have shadows, gore/death animations updated, and can follow players from the start until the end of many linear levels. (D2 Map01, Map31, UD E1M1, for example). They have now the +FRIENDLY flag, so, if they are spawned in Oblige maps, they will be always your allies. Also, there is a console command "Summon Ally" that will randomly summon one of those Marines. I personaly think they work better than ZCajun bots.
- Separated big lumps (Like GunsGuns, and SFX) into many sub-lumps to help in editing and navigation.

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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by SamVision »

Shouldn't is be called "version 1.0"?
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by TheDarkArchon »

SamVision wrote:Shouldn't is be called "version 1.0"?
Not necessarily.
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by Big C »

The BFG ZDoom Marine is friend to all...Except those standing in front of him. Other Marines included. :P

Also, ZDoom Marines tend to charge straight into the instakill clutches of Knights and Barons.

Also also, considering that there's a famous demon of lore KNOWN as the Lord of the Flies, flies in Hell doesn't sound too implausible. As for Mars...Well, maybe they're terraforming it, or they came in a supply shipment to the UAC base?

That much said, this is an excellent update. I also see you gave the player more starting rifle ammo. Much appreciated, as I hated starting with a magazine-and-a-half.
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by Xanirus »

Are you taking feature suggestions? Assuming you wanted to make insanely addicting gorified version of Doom but still keep the same basic feel of the weapons (with the exception of that pathetic pistol of course, I couldn't play this mod without it for the added balance) would it be possible to make alt fire of the rocket launcher shoot grenade launcher style? Depending on the circumstance, I can kind of see how this might be overpowering, but I want to know your take on it. Also is it possible to add reloading to the MP40? I know it's supposed to be a special weapon, but some wads add SS soldiers as common as the other ones, and with it's endless clip, it makes the assault rifle almost useless.
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by Matt »

Is it just me or does everything move way faster and hit less hard (and thus kinda nerfing the "brutal" feel)?
(it quite possibly is me - after leaving the office at 11 and just pigging out at a super-late dinner my mind could be somewhat affected.)
(EDIT: Nope, those cacos are definitely fastchasing. D: )

Also KEYCONF bug is still there - see third from bottom post on page 8.

I do like the new proper minigun though!
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by DaMan »

wildweasel wrote:unless he's capable of detecting what floor texture is in use
Jake Crusher wrote:For are there any suggestions or opinions how blood should kill Doomguy?
Play Everyone Has Aids. :wink:
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by Ryan Cordell »

Blood that corrodes man-materials and/or Earthly organic life?
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by Ethril »

it's radioactive toxic demon blood. corrodes your armor and melts your flesh.
when a normal blue water texture is a damagefloor, it's either electrified or infested with demon leeches or piranhas or invisible sharks or something. or it's radioactive toxic CACOdemon blood.

and let's not get into the brown sludge floors

But seriously, I think a more generic death animation would be best for damagefloors, because a damagefloor can have ANY texture, and be for ANY conceivable reason. Dissolving into a puddle would be versatile, as it works for acid, lava, radiation, dark magic, flesh-eating bacteria... you get the idea.

By the way, is there a special death animation for drowning? If not, there should- Wait, no, a drowning death animation would basically just be the standard "grab throat, fall over" one without the blood.

also someone should totally make brutal heretic chex quest
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Re: Brutal Doom v0.9b

Post by InsanityBringer »

The Doom press release documentation called it "hot blood". I assume it just burns you to death.

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