Locked switches...

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Lexus Alyus
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Locked switches...

Post by Lexus Alyus »

One small question...

How do I make a switch locked (IE: It needs a key to activate it)? I'm assuming that this can only be done in ACS, so, what commands would I use (I just want this switch to activate a basic doom lift)?

Thanx in advance.

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Post by Zell »

well, you would use a locked special. you do not need ACS to do it. Here are the key types:
0 - none
1 - red key
2 - blue key
3 - yellow key
4 - red skull
5 - blue skull
6 - yellow skull
100 - any key
101 - all keys.
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Post by Eevee »

As far as I know there are no locked platform specials, so you'd need to make a script that activated the lift, then run the script by setting the switch's special to ACS_LockedExecute. Parameters are (script, map, arg1, arg2, key) where the key is from the list Zell gave; everything else is the same as ACS_Execute.

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