... 8/vwep.zipEnriksD8 wrote:Can you also add the one for the vweps? ... ... 8/vwep.zipEnriksD8 wrote:Can you also add the one for the vweps?
Sgt.Shivers_Weapon_Sprites.zipDukeNukem 2417 wrote:Does anyone have the Sgt. Shivers weapon pack from this thread?
I don't think it had a name, and was just titled "Weapon Sprites".
r6w.pk3DontCareAboutMe wrote:this one broke viewtopic.php?f=43&t=54460
Doom RPG Launcher.zipDamnFineCoffee wrote:The main link for the Doom RPG Launcher is kill. Does anyone have a reupload handy?
kLazer_beta.pk3D3athStalker wrote:Link for kodi's 3D Laser Beam doesn't work. It says that the selected attachment does not exist anymore.
mutiny3test-21sep13.pk3Hellstorm Archon wrote:viewtopic.php?f=43&t=37312
Possibly the last version of Mutiny 3.0, which seems to be no longer in development.
deltawep.zipDukeNukem 2417 wrote:Thanks for the post.
Found another one with a busted link: "Delta Force weapons (kind of)" , posted by Enjay
Anyone have the linkage for this?