Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (v0.8)

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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Enjay »

I don't see any mention of replacing the existing particle effects - ie fountains and sparks. solarsnowfall has made some excellent effects to cover these and there is also this if you are interested:
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Z86 »

Minigunner wrote:Don't forget who made the bottom half of the perkristian chaingun :P --->
Actually those are my own edits, you can compare it to yours, i'm sure you'll find small differences (like the cheesy way i rotated the lower barrels and some leftover crap still remained there - maybe some day i'll do a cleanup on these)


I have a smooth animated version for the DE chaingun too, if anyone's interested.. Hmm should i open my sprite edit thread in the resources?

As for particle fountains: i made these for vanilla or close to vanilla wads to be played with GZDoom and enhanced effects, but Zdoom wads also work, so i may consider using particle fountain replacers, but first priority is to get the vanilla stuff into shape.
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Minigunner »


...Yeah, yours look cleaner.
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Ethril »

Make sure you give objects that don't have any effect on gameplay +NOINTERACTION, so they don't waste processing time with physics checks, and if you're planning for Skulltag compatability, +CLIENTSIDEONLY, so it doesn't waste bandwidth synchronizing a million billion little particles between clients.
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Z86 »

Code: Select all

Actor VisualSpecialEffect

Actor BouncyPhysicalThing
  Mass 1
I have these as base classes for all effects, with some exceptions where the flags are added directly. I think currently it is not Skulltag compatible, but if ST catches up in versions i want it to be able to run it, and it's just generally a good habit to add these flags.
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by amv2k9 »

Oh lordy that is gorgeous looking. Especially the Lost Souls and the plasma effects. Do the droplets of fire left over from killing an LS damage you?
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Z86 »

Nope. No changes in gameplay is one of my goals. You should be able to play it as you do the original.

Anyway i updated the OP with an extra video, showing off the Archvile in action (and the BFG for that matter).
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Snow Fox »

Holy snap! :O

I hope my PC manages to run that without lag, because it's awesome!
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Z86 »

Today i decided to move away from the UTNT/Stronghold fire effects, and do my own very similar ones (to see how difficult it is, and what's the trick, and also i wanted to have my own sprites). I was able to create something very similar, but a tiny bit more firey looking. I used doom 3 fire sprites for the job. Also replaced the flares with a bit cleaner and more roundish flare.

Anyway a new video is in the OP, the newly made WolfSS guy sounds, and a preview of the pickup effects (if you're watching good enough you can see the invulnerability in the AV video too).
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Shadelight »

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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by TheMistress »

Is there gonna be a beta of this any soon? I really wanna play with this it looks very awesome o-o
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Cyberdemon531 »

Wow. That was amazing.
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

Cool flame effect! I couldn't help but notice, though, is the PE taking damage from the Lost Souls flames?
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by Z86 »

Heh, yes, it's in the pain state. The flames are not supposed to do damage (everything is as in original Doom, only visuals changed). I suppose either one of his skulls bit it from behind or somewhere, or a zombieman shot it.

I'm really close to a release version now, there are only a few things remaining:
- Fixing up the HUD
- Doing something with the Floating Rock of Skull and Flames (or what) and the Candles and Skulls thingy.
- A few missing light definitions

Things that are flawed, but will stay that way for the release probably:
- Candelabra (only having one candle lit)
- Water splashes use KDiZD sprites, and are not that spectacular
- Fire trail codes are not the best. Shoot a rocket upwards, and it's fire trail will be a bit off.
- I'm not sure about some damage values. I'm using Random(3,5) for monster bullet attacks (it is mostly right, even though it has values outside the original like 4) and a plain 2 for chainsaw and fists, 20 for berserk (it feels kind of... weaker than the original, though it should be right AFAIK). I'd actually use the original code pointers, but i had to eliminate BulletPuff. Damn you, Revenant Tracer!
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Re: Particle Fire Enhancer Mod (WIP)

Post by DBThanatos »

Well, I must admit Im really looking forward for this project. :D

But the more polished, the better.

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