I do agree that paint overs are best, but again, the company isn't just 1 guy, and also, they are professional artists. Adding on, yes, Doom has all 8 rotations so they won't be done. If you're going to attempt, though, look at the 8x hi-res Baron, that's what would be worth the wait.
-Anyway, I don't think we will be doing paint-overs, because there's no point, if it's going to take years and years. I'd rather just ask IdSoftware to just take pictures of the models all over again

OR, I'd ask for the models. Also, if you want to know what true hi-res Doom sprites are, look at DOOM2RPG sprites, they are from 2x to 4x hi-res, and they are amazing. Again, they probably did paint-overs, but notice they only made front angles, and about 2 frames
-Okay well, recreating them EXACTLY like the originals is alot faster, and can be finished, so why not do it? The only rational way to have 'Extremely' hi-res sprites is for IdSoftware to remake them, like StreetFighter had it done.
-Besides, only IdSoftware knows what the monsters are supposed to look like. The Demon doesn't even have those huge nostrils, they aren't in the sprite, they aren't in the DOOM2RPG sprite, and most importantly, they aren't even in the Demon clay model. That's what I mean. Only IdSoftware can remake the sprites in a 'mega' hi-res.
OR-contact John Romero, though I doubt he'll want to do it, for several reasons.

Still, here:
http://romero.smugmug.com/Video-Games/T ... d/Original
I'm SURE most of you know the site, and that his email is at the bottom.