[RESOURCES] Last Rites

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[RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by CruX »

Last Rites was brought up in the resource request thread a couple of weeks ago, and I promptly took an interest in it. And by "interest", I mean I begun screenshot ripping as much crap as I could conventionally get. I plan on using these resources for an eDuke project, but since it's going to be awhile before that gets done (if it gets done at all), I'm going to post the spritesheets of what of I've gotten ripped. All in all, I've got all of the weapons and the majority of the enemies. First things first, though...
This is a small video of my project. It is not an attempt to advertise, I'm merely demonstrating how a few of the enemies and weapons look when animated (semi) properly in a game. And also, here's a few caveats...

1) Although I play Doom as much as I play DN3D, I only mod for the latter. Doom is sort of my "look, enjoy, but don't touch" thing, and that being said, I really don't know how useful a lot of this stuff is going to be
for modding with Doom. For example, you'll notice that the HUD weapons are a bit smallish. I don't think there's really much of anything I or anyone else can really do if screenshot ripping is the only way to get this stuff, but I also know that for DN3D, it doesn't really matter anyway, since screen drawing commands allow you to display HUD weapons at any size you want with little to no damage to the image's quality.

2) This project is being made for DN3D, and that was my intention from the very first rip, so I did all of the editing work (including cropping the gun/enemy from the screenshot) in editart, the dos based art editing program the DN3D comes with. In order to get the sprite sheets I'd made in editart out of the game's art files, I had to export using DukeRes, which unfortunately only saves files as .bmp. Though I saved the spritesheets as PNG using irfanview's PNGOUT plugin, I don't really know if that makes any difference. I don't even honestly know if the original picture getting exported as a bitmap makes any difference.

3) To my understanding, cyan is Doom's "transparent" type color. When I was exporting, I didn't think to change the background color of the spritesheets, so they're all going to come across as a sort of hot pink (DN3D's transparency) color. I also have copies of the sheets that have the tile's perfect dimensions in neon green, which would probably make cropping the individual frames from these spritesheets a lot easier.
If anyone wants me to repost with either of these adjustments, let me know.

4) Some of this stuff is going to look great, some of it...not so much. ALL of it came out of a screencap.

So, with all of that rambling outta the way, on with the weapons!





Shredder Cannon

Plasma Blaster

Missle Launcher

And now for the enemies, but I've gotta throw up another wall of text before I go too far...Since these are screenshot rips, I took exactly the route to capture these guys that you're probably imagining; I had them chase me mindlessly around while I took as many screen caps as I possibly could. To get all the angles, I'd have to dart around them and hope I could hit the pause button fast enough to get the right frame at the right angle and, most importantly, the right proportion. The walking frames were one thing, but the death and attacking frames often took the most effort. Sometimes it was a hit, sometimes it was a miss, and while I did my best to maintain a standard for what looked right, your mileage may vary.

Also, since the pallet didn't convert properly, after I got everything cropped, I'd make a spritesheet in editart and do a complete recolor of the enemy, so they're not the same colors they were in the original game. In fact, most of them are quite different, but better IMO. Technically, these rips aren't complete, either. I don't know how many frames were in the walking animations, but there were WAY more than just four, however that was all I was really willing to catch. Luckily, those extra frames tended to be relatively similar to what I've gotten, so it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. The attacking animations are also VERY confusing with regard to rotations. They seemed to have an A C D E and F angle, but no B, which is really weird since it should be the second easiest angle to catch. Ultimately, though, I could only catch the A and C frames on each enemy, so that's all that's included here. Since some of the rotations don't even match each other (the fat hammer guy is swinging his hammer in the A angle, but throwing it in the others), I guess this works just as well (I'm not even bothering with attacking rotations in my project). I have three of the enemies included here, and though I have the fat female zombie ripped/recolored, I'm having reservations about posting her, since she was my very first screen shot rip, and looks pretty bad IMHO. These will be in spoilers, and if I think there's something worth mentioning about the individual enemy, I'll do so under its sheet.

Skeletal Zombie
Limping Zombie
Fat Hammer-time Zombie
As with the rest of this stuff, I don't know how useful the enemies will be, or if anyone will even want to use them. Though I don't care about being credited for the weapon rips (they were pretty easy to crop, and aside from some minor color touch-ups, little work was done to them), if there's any chance somebody out there wants to use one of these zombies, I ask that you please at least give me an honorable mention. I know that when you get right down to it, these are just recolors of enemies that were crudely ripped, but even considering that, they took me an immense deal of time/energy/effort, and I nearly gave up on it more than once. Also, if anyone out there thinks they can get better rips of the zombies, I fully encourage you to try. Though arduous, it's not the nightmare it may seem (turning the detail settings down low helps a lot) and I'm sure there's someone out there with more discipline and better reflexes than me who can improve on what I've gotten here, or maybe even capture what I've missed.
If anybody's got any questions/comments/concerns, don't hesitate to ask.
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by Jimmy »

Those are positively awesome. Well done! :D
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by DoomSplitter »

Looking at the weapons, I would have never thought that those were all screencap rips. The enemies, not so much....
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by NeuralStunner »

Globe wrote:To my understanding, cyan is Doom's "transparent" type color.
Nope. It's just a popular choice by artists and a few tool designers for that function, and is literally meaningless to the engine - it's just another color. (I'm saying this now before one of our members more vocal on the subject rips your head off, so to speak. ;) )
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by Captain Awesome »

Even though I'd much prefer a real rip, these screen rips are sweet. Thanks, man!
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by CaptainToenail »


I give it a few days till Skulltag's mods are cram-packed full of them :lol:
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by Xaser »

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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by WORrior »

Frrigin Original & Awesome Du... Da... Sprites! Is there any way to marry them?
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by Xim »

These are pretty awesome. I really like the FOAD on the Uzi :P.
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by David Ferstat »

WORrior wrote:Frrigin Original & Awesome Du... Da... Sprites! Is there any way to marry them?
Yes, but I'm sure you should buy them dinner first, and maybe some roses. Chocolate wouldn't hurt, either.
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by CruX »

Good to see I got it right the first time :D I also remembered that I have the menu font and the title graphic ripped, and I was considering ripping at least the standing frames for the Commandos for basic non-moving NPC's in my project. If anybody's interested in any of that, let me know. If you've ever played the game, you might've also recognized some of the sound effects from Last Rites in the project video. I can rip most of them, I just don't have much interest in anything aside from basic menu beeps and the like, but if anyone would like for me to try and get something specific, I can give it a shot.
DoomSplitter wrote:Looking at the weapons, I would have never thought that those were all screencap rips. The enemies, not so much....
Yup, unfortunately the HUD weapons and the enemies are just two totally different animals. Getting the weapons was as easy as firing while rapidly pressing the screencap button, but when it came to enemies, I had to make sure I was within the right distance and then hope like hell that screencap landed on the right frame. And though attacking and dying frames seem like they should be easier, they usually involved me either backing into a corner so I couldn't move and throw off the proportion of the enemy, or backing the enemy into a corner so 'they' couldn't throw off their proportion. Often times death frames took the most editing because the muzzleflash would light up the entire room and (sic) brighten the enemy. That's forgoing the fact that I often had to edit out the enormous blood sprites that would pop up when an enemy dies. So yeah, without finding some miracle way to get the game's data, caps of enemies are never going to be perfect.
Xim wrote:These are pretty awesome. I really like the FOAD on the Uzi :P.
I know, right? The really tragic thing about this game was that it could've been really cool with these resources, but the choppy engine and the bland level design just kind condemned it to mediocrity. The eDuke mod I'm working on is hopefully going to fix that.

To everyone else, thanks for the kind words. I'm only saying that because I really didn't think the reaction was going to be this positive, especially in light of the fact that this is the first contribution I've ever really made over here.
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by Captain Awesome »

I've wanted a proper rip of this game for ages, and screencap rips are better than nothing. I probably would have attempted this myself, but I can't even get the game to run.
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by Ceeb »

Hey, I've been needing a unique RPG for my Canyon Outpost mod; can I use this one? (I mean, they're not YOUR resources but you went to the trouble of ripping them... :roll: I like to be proper.)
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Re: [RESOURCES] Last Rites

Post by Zero X. Diamond »

Well, since somebody's gone to the trouble to do this, I have to admit something: I have had Last Rites cracked for ages now. I've been keeping it under wraps because I was hoping to use some of the weapons and monsters in a secret project I've had an idea for since last winter, but now that they're out anyways I might as well note that I know all the file formats, where things are stored and generally am capable of getting better quality rips than this.

Greedy? Yeah, maybe, but I was hoping to have a burst of originality in my first big project. Guess that's no longer going to be the case.

EDIT: While I'm coming clean, I also figured out Eradicator and have access to everything except MIDI files for it. That one is a little less secret since I handed some sloppy preliminary weapon rips to wildweasel in a lesser viewed thread of his a while back, but I still feel like I might as well put that one out there.

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