The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by SouthernLion »

42_the_Gamer wrote:I just figured out all of the doom games were connected. After the events of Doom 2, Doomguy found the praetor suit and went through a rampage in hell. The demons imprisoned him, and then he was awakened in the events of Doom 2016. That game itself takes place in a parallel universe where the UAC is run by power-hungry lunatics, whereas in the original Doom games the UAC was just experimenting with inter-dimensional portal technology.
Where would you fit Doom 64 in to that? And Final Doom? I think the canon is "loosely" related, but nothing hardcore. For the sake of creative liberty, they keep the ends a little loose. After all, John Carmack viewed video game stories as equivalent to having a story in porn. lol
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by 42_the_Gamer »

I was just talking about the main games. Doom 64 and Final Doom are spinoffs.
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by Enjay »

I'd argue that everything after Doom 2 is a spin off. I don't even count episode 4 as part of my Doom canon.
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by Kinsie »

my doom canon has two barrels and fucks up pinkies real good
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by Captain J »

Spoiler: To stop the doom spin-off argument
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by Darkcrafter »

Enjay wrote:I'd argue that everything after Doom 2 is a spin off. I don't even count episode 4 as part of my Doom canon.
Me too :wink:

I love the way these shadows look with my maps :wub:

Too bad K8Vavoom is so slow that it barely hits 20FPS in full hd with GTX 1060 3gb, but according to MSI Afterburner overlay, GPU usage is just pitty 10%.
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by SouthernLion »

Darkcrafter wrote:
Enjay wrote:I'd argue that everything after Doom 2 is a spin off. I don't even count episode 4 as part of my Doom canon.
Me too :wink:

I love the way these shadows look with my maps :wub:

Too bad K8Vavoom is so slow that it barely hits 20FPS in full hd with GTX 1060 3gb, but according to MSI Afterburner overlay, GPU usage is just pitty 10%.
Isn't a lot of that work done on the CPU and not the GPU? I know Graf and Rachael etc. would have better input than myself.
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by Rachael »

SouthernLion wrote:Isn't a lot of that work done on the CPU and not the GPU? I know Graf and Rachael etc. would have better input than myself.
Nail right on the head, there.

That's what, at least a thousand drawsegs per scene (most of which are 2-sided linedefs)? Possibly more? One must be insane expecting the engine to be able to handle that well.
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by Darkcrafter »

So the short answer here is that the engine is vastly inefficient for scenarios like this.

Yes, there are plenty of 2 sided linedefs around 40 000 in overall. But the main problem here is that big round place. I started building this map when I didn't know doom engines treat geometry like this. If I export the same map into an obj and open up with textures and shadows in 3ds max the framerate is huge and CPU with GPU all seem to rest. The geometry looks as complicated as games of 2000s have. Such games like battlefield had lightmaped shadows across their relatively big maps and there were no lags on my old computer with amd athlon x2 64 5000+ cpu, they had fog though. Now I have Ryzen 5 1600 3.6GHz and GTX 1060 3gb and it's still not enough for maps like this in Doom. Crysis on ultras goes from as low as 30 to 60 and to 85 FPS, it's one thread too.

GZDoom is working much faster with this map from 25 to 80FPS even though there is no draw distance limiting like in K8Vavoom and plenty of 3D models in the main scene and in the dynamic skybox area. With AMD Athlon x2 240 at 2.8GHz and GT 730 2GB this map gets from 10 to 25FPS.

If I add a dynamic light in order to make it look better the performance goes to barely playable and gt730 rig is completely out of the game.

Any version of Doom Builder gets very slow too while working on such big maps with lots of linedefs even on modern computers - it only utilizes one cpu thread so it takes almost a minute to change something in such a big sector and this is the size of maps that I think as small. So all the evil here is linedefs and sector based geometry.
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by SouthernLion »

Darkcrafter wrote:Now I have Ryzen 5 1600 3.6GHz and GTX 1060 3gb and it's still not enough for maps like this in Doom. Crysis on ultras goes from as low as 30 to 60 and to 85 FPS, it's one thread
I was maxing Crysis on "Ultra" at 100+ FPS on an AGP video card, 10 years ago. There is no reason your 1060 and Ryzen should ever ever ever see 30 FPS on that game, unless you are attempting it in 3840x2160. Unless I'm misunderstanding your post. That's a solid card and CPU.
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by Darkcrafter »

SouthernLion wrote:
Darkcrafter wrote:Now I have Ryzen 5 1600 3.6GHz and GTX 1060 3gb and it's still not enough for maps like this in Doom. Crysis on ultras goes from as low as 30 to 60 and to 85 FPS, it's one thread
I was maxing Crysis on "Ultra" at 100+ FPS on an AGP video card, 10 years ago. There is no reason your 1060 and Ryzen should ever ever ever see 30 FPS on that game, unless you are attempting it in 3840x2160. Unless I'm misunderstanding your post. That's a solid card and CPU.
You're probably talking about an average FPS, I didn't have problems with this one either. It comes to 30FPS for rare events in Full HD when engine calculates how explosion can impact a building for example, or right after when game loads up, all because of one CPU thread utilization, the games in 2007 weren't optimized for multi-core CPUs. MSI Afterburner overlay always displays just one thread occupied 100% during the game and just 2-4% for another thread, maybe it's sound processing I don't know.

In Doom this card can actually do 2k as mentioned but on maps that are made in doom manner, e.g. containing more void spaces, but not one huge sector that is 12000 units high and containing heaps of subsectors and 3d floors with portals and stacked sectors, I gone crazy here and really trying to do what Doom engine wasn't designed for and here is where CPU starts bottlenecking I think. As Graf said, the clipper is still 2d and if let's say we have a building that is a mile away and is mile higher than a player the renderer still "sees" this area, the rendering algorithm wasn't simply made up with this is mind.

But surprisingly GZDoom has a modern optimization approach for 3D models rendering that means the clipper is 3D and it doesn't waste that much of resources on rendering what is not seen. 3D models rendering in GZDoom I found out give more load on GPU rather than on CPU and this is the trick that can be used to ease up the work for a weaker one-thread CPU and give a big chunk of geometry rendering work to GPU. While GPU works on geometry, that one precious one-threaded CPU power will get some space for working on game logic. This is what I sometimes do when mapping, all the problematic linedef based geometry must be of course removed otherwise it still being taken into account and it bottlenecks CPU. Then other problems arise and this is flat looking 3d models and collision. This is why I was asking for a 3d modeling collision here but it was "no'd" due to the performance reasons but for some scenarios you never know what is gonna drop performance more - collision detection or the point where cpu simply can't handle to process all these linedef based geometry with 3d floors fast enough so the CPU won't bottleneck a GPU. I honestly don't know if this can be understood now.
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by Captain J »

Sometimes i wonder if Gordon Ramsay's throat is still fine after all these raw yelling.
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by SouthernLion »

I made a new Facebook Group for people to join. It's called "American Muscle." It's all about weight lifting, cars, boats, firearms, the military, our freedom. Anything, really. You don't have to be American to join. Just going for a very Duke Nukem-ish feel.
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by Darkcrafter »

World's fastest Doom 2 speedrun ever.. :lol:
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Re: The Still New What Did You Last Do Thread

Post by Clippy »

I rummaged through my bookbacg at work in a fit of passion as the hunger pains came over me hard to seek a tin of cashews but to my surprise I stumbled upon a small 6 pack of ritz bits sandwich crackers boy am I stoked rn I thought I ate up the whole flat already

Life is good boys

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