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A Svn is a sub-version, that contains new stuff that isn't in the stable release.
These version are not as stable as the normal one (although they are pretty stable by themselves).
I'm using ndcp.wad with doom rising, and it works well.
I see a lot of people like complaining about randomizer WADs because they
A) do similar things and B) don't credit resources consistently.
Looking at A), I agree that AeoD was way too random, (it would be better as an resource archive for level authors). Daniel's arsenal.wad burdens you down with too many items that do similar things, but other randomizers keep a consistent theme, like mutiny20.wad and wwhc-diaz + diazpatch, which have all-human enemies. I like Doom Rising, it implements the Doom3 weapon set better than others have done, and Danza allows switching fantasy monsters off with the classic patch.
Regarding point B), putting together a big randomizer wad like this is a lot of work, I see how giving credits would not be high priority. If it is so important to you, why don't you help Danza out on that regard?
I have been playing Doom ever since it came out, so I avoid playing with the original monsters and weapons whenever possible. I welcome any way in which I can mix things up, preferably with a TC like Action Doom or Zen Dynamics. Most level authors seem content just using vanilla monsters and weapons, which I find boring. And people that compile monster and weapon WADs aren't level authors.
The main problem with randomizers is that they often break a map, because some script is waiting for you to kill a specific thing ID that is not there.
Ideally, people would add custom weapon and monsters to existing maps, if the original level author couldn't be bothered, and make them into TCs. You could probably use the search function in Doom Builder to check scripts for possible problems.
That's real sweet of you and all, but why did you bump a year old topic solely to complain about people complaining who in all likelihood don't remember that they complained in the first place??
Be careful what you click on when you DL from here, there is some evil pop-up page that appears when you go to authorize the DL that makes it look like it is the file, it's got virus'. make sure you stick to the original page and you will be fine.