[WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by -Ghost- »

I've never really been happy with the autoshotgun. All the other guns are very satisfying to shoot, but the autoshotty just lacks that "oomph" that makes each shot satisfying. I'm not really sure how you could fix it though, maybe make a stronger pump shotgun primary attack and leave the auto fire as a firing mode?

It'd be cool if someone could take up the reigns on this and keep working on it while MagSigma is gone, especially since he tends to be gone for a long time, but I'm not sure if he left permission to do that.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by Endless123 »

-Ghost- wrote:I've never really been happy with the autoshotgun. All the other guns are very satisfying to shoot, but the autoshotty just lacks that "oomph" that makes each shot satisfying. I'm not really sure how you could fix it though, maybe make a stronger pump shotgun primary attack and leave the auto fire as a firing mode?

It'd be cool if someone could take up the reigns on this and keep working on it while MagSigma is gone, especially since he tends to be gone for a long time, but I'm not sure if he left permission to do that.
Same here, i always thought the autoshotgun should have been a bit more powerful - it usually takes almost an entire clip to take down some minor enemies and sometimes it feels like using a water pistol that's why i rarely used it till i decided to give it a small damage upgrade. Nothing too fancy i just added a few points(default was 11 and i raised it to 14) . it's still not overpowered but it does the job.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by Valherran »

The Auto Shotgun I believe was supposed to get buffed in the next version.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by GuardStrike »

Sweet! A DOOM version of Crysis.

I can't wait to play this on multiplayer deathmatch as well.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by Endless123 »

Valherran wrote:The Auto Shotgun I believe was supposed to get buffed in the next version.
Probably but the question is always the same ... when? :P

I really hope this project continue to progress because it's surely one of the best mod i played. Last time MagSigma show up here there was a discussion about adding a new weapon and a few new features as well but it was more than a year ago. However we all know he tend to be away for long period of time and his work on this project is already top quality so lets not press the panic button just yet :lol:
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by User160971235 »

DoomKrakken wrote:Grainy? How?

I think I know what he means. Take a look at the scope of the Barracuda rifle when you zoom in. It's like a blur was applied on top of particularly large pixels around the edge. Some other weapons have slight blurring around the edges of some parts while other sides of the sprite look clearer-cut (I think the Nailshotgun and the Gauus Sniper for example, I'll have to check again because I don't remember).
Alteisen wrote:Are there any existing add-ons to this mod?
I actually made a sort of personal-use "fork" of the mod that bundles together the Badass Monsters Pack by Megaherz, the really well done weapon sounds by chronoteeth, the new pickup messages revamp and ammo pickup amounts by ionosphere-negate, and a few small tweaks I made to some monster speeds and projectile damages; into one neatly-organized PK3 file. The two things holding me back from sharing it is the fact that I haven't yet contacted the add-on creators about their approval on the bundle, and the fact that it is currently the original mod file (projectmsx_v0.2a.pk3) with all the other stuff added into it... basically I still have to remove all the source files of the mod so I don't steal any thunder.
-Ghost- wrote:I've never really been happy with the autoshotgun. All the other guns are very satisfying to shoot, but the autoshotty just lacks that "oomph" that makes each shot satisfying. I'm not really sure how you could fix it though, maybe make a stronger pump shotgun primary attack and leave the auto fire as a firing mode?
An idea I have is to inherit the Nailshotgun projectile, scale it down, increase speed, and make a "hot flechette" round/alt-fire for the autoshotgun that makes it fire glowy, ripper-damage flechette darts in a tight spread (keeping true to the autoshotty accuracy) making the weapon a sooner-acquired crowd-control type of weapon. it would probably need a heavy buff to the normal shell's damage to keep it from being completely useless in comparison.
Though, I could see that working well, the pump-action; like a quick-pumping primary attack with an alt-fire automatic mode that kicks and/or spreads a little more recklessly.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by Valherran »

Endless123 wrote:
Valherran wrote:The Auto Shotgun I believe was supposed to get buffed in the next version.
Probably but the question is always the same ... when? :P
My guess is June or July.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by DoomKrakken »

Valherran wrote:
Endless123 wrote:
Valherran wrote:The Auto Shotgun I believe was supposed to get buffed in the next version.
Probably but the question is always the same ... when? :P
My guess is June or July.
Not likely...
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by Iron Mew »

I've just discovered this mod from a post on the unofficial BRUTAL DOOM Facebook page, and I'm having a great time with it.

One question, though: what the heck is this? It looks like it ought to heal me, but it doesn't do anything, even if my health is below full (I just tried blowing myself up with the cannon until I was an inch from death, then walking over it, and nada). It's not the medkit you can pick up, either, as that's smaller.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by wildweasel »

Iron Mew wrote:I've just discovered this mod from a post on the unofficial BRUTAL DOOM Facebook page, and I'm having a great time with it.

One question, though: what the heck is this? It looks like it ought to heal me, but it doesn't do anything, even if my health is below full (I just tried blowing myself up with the cannon until I was an inch from death, then walking over it, and nada). It's not the medkit you can pick up, either, as that's smaller.
That item actually gives you TWO medkits in your inventory, if I remember correctly. Make sure you bind a key to use them.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by Endless123 »

Like wildweasel said it gives you 2 medkits instead of one but unlike regular medkits (the default doom one i mean)they aren't used automatically. You have to manually use them to heal yourself. Same for the Shield Boosters (small blue round thing). Just make sure you have assigned a key to use it. For my part i'm using the mouse wheel up to use a medkit and down for the shield booster for quick use.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by Iron Mew »

Strange, I don't get them. I walk over the item and nothing happens.

Probably my own damn fault, as I modified the maximum totals of ammunition and medpacks (you can see the nailshotgun having 920 reserve rounds...). There must be a limit coded in the supermedpack item that prevents it from being picked up if the previous-maximum of sixteen is reached, or something. I'll check in the text files. Thanks.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by Endless123 »

As i recall the maximum of medkits that can be in the inventory is 15 so if you already have 15 medkits nothing will happens if you try to pick more
Iron Mew
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by Iron Mew »

Got it, and found the reason why I was only picking up single medpacks. The code checks to see if you have >=15, with the idea that you don't have space for two and so won't let you pick it up. The single medpack skips this check and lets me load up. I removed the relevant line in inventory.txt and now it picks up the double packs too.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!

Post by DoomKrakken »

He should get rid of the +COUNTITEM flag from the health stims, health packs, and shield boosters, as only a limited amount of them can be carried at a time. Or, the player should be able to carry all that he picks up.

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