[WIP] Project MSX - Beta 2 (v0.2a) July 22, 2013 Update!
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
Please make this multiplayer friendly!
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
Spoiler:at the end won me over.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
This project look very impresive, and the weapon are just awesome, the hud too, everything is great.Im just waiting for the release omg.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
I was wondering, is there a planned release date, or maybe a progress report or something?
Just wondering.
Just wondering.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
Sonnyboy wrote:It's funny how worried you are about a cliched, cheesy name when you're modding for a game called DooM.

Yep, all done in ACS. It was a pain doing it though. Probably I could make the black shadow of the helmet optional.amv2k9 wrote:HUD is damn slick looking. And done totally in ACS?
My only real caveat is the helmet obstructing as much of the screen as it does. That could be a real killer in a lot of levels :/
Well, I don't know anything about MP Skulltag modding yetSamVision wrote:Please make this multiplayer friendly!

I think this mod is far from finished to make a final release. However I'm planning to release a beta soon once I finish the most of the arsenal and some of the monsters.Estopolis wrote:I was wondering, is there a planned release date, or maybe a progress report or something?
Just wondering.
Patience man, patience...

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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
What kinda guns we gonna be playing with? :O
- Posts: 329
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
.... litteraly!
... Anyway... uh, any chance there'll be special effects if the player is gibbed ala first person? x3
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
I wish I could do a hud like that... but trying to understand it from zdoom wiki is another issue... :<
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
Here is the descriptions of the weapons that will be on the mod:chronoteeth wrote:What kinda guns we gonna be playing with? :O
(Weapons that are basically... done)
Assault Pistol: This Semi-Automatic pistol is your starting weapon. It fires powerful rounds that does a high amount of damage to all types of enemies, even the strongest ones. It is best to use it in close to mid range combat, since this weapon will have a high recoil and each successive fire will greatly reduce accuracy. This weapon will have a small clip, so using this weapon against a large groups of fast moving enemies is not recommended.
In the video the assault pistol is shown firing in bursts. This feature have been removed for the current version (also if you see the screenshots the pistol graphics have changed as well), however, I'm thinking to add this feature as secondary fire mode.
PDW Sub-Machine Gun: This gun is your rapid fire weapon, and each round is fired with minimal recoil, this makes the weapon have great accuracy at long ranges and with the scope attachment it makes this weapon perfect to kill enemies at long ranges, is not a sniping weapon though. If you fire single shots or controlled bursts this weapon become efficient at long ranges, however if you hold the the trigger to full automatic fire, it will reduce its accuracy to mid range.
The current version of the PDW have reduced fire rate in contrast with the video, but the damage per round has been increased.
Automatic Shotgun: This gun fires 00 Buckshot rounds at a rapid fire rate (not near fast as the PDW though) and it has a light recoil, making this weapon one of the best weapons to use against groups of enemies at close to mid range. However this weapon is only good against weak enemies, like soldiers and lesser demons; the pellets used in the ammunition doesn't have great penetration, so is better to switch to another weapon if you encounter a strong enemy.
The Auto-Shotgun has an increased fire rate and clip size in the current version.
Combat Shotgun: This thing uses special shells that fires nails at the enemy doing devastating damage. Most of the enemies will fall with a couple shots from this gun, however you need to use it at close range since the nails travel slower than bullets and have a large spread, another downside of this weapon is the small clip size and long reload times, but its devastating damage compensates this.
In the video the combat shotgun uses a hitscan attack when it fires, now it fires small projectiles.. why? I think it less repetitive and more cooler have a shotgun that fires projectiles.

Frag Grenade: Using the Grenade Key, you will throw a powerful frag grenade that will quickly take out groups of small and weak enemies due is extensive damage radius (stronger enemies will require more grenades), this grenades doesn't explode on impact though, so you have to place them in the correct spot for maximum destruction.
(Possible Weapons... or weapons that are not done yet)
Pulse Nailgun: As its name implies, it fires very powerful nails that do more damage than the nails fired from the combat shotgun. Its effective against all enemies, specially the heavy ones, it has a close to mid range and descent accuracy. The downside of this weapon is that it overheats you fire this weapon quickly.
Concussion rifle: The first fire mode, makes the gun quickly fire bolts of plasma that do a lot of radius damage, is good to use it against large groups of enemies at distance, however the plasma bolts by themselves don't do much impact damage. The secondary fire mode, makes the gun fire a compressed beam of plasma at an instant that explodes doing a huge amount radius damage, however like the first fire mode. the beam doesn't do much impact damage. This weapon is also prone to overheating (using the plasma beam makes the weapon heats the weapon more, than using a single plasma bolt)
Rocket Launcher: It fires rockets of course (duh!), each rocket does massive impact damage and a decent radius damage, making one the best weapons to kill quickly powerful monsters. The secondary fire mode, enables a guided rocket, pretty much like the RPG from Half-life.
Sniper Rifle: As the name says. The Sniper Rifle is your sniping weapon, equipped with a long range scope to spot enemies at long distances and kill them quickly. Is capable of killing most enemies with one shot (stronger enemies require more shots). The sniper rifle is strictly a long range weapon, so is not recommended to use it in close combat due its huge recoil and small clip size.
Proximity Mines: Its another type of "grenade". Using the grenade key, you will drop a mine that, as its name says, will detonate when someone gets near to it.
Another type of grenade that I want to put is the sticky grenade but it didn't work, so I left the sticky grenade on hold until I feel good to finish that thing.
That's pretty much all the arsenal you will have available in the mod. As you can see right now the arsenal is very small, so I need to work on the other weapons.
Well, I'm planning to do different ways in which the helmet visor will crack depending on the type of damage takenDavidos wrote: ... Anyway... uh, any chance there'll be special effects if the player is gibbed ala first person? x3

EDIT: Added the sniper rifle to the possible weapons list... I knew I was forgetting something.
Last edited by MagSigmaX on Fri May 14, 2010 7:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
I would love to see some kind of a sniper rifle/coil gun weapon, complete with a scope. That is what I find is missing in some of these weapon mods.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
What was that fast firing explosive weapon? It looked like a solid cannon.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
It was an auto cannon... but it wasn't firing explosive ammo it was shooting piercing ammo, but I wasn't completely satisfied with it.chronoteeth wrote:What was that fast firing explosive weapon? It looked like a solid cannon.
I will probably reuse the sprites (or get better ones) and made it into another weapon, if I think how I can make it different than the others weapons that I have already planned.
Ugh... I forgot to add the sniper rifle into the possible weapons list....SamVision wrote:I would love to see some kind of a sniper rifle/coil gun weapon, complete with a scope. That is what I find is missing in some of these weapon mods.

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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
Awe, that auto cannon looked awesome to use.
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Re: [WIP] Project MSX [Gameplay Mod]
Nooooooooooooo! A hand held cannon would have been awesome. I mean, no other weapon mod really has a weapon like that. Maybe a grenade launcher or a rapid rocket launcher but never a cannon. The only time I have seen a hand-held repeating cannon was in F.E.A.R.MagSigmaX wrote:It was an auto cannon... but it wasn't firing explosive ammo it was shooting piercing ammo, but I wasn't completely satisfied with it.
I will probably reuse the sprites (or get better ones) and made it into another weapon, if I think how I can make it different than the others weapons that I have already planned.