[WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! [Revived]

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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Cutmanmike »

Ahhhh epic dungeon crawler lookin' screenshot. Makes me want to play it, even though there's nothing there yet :wub:
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Nash »

Thanks for the feedback so far. :)

Compass - Well right now it's just meant to show the direction you're facing. carlcyber is in the process of converting it so it behaves like the Oblivion compass (a simple horizontal compass instead of the radial one). As for its actual purpose; well I was thinking of using it for quest markers.

I'm not sure about the idea of having it plot enemies on the compass... these calculations can get very slow as more monsters are roaming around. I plan to have really chaotic gameplay with this, pitting the player against hundreds of monsters at one time, so I'm not sure if plotting enemies of this amount on the radar would be a good idea.

About the torch randomization - funny how I just added that in last night before I read your post. :D We think alike! Heh.

Currently going to take a break from coding, as I've been at the code for about one week. I'm sick of looking at text. I want to concentrate on some of the graphics right now. It's time to get rid of the placeholders. :P I'm currently modeling the doors...
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by DeadlyCure »

A mod that never plays the same way twice, This is truly amazing! :wub: can't wait to see where you go next with this.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by .ex.inferis. »

How can I test? Just follow the download link and post here?
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Nash »

Well I was looking for feedback on performance with GZDoom... I'm more interested in finding out how it performs on slow systems. If you have a fast system, you don't need to try it... (nothing's stopping you from still checking it out anyway, though)
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by .ex.inferis. »

I actually run gzdoom on my laptop over zdoom itself. That laptop is 2 years old, it can't even run Hellgate: London, lol.
I certainly will try it out. :D
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Nash »

That does sound like some pretty bad hardware (no offense :P) - yes, please do let me know what average FPS you're getting when you run around my dungeon.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by .ex.inferis. »

Will do! :D And please, no offense taken whatsoever. It's not a system built for modern gaming in the least sense, it only cost $400, lol. If only my budget would allow, I'd get that power supply I need on my desktop...besides, it runs Doom and Diablo? I'm a happy camper.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Nash »


Finished the wooden door model.

Next will be a porticullis. The door code allows random kinds of doors to be spawned (it'll pick from a list)... currently I have the wooden door, a porticullis and an archway planned.

This is so that you don't see the same door over and over again.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Shadelight »

Does that door work? (By work, I mean can you open it?) That's pretty cool.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by NeuralStunner »

Nice door! This project is going to be awesome(er). :D
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Worst »

Nash wrote:Is there a way to save the "seed" of the random number generator?

Sometimes, the map will generate some bad maps... I'd attempt to fix it, then run the game again and again until I'm pretty sure the bug is fixed. Sometimes I'd get lucky and I'd get the same bad situation as before in the first try - which obviously means the bug isn't fixed. But sometimes I don't get so lucky... then many hours later when I run the game, suddenly the bug happens again.

If I found a bad map and I could consistantly recreate the exact same map on the next run, it's much MUCH easier to fix bugs...
There likely isn't currently any way to save the seed of the of the random number generator.. but what you could do is;

Code: Select all

int rndtable[256] = { //From M_Random.cpp
    0,   8, 109, 220, 222, 241, 149, 107,  75, 248, 254, 140,  16,  66 ,
    74,  21, 211,  47,  80, 242, 154,  27, 205, 128, 161,  89,  77,  36 ,
    95, 110,  85,  48, 212, 140, 211, 249,  22,  79, 200,  50,  28, 188 ,
    52, 140, 202, 120,  68, 145,  62,  70, 184, 190,  91, 197, 152, 224 ,
    149, 104,  25, 178, 252, 182, 202, 182, 141, 197,   4,  81, 181, 242 ,
    145,  42,  39, 227, 156, 198, 225, 193, 219,  93, 122, 175, 249,   0 ,
    175, 143,  70, 239,  46, 246, 163,  53, 163, 109, 168, 135,   2, 235 ,
    25,  92,  20, 145, 138,  77,  69, 166,  78, 176, 173, 212, 166, 113 ,
    94, 161,  41,  50, 239,  49, 111, 164,  70,  60,   2,  37, 171,  75 ,
    136, 156,  11,  56,  42, 146, 138, 229,  73, 146,  77,  61,  98, 196 ,
    135, 106,  63, 197, 195,  86,  96, 203, 113, 101, 170, 247, 181, 113 ,
    80, 250, 108,   7, 255, 237, 129, 226,  79, 107, 112, 166, 103, 241 ,
    24, 223, 239, 120, 198,  58,  60,  82, 128,   3, 184,  66, 143, 224 ,
    145, 224,  81, 206, 163,  45,  63,  90, 168, 114,  59,  33, 159,  95 ,
    28, 139, 123,  98, 125, 196,  15,  70, 194, 253,  54,  14, 109, 226 ,
    71,  17, 161,  93, 186,  87, 244, 138,  20,  52, 123, 251,  26,  36 ,
    17,  46,  52, 231, 232,  76,  31, 221,  84,  37, 216, 165, 212, 106 ,
    197, 242,  98,  43,  39, 175, 254, 145, 190,  84, 118, 222, 187, 136 ,
    120, 163, 236, 249

function int PRandom(int min, int max) //not sure if the code here is 100%  correct.. but it has served me fine in my random seeded maps :P
	int val;
	val = rndtable[rndindex++];
	if(rndindex > 255) rndindex = 0;
	int dif;
	dif = max - min;

	return val%(dif+1)+min;

int seed = 0; //Seed Value
int rndIndex = 0; //current index in the random number table

Script 380 OPEN
  if( GetCvar("custom_seed") )  //if cvar 'custom_seed' is true, check for 'seed' cvar.
    seed = GetCVar("seed"); 
  else //or just randomize it.
    seed = Random(0,255);

  Log(s:"seed: ",d:seed); //log the seed so it can be re-used.

  rndIndex = seed % 256; //seed values can range: 0-255 (the pseudo random number array has only this many elements)
screenshots look great :D
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Nash »

Worst - Oh hey, isn't that id Software's "random" number generator code from vanilla? It has a very limited number of results though... but thanks; I might be able to use it.

You know what would be awesome? A recreation of the Mersenne Twister random number generator in ACS and the ability to seed it however you like. :D :D :D

(Probably not possible though since you can't retrieve the system's epoch in ACS...)

BP - Yes the doors are 100% interactive; they open and close, they animate, they even check for obstructions so you can't close a door when something is standing in its way. I take it you didn't try the demo on the first page.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by NeuralStunner »

Ambience. Wow. Lighting looks good.

- Maybe a little too echoey?
- Doors could use an opening sound.
- "Mighty Blow" doesn't make a hit sound.

How's about you call it "Dungeons of Gnash"? ;)

Also, why not add an array of "hints & tips" strings (dummies would be fine for now) to display while the dungeon is building? If ACS could print Language lump entries, that'd be even better.

Anyhow, yes I like it. :)
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Nash »

NeuralStunner wrote:Ambience. Wow. Lighting looks good.

- Maybe a little too echoey?
- Doors could use an opening sound.
- "Mighty Blow" doesn't make a hit sound.

How's about you call it "Dungeons of Gnash"? ;)

Also, why not add an array of "hints & tips" strings (dummies would be fine for now) to display while the dungeon is building? If ACS could print Language lump entries, that'd be even better.

Anyhow, yes I like it. :)
1) Okay I'll tone down the reverb. :P
2) You can probably tell the door in the demo is put together in 5 minutes. :) The actual doors now have open and closed sounds (ripped from Daggerfall! Yay)
3) Fighter's fist is just a placeholder. The mod will feature new weapons from scratch.

Hints and tips - I'm not sure how relevant this is as I've recently fixed the code to generate the dungeons at a much, MUCH faster speed. :P There's probably no time to read it since it starts so fast now.

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