[Dynamic Lights] Emulating HDRR

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[Dynamic Lights] Emulating HDRR

Post by TechnoDoomed »

HDRR Dynamics Lights
Emulating the High Dynamic Range Rendering

What is this about?
Some time ago I remember seeing the famous video on Youtube with volumetric light, and thinking that it was a shame HDR lights were impossible for Doom. However, as one day I laid in my bed thinking about it, an idea crossed my mind to solve that problem. :idea:

As you all probably know it is imposible for the Doom engine to have real High Dynamic Range rendering. But, I found a trick to emulate those lights in Doom. :wink:
The idea is pretty easy: objects created via Decorate that check if the player is within line of sight to emit less or more light (this is done by binding the lights to these objects via GLDEFS). The effect is something like this:

Light at full glow (when not directly seen)
Light when you are looking for a time

Youtube video showing the effect
Sorry for the recorder logo, lol. However, I think the quality it's good enough to clearly see the effect.

As for now, there are 5 types of lights and 8 colours to choose from:
Spoiler: Colours
Spoiler: Light Types
This is pretty much considered finished for my part, although I may update it in the future.
Here's the download link. Feedback is appreciated. ;)

COPYRIGHT: You can use any of these lights if you want to, just give me the credit.
Last edited by TechnoDoomed on Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Dynamic Lights] Emulating HDRR

Post by Firewolf »

The effect is really hard to notice unless you're actually looking for it.

to be honest, I figured it would've been something like this:
[youtube]<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/BpDWGJX4xH4&hl ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/BpDWGJX4xH4&hl ... 99999&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>[/youtube]
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Re: [Dynamic Lights] Emulating HDRR

Post by Gez »

Firewolf wrote:The effect is really hard to notice unless you're actually looking for it.
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Subtlety is good.
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Re: [Dynamic Lights] Emulating HDRR

Post by Snarboo »

This is an impressive idea with a smart and simple implementation. I'm surprised no one else has bothered with this before.

You could easily extend this with invisible light emitters placed in strategic places - say, the outside of a cave - to simulate how our eyes adjust to varying light levels.
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Re: [Dynamic Lights] Emulating HDRR

Post by Dark-Assassin »

Firewolf wrote:to be honest, I figured it would've been something like this:
Fake Volumetric Light Shaft.
looks good, but would be better if it was an actual shader.
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Re: [Dynamic Lights] Emulating HDRR

Post by TechnoDoomed »

I have finished the Blue, Purple and Orange lights, grab it here

I will soon update the first post with the new lights and a new testmap that contains all the coloured lights. Also, thanks for the answers guys. :wink:
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Re: [Dynamic Lights] Emulating HDRR

Post by Ryan Cordell »

Interesting little effect there. While you're at it, you could possibly tinker with the lens flares themselves (as an example) - as far as distance goes anyway. Larger, more dimmed from long range, smaller, sharper from close range, perhaps? Just a penny.
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Re: [Dynamic Lights] Emulating HDRR

Post by TechnoDoomed »

Sorry to necro-bump this post, however, I have finally done a major update to the project. Though I know probably few people know about it, I still think it was worth updating it, as I think it may be useful for some people to use. The first post has been updated to reflect the updates and the new download link.

To summarize it:
- Base actor HDRLight changed to be much more complex, to avoid lights problem that made the effect look unnatural sometimes.
- Base actor HDRLight_Other has been removed, and instead an InverseLight base actor has been added, so now it is possible the recreate the eyes getting used to darkness.
- Expanded the types of lights and the colours available.
- Some changes to the testmap to reflect those changes and show off the HDRR Effect.

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