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Okay, I'm absolutely loving this mapset. It's fraught with tension and dripping with atmosphere. It's incredibly dark, almost DOOM³ dark, especially when the Sector Light Mode is set to "DOOM" in GZDoom's options. In fact, I'm almost wondering if the game wasn't intended to be played this way, since it's almost impossible to see in some areas. But that just makes it even scarier, and makes it feel more realistic. I mean, if you're in a cramped, dungeon-like room with no outside light sources whatsoever, and the only lighting is some candles on the ground, it's going to be really freaking dark in there!
But I digress. As much fun as I'm having with this mapset (seriously, I am. Creepy levelsets are too hard to come by these days. DOOM has so much potential beyond just a lot of blazing gunfire and monster spam, and so few people seem to realize it), I'm also hopelessly stuck and entirely unable to obtain the blue skull key.
I've collected all five of the other keys. I just finished clearing out the areas behind the red skull door in The Basement's Basement (good grief, what a pain that was), and now the entrance to that level has been sealed off and I can't go back. I get a message about hearing something in the attic. Going up there, the bars that were in the way earlier have now receded, and I can proceed up to the very top. Now, there's the blue skull key, but it's behind some bars that are "rusted shut" and I can't reach it. As far as I can tell, I have nowhere else to go and nothing left to do. I obviously can't unlock the blue skull door in The Living Room, or the six-key door in Lost Childhood, but those are the only places left to go.
Any help? Even a clue would be nice, if you don't want to outright give the answer. I'm hoping I didn't mess up a script by doing things out of order or something. Considering that I beat the whole of Eternal Doom without any outside assistance, this is embarrassing!
There have to be done two tasks before the blue skullkey is available.
1) Go to the Basement's Basement and find the red skull door. Go through and finish the area. In the end you have to step into the light, which will seal the area off (Megamur has done that ovbiously).
2) Go to the Halls Below and find the yellow skull door. Go through and finish the area too. In the end, you have to activate a switch that will bring you back to the "normal" world and open the bars up in the attic to reveal the blue skull key.
Some things seemed confusing at first but before you could come up with an out-of-this-world solution everything immediately made perfect sense through some kind of clue, and even then you just had to check the map and see what places you haven't visited yet, making problem solving a cakewalk. At least for me. Here's to Unloved II being more difficult in that department.
Because tis is bumped now, I might aswell post that I'm slso stuck in this mod. I have the red and yellow keycards, but have no idea what to do with them now.
I had already gone through the yellow skull door section already, and got all the way up to the part with the long mirror near the mummified bodies, and I thought it was a dead end. But I went back to that room, and after going around the entire room, pushing on all the walls, I finally found a door that I'd missed because the room was too dark to see it. It was literally in the last spot of the room I checked, too.
I can't believe I missed that. Ack. Well, thank you very much for the assistance, Blue Eagle. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of this fantastic mapset!
Locate the yellow/red doors? And just a note there is no way to screw up the game by doing anything out of order, there's some non-linearity (go to this world first instead of the other one) but otherwise it's a set path and no world will seal itself off until you have completed everything that is in that world.
On topic:
BlueEagle, how do you obtain the Soul Sphere? I have no clue how to get it.
Thing is, I can't FIND ANY YELLOW/RED DOORS. All I find is skull doors, no card doors. Okay, I did find a yellow door in the The Halls Below and a red one in Living Room, but there isn't anything there I can use!
Go in your house down the stairs and into the room on your left. There is another door in that room that leads outside to your back yard. In the back yard is a grave where you can fall down.
After you have all three keys, you can progress through the maps you have already checked and find the alternate routes leading to the skull keys.