You really like your crouching, don't you?
Falling damage will not go in. I want the gameplay be as little different from Doom's as possible. Besides that, there are quite a few instances where I want the player to jump down into deep holes and falling damage would make players look for alternate routes instead of jumping down I guess.
The graveyard was really hard to balance. The non-linear gameplay allows the player of having shotgun only, shotgun + chaingun or even shotgun + chaingun + ssg depending on what ways they have gone before. I've tried to make sure that nobody gets out without killing all or at least most of the monsters, but it seems you've found a way grats ^^
I've fixed view height now and made it 48 like in Bdoom (AttackZOffset fixed too). That means that you are on the same height level as the eyes of zombie troopers. I've looked around to find a fitting new player skin and I think I will go with the helmless marine one that Enjay made. It makes the player still recognize himself on first sight but takes away that outer-space style. Thanks for the suggestions!