Can a replacement spark actor be made?

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Re: Can a replacement spark actor be made?

Post by wolfman »

It works for me. :shrug:
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Re: Can a replacement spark actor be made?

Post by Enjay »

Updated slightly ...

It bothered me that sometimes the sparks could lie around a little too long due to them going into their death state being a random chance even after that had hit the floor. Making them a missile meant they went into their death state as soon as they landed. That cured the problem but it also meant that they just stopped dead. So, I made them a corpse and gave them a crash state instead of a death state. This seems to work quite well. If you prefer the old behaviour, remove the +CORPSE flag from the SparkyBall actor. This will restore the old behaviour of some sparks lying around longer than others.
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David Ferstat
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Re: Can a replacement spark actor be made?

Post by David Ferstat »

And it turns out to be because I was right-clicking the file to download it directly to disk, instead of travelling to the DRD hosting site to download it.

I guess I'm showing my age, eh? :)

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