Sprites, textures, sounds, code, and other resources belong here. Share and share-alike!
Forum rules
Before posting your Resource, please make sure you can answer YES to any of the following questions:
Is the resource ENTIRELY my own work?
If no to the previous one, do I have permission from the original author?
If no to the previous one, did I put a reasonable amount of work into the resource myself, such that the changes are noticeably different from the source that I could take credit for them?
If you answered no to all three, maybe you should consider taking your stuff somewhere other than the Resources forum.
chronoteeth wrote:Shouldn't this be in the request thread?
Actually, yes. Tormentor is not an exception to this rule. Though now that the thread has some resources to it, it technically is no longer a request thread.
Just in the future, Tormentor, start doing what everybody else does.
Tormentor667 wrote:Okay, I didn't actually get that yet, but if I need some kind of resources, I am supposed to use the "Resource Request Thread", yes?
Personally, I think sticking them all in one thread means that they are less likely to be seen. I know that I only occasionally look at the resource request thread when there is a new post in it mainly because, most of the time, it's just a dull list of requests (duh!) with no indication of what the newest post is likely to be about or even how many posts there have been since I last looked in it - meaning that many posts could have been made in the thread but it only flags up as one unread thread rather than many unread posts. As such, I'm sure that I miss requests that, perhaps, I could contribute to in some way. The single thread also fractures discussions. Say person 1 posts a request, then there are 5 more subsequent requests. Person2 replies to the first request, someone else replies to request 4, another to request 3, a day later someone else replies to requests 1, 2 and 5 and makes a new request of their own... the whole thing can end up in an unholy mess. Also, the person going back to the thread to see if there has been any discussion about their request may see new posts in the thread but merely have to wade through new requests and discussions about other requests only to find that no one has responded to their post at all.
However, if each request got its own thread, I'd be much more inclined to look at them. I'd have a clue what each thread was about before I clicked on it (assuming that a reasonably informative thread title had been used). This would also help me evaluate if the request was something that I could be involved in and also help me remember what had gone on in the thread already when I make subsequent visits. It would also help me identify discussions about resources that I am unable to contribute to and which I could therefore safely ignore. Also, I would be able to see how many posts had been made in the thread. It would be reasonable to assume that most of the posts in an individual thread were relevant to that one request rather than possibly being about anything from a huge consolidated multi-page request thread. Also, each new request would individually be flagged as a new/unread thread, rather than a single flag for potentially many posts in a single thread, and therefore they would more likely to get my attention. All of these are things that would make navigating resource requests easier, more enjoyable and more likely for me and, I believe, make the request system more efficient.
If there is a perceived need for all requests to be in one place, personally I think a requests sub-forum would be much better than a single thread. As it is, the request system pretty much just passes me by most of the time because I find it unwieldy to use and fairly (and unnecessarily) restrictive in the way it is implemented. If a sub forum was not possible, personally I think the single thread idea should be abandoned because, IMO, it simply isn't pleasant to use and I don't believe that it is working as well as other systems might.
I think the idea with a single thread for request is that when people browse this forum, it's to find resources; not to find people asking for resources. It is a way to encourage people to provide rather than to ask.
Also suppose you find a thread entitled "Ultima Underworld 2 sprite sheet" and you think "cool, just what I wanted!"; you open it and see "oh well, just what he wanted too" -- it's a disappointment. Better to have threads deliver what they promise: resources, not requests.
Though a request subforum would be fine. But it'd maybe risk encouraging people to bump their threads if nobody provides the wanted resources, which is always annoying.
I have to agree that one thread doesn't really work, especially when the first post in that thread is supposed to contain all pending requests, yet hasn't actually been updated for months.
As an alternative to another sub-forum, why not simply have a rule that requests must have [Request] in the topic title?
Yeah, I think either the [Request] tag should be required, or maybe a sub-forum. I think the single topic gets ignored a lot too, I barely pay attention to it at all really.
Okay, perhaps we could get along here by just using [Request] tags on any threads that are supposed to be requests, then the tags can be changed as soon as said resources become available.
I'll discuss this with the other moderators. In the meantime, keep things civil please. =P
heres a model in .MDL format of corn fields, they look kinda nice. i bet you could screen theese to get a nice texture or just simply use the models with some converting.
credits goes to Cpt. Ukulele and Kane
Did you miss this by chance? It looks like it'd work well to me. If not using the model itself, making a texture from it.