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This site might be useful to someone. It has a bunch of Wolfenstein sprites which vary from the good to the pretty shitty really.
Of course, being Wolf sprites, a lot of the bosses etc are only single angle sprites but there is some reasonable stuff in there if you look hard enough.
That has some sprites that, perhaps, could be used as a base for civilians in Doom. Most of the animations are there and most of the angles are too so it wouldn't take too much to add in the missing ones.
Because Zelda rocks and it's otherwise kinda hard to obtain these sounds.
Edit: OOT_Goddess_collide sounds like it could be a crazy fusion blast hitting something and making a big boom. Also, OOT_gunshot is proof there are guns o_o I think my brain broke.
Last edited by DoomRater on Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.