Enjay wrote:
Xaser wrote:Saved the pic, I have.
Do you want any of the other Red Faction Weapons? I screengrabbed a few and cut them out. I was just seeing how things would look so I didn't do anything more than cut out a single frame for each one but... here goes.
I managed to get the game running at 320x200 and then just grabbed a single frame of each weapon just to see what it might look like. Most, if not all, would require a bit of "post processing" to make them look good. All weapons (obviously) have some kind of animation in the game and I think that they all have alt-fire modes, some of which change the appearance of the weapon. If there is anything here that you want more grabs of, I can do that but I won't have time to cut them out so it would just be some screen grabs for you to work with. These days, of course, I could do higher resolution ones too. These original pictures were mostly grabbed some time ago.
And the screen grabs that I didn't even get as far as cutting out
Spoiler:I'll link to a video on YouTube of how they all behave if my upload ever finishes.