[Resource] Obscure Games & Acknex Resources *REUPLOAD*

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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Tristan885 »

Zer0 wrote:Here's a re-upload :)

Thank you so much! :D
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by RaVeN-05 »

Diodeus wrote:
Some times ago I riped sounds from Take No Prisoners. Game sprites has .sfd extension and textures - .tex
Both without headers and .sfd files looks like compressed.
Sorry for bumping!

This helps me to start ripping it, but it incomplete
http://wiki.xentax.com/index.php?title= ... soners_SFD
http://wiki.xentax.com/index.php?title= ... soners_VBM

Also the most of resources from Take no Prisoner and MageSlayer now available! We have all Textures, less that 50% sprites, all sounds, and music hope come too (its looks like modified midi file just)
I writting my console app to rip it, also now i have trouble with compressed .sfd files, i later post source code, need help!
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by EnsaladaDeTomate »

SPECT wrote:Corridor 7 sfx & music.


http://rapidshare.com/files/274487600/C ... sounds.zip

Rapidshare - no download limit. Only 90 days no downloading limit.

Sorry for bumping, but those files arent available anymore, does anybody still keeping them?
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Enjay »

Has this been done already?

Super Noah 3D graphics, sounds and music.



There doesn't seem to be too many files. Perhaps I only have the shareware version... or perhaps it was just a small game. I don't really know much about it to be honest.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

Bumping this thread to ask if anyone still has the Westworld 2000 resource file. Apparently I lost it at some point...

In fact, I've lost most of my resources from the first post! I'm mostly looking for Westworld and In Pursuit of Greed, however.

Edit 2:
Turns out I still have the Westworld resources after all! Still missing IPOG. Really need to update the first post at some point :p
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by VitSm »

Snarboo wrote:Bumping this thread to ask if anyone still has the Westworld 2000 resource file. Apparently I lost it at some point...
Found only these files from OP:
Try to ask for the rest there
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

Awesome, thanks! :)
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by NeuralStunner »

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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

Sweet! Now to update the first post.

First post has been edited and now includes links to similar threads. :)
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Re: [Project | Resource] Obscure Games Resource Project *11/

Post by Snarboo »

A new resource has been posted to the first page! This time it's Desktop Toys, a small collection of desktop toys for Win 3.1 and up. This was recently requested to me, so I thought why not! :)

Included in this resource are screenshot rips of the weapons and other first person sprites, as well as sounds. I couldn't crack the resource files as it seems they are compressed, but I included the raw data for those that want to poke around.
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Re: [Project | Resource] Obscure Games Resource Project *HEL

Post by Snarboo »


I need some help cracking data files for a game! The game in question is The Abyss: Incident at Europa. A cursory look at the game's data files has revealed the following:
Spoiler: Audio
Spoiler: Video
I've had luck extracting the sounds, which I'll upload soon, but I need help extracting the textures and sprites. I've uploaded a zip that contains the game's major file types for those that want to poke at them. Hopefully you'll have more luck than me!
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Re: [Project | Resource] Obscure Games Resource Project *HEL

Post by Tristan885 »

I just looked up about the animated sprites file. I see what's going on. The sprites are really there, but it suffer the same problem I had when I attempted ripping the sprites from Killing Time PC. The sprite was supposed to show the two headed dog. Exactly, when I opened the .msv file with the right setup, I get the same result here. Each stuffs between the bright green lines are the sprites but messed up.

I once asked why it was happening in this thread here.

Zero X. Diamond replied that few posts after:
Zero X. Diamond wrote:From what I'm seeing there, the sprites are stored without their transparency. I'm assuming they have some sort of header that tells the engine where to display transparent space in-engine. Lots of games do this as a space-saving measure. The only sure-fire way to get them (that I know of, anyways) is to crack the format they're stored in and extract and convert them.
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Re: [Project | Resource] Obscure Games Resource Project *HEL

Post by Snarboo »

Man that's so bizarre, everything else is stored uncompressed, so there must be some reason they went this route.

I did some digging, and turned up the former coder's website here (click on the broken image top right). According to this, they used Fastgraph technology, and one of the listed products in their catalog is some kind of resource manager for images, sounds and other data. Sadly I don't have $1000 to invest in outdated software that might not even work, but maybe there are other games that use this tech that have been cracked. :p
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Re: [Project | Resource] Obscure Games Resource Project *HEL

Post by Snarboo »

Cracked open the msv files in a hex editor, and this is the first thing I saw. It seems they do contain the animated sprites! Now if only I could figure out how to read the jumbled mess that the rest of the file is. :p
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Re: [Project | Resource] Obscure Games Resource Project *HEL

Post by RaVeN-05 »

Snarboo wrote:You can also find resources taken from Shadowcaster and CyClones by Raven Software here. These resources are provided by a user known as RaVeN from the Skulltag forums.
Its me =), Check out my site again. I have ripped All resources from alphas\betas/and full versions of classic raven soft games:
Black Crypt
Take no Prisoners

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