ZDoom Wiki Thread

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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by Phobus »

Ok, up to 90 now, and I only have one folder left to do... shame its by far the largest. I'll do that another day I think.
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by CaptainToenail »

I think you removed the Doom palette when you were purging the useless pictures a while ago, I use this page often as a reference for colour translations but now it is missing :cry:
Can you fix please?

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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by Cutmanmike »

Look at the palette page. That has the doom palette as well as the palettes for the other games.
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by CaptainToenail »

Oh, there is a palette page :x

Well, thanks for fixing the original page too :)
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by Cutmanmike »

I only fixed it so I could have a look to see if it was any different. I deleted it again :P
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by Gez »

Anybody feels like going through ZDoom.pk3/actors/chex/*.txt and wikifying all the Chex actor classes? (There's only ChexPlayer on the wiki right now).

There are some formatting differences between what's on the wiki and what's in the pk3 (notably the tabs are replaced by two spaces), there's the wikilinkage of all A_Whatever function calls, the strings taken from language.enu need to be added as comments, each code line needs to get a space in front of it, etc. I haven't kept the scripts which allowed me to do all that very quickly for Heretic/Hexen/Strife/miscellaneous actors, and I don't like Chex Quest enough to bother doing it. :P

In other news, there are at the moment of this post exactly 200 uncategorized pages.

Also, I've created a shorthand template. {{class|Actor}} is equivalent to [[Classes:Actor|Actor]] but much shorter to type.
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by twipley »

hello. is there any reason to specify "1" after "-deathmatch?"


e.g. zdoom -host 2 -deathmatch 1 -warp 01
versus zdoom -host 2 -deathmatch -warp 01

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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by HotWax »

twipley wrote:hello. is there any reason to specify "1" after "-deathmatch?"


e.g. zdoom -host 2 -deathmatch 1 -warp 01
versus zdoom -host 2 -deathmatch -warp 01

No, there's not. Thanks for pointing that out. It's been fixed.
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by DoomRater »

On http://zdoom.org/wiki/A_GunFlash, it's stated that the Flash states run parallel to the normal weapon animation. However, this is not exactly true- they run asynchronous to the weapon's current frames, and it is up to the weapon coder to ensure they are parallel, which is thankfully easy. This fact is precisely what I exploit for various effects in my Dual Glocks code and 1 Gauge Shotgun weapons.
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by Juan "JacKThERiPPeR »

Is MAPINFO updated to the new format?
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by HotWax »

[quote="Juan "JacKThERiPPeR"]Is MAPINFO updated to the new format?[/quote]
No it's not, because I haven't seen any decent reference for how it's supposed to be set up, and I'm not too keen on searching through the code to determine the proper formatting for everything (Which is what I had to do for the TEXTURES lump, but it was thankfully much simpler).
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by randi »

It's much like the old syntax, except blocks like map and episode have all their parameters enclosed in bracers. If a parameter takes a value, an = separates the name of the parameter from its value(s). If a parameter takes multiple values, they are all separated by commas. A few things are also optional. For instance, you don't need to specify a scroll speed for a sky if you aren't interested in having it scroll. If you look at the mapinfos that come with ZDoom, that should be enough reference, I think.
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by HotWax »

OK, I've thoroughly updated the [wiki]MAPINFO[/wiki] page based on your post and looking at the mapinfos within zdoom.pk3. I've probably made some mistakes or incorrect assumptions, so if someone could give it a glance through and let me know where I goofed, I'd appreciate it.

In particular, here are the questions I came up with while doing this that zdoom.pk3 doesn't adequately resolve:

1) How do you properly define an EndPic when using the next property? zdoom.pk3 uses the built-in ones and doesn't make use of EndPic. I came up with three posibilities of what it might be and put the most obvious on the wiki, but I'm probably wrong. To wit:
a) next = "EndPic mylump"
b) next = "EndPic", "mylump"
c) next = EndPic, "mylump"
Or has it been separated out into its own property altogether (endpic = "mylump")?

2) Similar to the above question, how does the new format incorporate the endgame block? Is this just a block nested within the map block? For example, is this valid?

Code: Select all

MAP MAP01 "My Map"
     next endgame
          pic = "MYPIC"
          music = "MYMUSIC", 1
3) This isn't directly related to the changes but just occurred to me as I was reading through entries for outdated information. The flag "keepfullinventory" obviously causes the player to keep their full inventory when changing maps (overriding the default behavior of reducing all item quantities to 1 and removing certain items entirely). However, the wiki does not specify on which map this flag is supposed to be present. If this is on the map you're leaving but not the map you're joining, does it take effect then? Or does it need to be on the map you're entering but not the map you're leaving? Or does it need to be present in both? Or can it be present in either with the same effect?

4) Within the skill blocks, spawnfilter is set to a string which is not enclosed in quotation marks (baby, easy, normal, hard and nightmare). I assume these are defined to a corresponding numeric value, presumably somewhere between 1 and 8 since UDMF supports up to 8 defined skill levels. So which values are these assigned to? How does this interface with the UDMF format? Could I create a new skill level that uses its own spawn filter (not one of the previously specified five) and then use the UDMF format to set actors to appear at that level? E.G, is this valid syntax?

Code: Select all

skill MySkill
     spawnfilter = 7
5) MustConfirm is a property that can (but doesn't have to) specify a custom text string. When not doing so, is it used as a flag? E.G, are both of these proper syntax?

Code: Select all

MustConfirm = "Are you sure?"
6) What does the sucktime map property do? This is not on the wiki page and I don't believe I've ever seen it before.

7) What is the extended episode flag, and how does it differ from optional?

8) What is redirect and how does it work? (Used in Strife's MAP03)

9) noallies?
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by Project Shadowcat »

HotWax wrote:6) What does the sucktime map property do? This is not on the wiki page and I don't believe I've ever seen it before.
If I recall correctly, sucktime was how long it took before you got the title "sucks" on the intermission timer. The default in any Doom game is one hour (3600 seconds). Quite simply, it meant that you were taking too fucking long to complete a single map. :P
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Re: ZDoom Wiki Thread

Post by Phobus »

Suck time is what PDF said. You can turn it off though, I think, so I'm not sure how that'd work with custom suck times.

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