Leaky Radiation Suit

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Another Idea-->

Post by DrewbieDoobie007 »

Every once in a while I will get a radsuit and find myself expecting it to protect me from imp fireballs, but much to my dismay (or ignorance) it does not. I guess I just got it in my head that if it protects against lava, why not poofy fireballs?

Also, a radsuit would not serve its purpose at all after a few bulletholes, if any reforms are made to the handling of the radsuit, it should not have a time limit, it should have a hitpoint value instead. (It should also be immune to imp fireballs)
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Post by Cyb »

you could make your own that has a hit point value, though it would take a bit of scripting. First you'd need a scripted decorate powerup that flagged something on so damage sectors would decrease or remove their damage after the player got the suit. Then the hitpoint script would be something like this:

Code: Select all

script 100 enter
   thing_changetid(0, 99); //give the player a tid of 99

int suithealth = 50;
script 1 (void)
   int x = getactorproperty(99, aprop_health)
   if(x > getactorproperty(99, aprop_health))
      suithealth -= (x - getactorproperty(99, aprop_health));
      if(suithealth <= 0)
          acs_execute(2, 0); //script that resets the damage sectors
it prolly won't work perfectly but I just made it up in a couple mins. Immunity to imp fireballs would need to be hardcoded into the exe tho, unless there's some way to tell which actor hit the player
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Re: Another Idea-->

Post by Kate »

DrewbieDoobie007 wrote:Every once in a while I will get a radsuit and find myself expecting it to protect me from imp fireballs, but much to my dismay (or ignorance) it does not. I guess I just got it in my head that if it protects against lava, why not poofy fireballs?

Also, a radsuit would not serve its purpose at all after a few bulletholes, if any reforms are made to the handling of the radsuit, it should not have a time limit, it should have a hitpoint value instead. (It should also be immune to imp fireballs)
It should still have a timelimit for the underwater air supply, though, because there would be no way for a suit to generate an infinite air supply.

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