X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

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X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Doorhenge »

I know what you'll be thinkin, "what a stupid idea for a doom wad" I thought it was cool though.

I attempted to turn Doom into a Star Wars Arcade flight sim - what's wrong with me?

Just tell me what you think, does it have potential - is it too hard? I can beat it on easy myself, but it was mostly made for multiplayer.

Edit: Remember first to go into sound options in gzdoom/zdoom and turn off underwater reverb. 'cause the stages are really just underwater. :oops:

Load the next one if you want the movie music.
and this one if you want to have the SNES Super Star Wars music.

Edit: here's some pics
Last edited by Doorhenge on Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:22 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by MartinHowe »

And this one is all our own work:
Just a gentle hint :D
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Enjay »

I didn't think this would work and, yeah, the movement really isn't that much like a spacecraft at all. However, this is surprisingly convincing and you have managed some really cool effects.

Yes it has potential (a lot).

Hmm... yeah, I thought it was a bit tough.
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Tubers »

MartinHowe wrote: screenies = download
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Enjay »

no dowload = no fun

Your choice. ;)
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Lord_Z »

Nice job! I was not expecting this at all but you pulled off a nice feat. Some places for improvement would be the difficulty (I don't think I would be able to do it without God mode) and the maneuverability of the X-Wing. I don't think it is going fast enough (the speed is not good enough to dodge the lasers very effectively making it harder as well) and it is kind of annoying that you can't move up or down. Making the X-Wing always move forward would be a nice touch too because instant stopping and going backward at those speeds would be tricky (crashing into Star Destroyers is fun too) :wink:
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Project Shadowcat »

Doorhenge wrote:I know what you'll be thinkin, "what a stupid idea for a doom wad" I thought it was cool though.

I attempted to turn Doom into a Star Wars Arcade flight sim - what's wrong with me?

Just tell me what you think, does it have potential - is it too hard? I can beat it on easy myself, but it was mostly made for multiplayer.
It isn't impossible, though a little more room on the outside of the Star Destroyers would be nice. I thought it was fun while it lasted. :)

The sounds feel off, though.
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Tubers »

Enjay wrote:no dowload = no fun

Your choice. ;)
Screenshots is the key to download >:(
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Wartorn »

tubers93 wrote:Screenshots is the key to download >:(
Oh so then every wad is passworded and screenshots must be posted up in order to get that password? I had no idea.
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Tubers »

Acom wrote:
tubers93 wrote:Screenshots is the key to download >:(
Oh so then every wad is passworded and screenshots must be posted up in order to get that password? I had no idea.
XD no not that I meant so more people can download this
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Gez »

MartinHowe wrote:no screenies=no download
Enjay wrote:no dowload = no fun
Therefore, assuming the Internet is transitive, no screenies = no fun.
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Penguinator »

As Enjay said, this certainly has potential, but still needs some work. Still a pretty interesting project as is.

I would upload some screenshots myself, but imageshack won't stop timing out on me.
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Deathman101 »

Yeah, you're batshit crazy. But this was unexpected. Another awesome WAD for the books.
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by TypeSaucy »

tubers93 wrote:
MartinHowe wrote:no screenies=no download
just play it, dude. :glare:
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Re: X-Wing - Doom fighter Released

Post by Doorhenge »

Lord_Z wrote:I don't think it is going fast enough ... and it is kind of annoying that you can't move up or down.
Press jump to move up and set a key to "swim/fly down" to descend. Crouch really should have been descend to swim down for zdoom, like in Duke3D but it's not. :( I thought since the rooms weren't very big it should remain the same. I probably should have made the fighter faster, and make it feel more like a SW fighter.
MartinHowe wrote:f=d/dt(mv)
And this one is all our own work:
What does this mean?
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