Their sword WILL be a weapon. And I've already got a sprite to work from - Eriance's Blood Sword.
Features for this expansion include:
- 6 weapons per class: 2 new ones and revamped start weapons, to boot.
- New powerups, including the Tome of Power.
- A new class: the Ranger.
- New creatures, many not even from the Bestiary.
- Wicked, perilous environments.
- A frozen over world with a systematic theme.
- The best resources from around in use, plus some new ones of my own making.
Plus some more screens: the snow level was the map I had the .png display problem, but I discovered that it was due simply to having those linedef-construct trees. Looks like too many of them mess things up, so I have standard tree-objects now. Note the new snowy theme (I still need to make some changes to the maps, such as sky mountain adjustments, so bear with me)....