[Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by JonayaRiley »

DoomRater wrote:I am suddenly wondering if the kind of jump has something to do with it... I noticed you are jumping to a state label and not a number of frames. My tests would never compile but yours does?
Right you are - I just tried sticking in an offset and it gave me the same error but it worked with the state label.
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by Enjay »

Presumably then, to get it to work with offsets, it would have to be edited to look something like this

RAIN A 1 A_JumpIf(waterlevel >= 1, 50)
RAIN A 1 A_JumpIf(waterlevel >= 1, 49)
RAIN A 1 A_JumpIf(waterlevel >= 1, 48)
RAIN A 1 A_JumpIf(waterlevel >= 1, 47)
RAIN A 1 A_JumpIf(waterlevel >= 1, 46)
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by DoomRater »

I'm very glad we don't have to do that, then.
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by JonayaRiley »

Custom state names are a wonderful thing, aren't they? :)
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by juizzysquirt »

I found a stormy weather demonstration wad from my hard-drive, I presume this is your work, JonnyFive?

Image Image

File is called rain.wad, it was archived in rain.7z. Also, upon checking the wad-file itself, there was KEYCONF with

Code: Select all

addkeysection "JonnyFive's weatherFX (Steeveeo's Storm Demo)" WeatherFX 
addmenukey "Toggle weatherFX Effects" weather_toggle
alias weather_toggle "Use Action_WeatherToggle"
defaultbind F12 weather_toggle

addmenukey "Enable Debug Variable Monitor" debug
alias debug "puke 998"
defaultbind / debug
Is "Steeveeo" your alias, or is it someone else using modified WeatherFX? This demonstration level has decent sound effects for the storm, I was wondering if it would be okay to use this in some of my work?

Actually my main reason was to find any info regarding this version, as it has somewhat different rain-effect than in j5weather.pk3. Is there a thread or something for this? I searched from here and gzdoom's forums without results. File weighs around ~9 megs compressed, do I need to upload it somewhere?
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by carlcyber »

Just to mention that RainDrop will look better with + FORCEYBILLBOARD in GL mode. Nice effect. :)
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by DoomRater »

b00mstick, you should upload that. If it was meant as a demo I'm assuming it was meant to be shared anyway.
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by juizzysquirt »

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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by cortlong50 »

How the hell do I get this to work? I've been tinkering with it for hours. And ra way passed my bed time.
I have created a weather spot to place on the map I have messed with this and that on the ACS and the script editor on doom builder.
And now I turn to the forums.
How the f*** is this supposed to work? Hahaha.
Thanks for any input.
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by cortlong50 »

I also got the ACS and decorate file from dts-t. As I don't have internet at my house (I'm on my phone)
And so I don't have the PDF.
Anyone mind posting that or just going a good detailed explanation.
I also have pretty limited ACS experience.

I know. I'm blowing it.
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX

Post by ReX »

Enjay wrote:I did get noticeable lagging with larger maps and high weather density. It wasn't awful. The maps remained playable, but it was definitely there. Reducing drop/flake density (sometimes lower than I would have liked) made a difference. This was particularly obvious in one map which had a very large open area, with lots of lines, slopes, some translucency, a handful of 3D floors and some fog.
Pardon the bump. I implemented Jon Washburn's WeatherFX in a map that includes a building made partly with 3D sectors. Snow falls inside the parts of the building with 3D sectors as roofs, and I wonder if the 3D sectors have anything to do with this behavior. I realize (as Enjay pointed out to me) that the code is not looking for sectors with sky ceilings, but rather is using the height of the weather spot as the determinant regarding where to spawn the snow (or rain). Specifically:

"The z-height of the upper left WeatherSpot will determine where the weather effects are spawned from.

Keep in mind that the weather items will collide with map geometry and will not spawn in any area with a ceiling lower than the z-height of the upper left spot, so you can cover an area with a building that is lower than your outside sky without worrying about having random snow flakes or rain drops spawning inside."

The way I'd set up the weather effect ought to have worked fine. The height of the first weather spot = 380; the ceiling height of the sector in which the spot is located = 256 (not quite sure why I did it this way); the ceiling height of the main terrain area = 384; the ceiling height of the cathedral compound = 1024. The height of the weather spot does not seem to truly determine where the snow is spawned, as it spawns in the main terrain, the cathedral compound, and inside the cathedral itself (in sectors covered by 3D roofs).

I then set the z height of the weather spot to be > 1024. Setting weather spot z = 1030 changes nothing. After I set it up it occurred to me that at 1030 it would not even spawn in the terrain areas with ceiling height = 384; however it was being spawned. Don't know what the problem is.

Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed.

EDIT: Perhaps the control sectors for the 3D roofs need to be between the two weather spots? In other words, the second weather spot would need to be in the void somewhere, or in an isolated sector in the void.
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX

Post by Enjay »

ReX wrote:In other words, the second weather spot would need to be in the void somewhere, or in an isolated sector in the void.
I've certainly done that before to ensure my weather zone was properly covered by the position of the weather objects. However, I'd be surprised if ensuring the control sector are within the weather boundaries is the solution. I don't think actors being able to spawn (or not) in the control sector will have any impact on what spawns in the game area.
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX

Post by ReX »

Enjay wrote:However, I'd be surprised if ensuring the control sector are within the weather boundaries is the solution. I don't think actors being able to spawn (or not) in the control sector will have any impact on what spawns in the game area.
Yes, I figured as much. Plus the solution seemed to easy. Heh.

I could use multiple weather spots, but because of the configuration of the map and the central location of the cathedral, there will definitely be some "dead zones" where snow is not being spawned. Maybe that's an acceptable compromise. When I send you the map pack perhaps you can join me in scratching our collective heads as we try to resolve this conundrum.
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by cortlong50 »

You can definitely place your weather spots in the middle of nowhere on little void islands. I went through dts-t and noticed he did this quite a bit. So probably an answer to weird problem areas like that haha. I kind of have the same thing where in one place without a roof I have super heavy rain and the other spot in te same weather zone I have like ten drops haha.
So if you do figure it out lemme know.
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Re: [Resource] JonnyFive's WeatherFX (9/17/08 update)

Post by ReX »

Anyone have Jon Washburn's current email address? I emailed him at the address in his documentation, but it was returned undeliverable.

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