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Lexus Alyus
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Post by Lexus Alyus »

Ha, and the (whatever its name is boss) shoots rockets from it's penis!!! That's so cool... "Holt or I will ejaculate rockets all over you BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" :twisted:

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Post by BouncyTEM »

well, i'm still learning the A_custommissile bit, it'll be as fixed as i can get it in the second.
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Post by BouncyTEM »

okay, i get this when my eradicationknight shoots.

Code: Select all

Tried to read address 0000002c
Flags: 00000000
Address: 00482c80

Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

GS=0000  FS=0038  ES=0023  DS=0023
EAX=3fffffc0  EBX=00000000  ECX=00000000  EDX=007a0000
ESI=0116e578  EDI=00bd3790
EBP=ff860000  EIP=00482c80  ESP=0012fc04  CS=001b  SS=0023
 CF+ PF+ AF- ZF+ SF- TF- IF+ DF- OF- NT- RF+ VM- AC- VI- VP-

FPU State:
 ControlWord=027f StatusWord=4020 TagWord=ffff


Running threads:
00000c34 at 00482c80*

Loaded modules:
00400000 - 00630fff *zdoom.exe
77f50000 - 77ff6fff  ntdll.dll
77e60000 - 77f45fff  kernel32.dll
71950000 - 71a33fff  COMCTL32.dll
77c10000 - 77c62fff  msvcrt.dll
77c70000 - 77caffff  GDI32.dll
77d40000 - 77dcbfff  USER32.dll
77dd0000 - 77e5cfff  ADVAPI32.dll
78000000 - 78085fff  RPCRT4.dll
70a70000 - 70ad3fff  SHLWAPI.dll
71ad0000 - 71ad7fff  WSOCK32.dll
71ab0000 - 71ac4fff  WS2_32.dll
71aa0000 - 71aa7fff  WS2HELP.dll
76b40000 - 76b6bfff  WINMM.dll
10000000 - 10093fff  fmod.dll
77be0000 - 77bf3fff  MSACM32.dll
771b0000 - 772d0fff  ole32.dll
763b0000 - 763f4fff  comdlg32.dll
773d0000 - 77bc1fff  SHELL32.dll
5ad70000 - 5ada3fff  uxtheme.dll
74720000 - 74763fff  MSCTF.dll
76f50000 - 76f57fff  wtsapi32.dll
76360000 - 7636efff  WINSTA.dll
76f90000 - 76f9ffff  Secur32.dll
605d0000 - 605d7fff  mslbui.dll
77120000 - 771aafff  OLEAUT32.DLL
00dd0000 - 00de2fff  ImHook.dll
73f10000 - 73f64fff  dsound.dll
77c00000 - 77c06fff  VERSION.dll
72d20000 - 72d28fff  wdmaud.drv
72d10000 - 72d17fff  msacm32.drv
77bd0000 - 77bd6fff  midimap.dll
73ee0000 - 73ee3fff  KsUser.dll
76fd0000 - 77047fff  CLBCATQ.DLL
77050000 - 77114fff  COMRes.dll
6ce10000 - 6ce44fff  dinput8.dll
688f0000 - 688f8fff  HID.DLL
76670000 - 76756fff  SETUPAPI.DLL
73760000 - 737a3fff  ddraw.dll
73bc0000 - 73bc5fff  DCIMAN32.dll

Bytes near EIP:
00482c70: 04 ba 00 00 20 00 2b d0 03 da 89 5e 20 8b 47 0c
00482c80: 8b 79 2c 03 f8 8b c7 c1 e8 13 89 79 2c 8b f8 8b
00482c90: 14 bd 38 c1 5b 00 8b 81 08 01 00 00 89 54 24 10

ZDoom version 2.0.63

Command line:
 C:\Games\doom\zdoom.exe -file naziinvasion.wad naziinvasionmap.wad
IWAD: doom2.wad

Current map: map32

viewx = 25919620
viewy = 249893611
viewz = 3185552
viewangle = 3334471680

Possible call trace:
 00482c80  BOOM
 0045d1e2  call eax
 00462110  call 0045d0e0
 004634a9  call eax
 00463fd1  call 00463400
 004220f7  call [edx+0x10]
 0042237d  call 00422080
 00473934  call 00422330
 0042aaeb  call 00473850
 0041b572  call 0042a7d0
 0041760c  call 0041b280
 0040b083  call 0040afd0
 0040b083  call 0040afd0
 0049bb21  call 0040b070
 0049bc23  call 004ffa66
 00498cd3  call 00417660
 00498fe5  call 00498920
 00502f1a  call 00498f70
 00502dae  call 00500810

Stack Contents:
0012fc04: 0000b505 00000000 00f50520 0116e578  ········ ···x···
0012fc14: 0115f470 00000000 0045d1e2 00c09000  p·········E·····
0012fc24: 0116e578 00462110 00f50520 00000000  x····!F· ·······
0012fc34: 0000002a 00000000 0116e578 00000000  *·······x·······
0012fc44: 005af478 004634a9 00000000 005af714  x·Z··4F·······Z·
0012fc54: 00000000 00463fd1 00000000 004220f7  ·····?F······ B·
0012fc64: 005ae6d4 00000008 00000000 0042237d  ··Z·········}#B·
0012fc74: 00000008 005b0ef8 00000002 00473934  ······[·····49G·
0012fc84: 000001f1 00000002 0042aaeb 005aedf6  ··········B···Z·
0012fc94: 0000001b 1d855142 0041b572 00000004  ····BQ··r·A·····
0012fca4: 00fc3308 0012fcd8 00000001 0041760c  ·3···········vA·
0012fcb4: 00000004 00fc3308 00000001 00000001  ·····3··········
0012fcc4: 000001ef 0012fcb4 0012fe04 00511125  ············%·Q·
0012fcd4: 00000000 00000000 0000026e 000000f8  ········n·······
0012fce4: 0012fe6c 0000017e a6b12683 00badc38  l···~····&··8···
0012fcf4: a1a69927 1e6f100e 6d6f6f44 7475412e  '·····o·Doom.Aut
0012fd04: 616f6c6f 6b730064 00736e69 5d973a32  oload·skins·2:·]
0012fd14: 366371e3 247f8d26 16fdd0b5 17c42660  ·qc6&·$····`&··
0012fd24: 6c2e1a48 bc5477be 221c0d28 9c162fea  H·.l·wT·(··"·/··
0012fd34: 7580ab81 c477d744 4c39f5f3 1ec8bf69  ···uD·w···9Li···
0012fd44: 762789da 85ef39b6 00000002 d6252eda  ··'v·9·······.%·
0012fd54: 0040b083 0012fd64 00000002 d6252eda  ··@·d········.%·
0012fd64: 0040b083 0012fd74 0049bb21 00531498  ··@·t···!·I···S·
0012fd74: 0049bc23 00000094 00000005 00000001  #·I·············
0012fd84: 00000a28 00000002 76726553 20656369  (·······Service 
0012fd94: 6b636150 77003120 772bb638 771c453f  Pack 1·w8·+w?E·w
0012fda4: 00000000 8007000e 00159b80 771b449c  ·············D·w
0012fdb4: 00000000 00000000 771ce3f3 00159b80  ···········w····
0012fdc4: 0012fe04 772bb6ec 00000000 772bb264  ······+w····d·+w
0012fdd4: 0012fdfc 771c0ee8 00000001 00000000  ·······w········
0012fde4: 00000002 00000000 00000000 0000026e  ············n···
0012fdf4: 0000017e 00000002 00252eda d6252eda  ~········.%··.%·
0012fe04: 0012fe60 00511148 ffffffff 00498cd3  `···H·Q·······I·
0012fe14: ffffffff 77e7e6b9 7ffdf000 00000000  ·······w·······
0012fe24: 00000000 0000026e 0000017e 00000001  ····n···~·······
0012fe34: 000f4240 0012fe2c 00000020 00000276  @B··,··· ···v···
0012fe44: 00000000 00400000 00400240 00400218  ······@·@·@···@·
0012fe54: 77e60000 00400000 0012fe14 0012fe88  ···w··@·········
0012fe64: 00512620 00000000 0012fe98 00498fe5   &Q···········I·
0012fe74: 77e7ad86 00000000 7ffdf000 0012fe74  ···w·······t···
0012fe84: 0012f82c 0012ffb0 00502b58 00530b40  ,·······X+P·@·S·
0012fe94: 00000000 0012ffc0 00502f1a 00400000  ·········/P···@·
0012fea4: 00000000 0015232a 00000001 00000094  ····*#··········
0012feb4: 00000005 00000001 00000a28 00000002  ········(·······
0012fec4: 76726553 20656369 6b636150 f2003120  Service Pack 1··
0012fed4: f28d1c08 f28d1c08 f28d1c08 f28d1c08  ················
0012fee4: e4c07000 e4c08000 e4c09000 e4c0a000  ·p··············
0012fef4: e4c0b000 e4c0c000 e4c0d000 e4c0e000  ················
0012ff04: e4c0f000 e4c10000 e4c11000 e4c12000  ············· ··
0012ff14: e4c13000 e4c14000 e4c15000 81d3dda8  ·0···@···P······
0012ff24: ff676980 000052d8 00000001 00000016  ·ig··R··········
0012ff34: 00000000 00000016 00003c07 00502dae  ·········<···-P·
0012ff44: 70a71a29 80000002 7ffdf000 00000044  )··p·······D···
0012ff54: 00153398 00153348 001533f8 00000000  ·3··H3···3······
0012ff64: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
0012ff74: 00000000 00000000 00000c01 00000001  ················
0012ff84: 00000000 00000000 00010001 00000000  ················
0012ff94: 00000006 00000000 8053476f 0015232a  ········oGS·*#··
0012ffa4: 00000000 0012feb0 e3a8b488 0012ffe0  ················
0012ffb4: 00502b58 0055e250 00000000 0012fff0  X+P·P·U·········
0012ffc4: 77e814c7 70a71a29 80000002 7ffdf000  ···w)··p·······
0012ffd4: f28d1cf0 0012ffc8 80534504 ffffffff  ·········ES·····
0012ffe4: 77e94809 77e91210 00000000 00000000  ·H·w···w········
0012fff4: 00000000 00502d96 00000000           ·····-P·····
I'm kinda new with the A_custommissile command
yes i read the wiki, and it didn't help.
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Post by BouncyTEM »

Well, i'll need to find out why Zdoom complains at me when the Eradication knight fires, and Giest, can you use those textures i sent you?
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Post by Giest118 »

Hm... Bouncy, there's a bug with A_CustomMissile... is the Eradication Knight close to any sort of wall when it fires?

[EDIT] Uh.... Hm.... the textures don't appear to work.... that could be a problem.
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Post by BouncyTEM »

Texture bit: crap...

Eradication knight bit: fixed him. forgot to put the " before and after what he was shooting. whoops. so i don't have to upload another Nazi invasion, just paste this over the normal Eradication knight's bit in the DECORATE lump...

Code: Select all

ACTOR Eradicationknight 215
    Health 6300
    Radius 45
    Height 130
    Speed 6
    Scale 2.0
    Mass 20000
    Painchance 130
    SeeSound "Deathknightsight"
    DeathSound "Deathknightdeath"
    ActiveSound "Guardact"
    Obituary "%o was killed by The Eradicationknight."
        DTHK AB 10 A_Look
        DTHK AABBCCDD 4 A_Chase
        DTHK E 5 A_FaceTarget
        DTHK F 1 A_CustomMissile ("Rocket", 210, 50, 0)
        DTHK F 1 A_CustomMissile ("Rocket", 210, -50, 0)
        DTHK F 1 A_CustomMissile ("Rocket", 210,-50, 0)
        DTHK F 1 A_CustomMissile ("Rocket", 210, -50, 0)
        DTHK E 1 A_CposRefire
        DTHK G 4 A_Pain
        Goto See
        DTHK H 5 A_Scream
        DTHK I 5 A_Fall
        DTHK JK 5
        DTHK L -1
Yes, he's nastier. But i'm certainly not going to tell you how much. :twisted:
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Post by BouncyTEM »

oh yeah, fixed these guys too.

Code: Select all

ACTOR Deathknight 213
    Health 4200
    Radius 45
    Height 130
    Speed 6
    Scale 1.0
    Painchance 130
    SeeSound "Deathknightsight"
    DeathSound "Deathknightdeath"
    ActiveSound "Guardact"
    Obituary "%o was killed by The Deathknight."
        DTHK AB 10 A_Look
        DTHK AABBCCDD 4 A_Chase
        DTHK E 5 A_FaceTarget
        DTHK F 1 BRIGHT A_CustomMissile ("Rocket", 105, 25, 0)
        DTHK F 1 BRIGHT A_CustomMissile ("Rocket", 105, -25, 0)
        DTHK E 1 A_CposRefire
        DTHK G 4 A_Pain
        Goto See
        DTHK H 5 A_Scream
        DTHK I 5 A_Fall
        DTHK JK 5
        DTHK L -1

ACTOR DeathknightApprentice 214
    Health 2100
    Radius 20
    Height 56
    Speed 6
    Scale 0.5
    Painchance 130
    SeeSound "Deathknightsight"
    DeathSound "Deathknightdeath"
    ActiveSound "Guardact"
    Obituary "%o was killed by The Deathknight's Apprentice."
        DTHK AB 10 A_Look
        DTHK AABBCCDD 4 A_Chase
        DTHK E 5 A_FaceTarget
        DTHK F 1 BRIGHT A_CustomMissile ("Rocket", 55, 12, 0)
        DTHK F 1 BRIGHT A_CustomMissile ("Rocket", 55, -12, 0)
        Goto See
        DTHK G 4 A_Pain
        Goto See
        DTHK H 5 A_Scream
        DTHK I 5 A_Fall
        DTHK JK 5
        DTHK L -1
:twisted: :twisted: They're nastier and more deadly. Just copy the data of the monsters onto the old versions of them, and they'll be fixed. 2nd beta will have ALL the monsters, and all the bigger ones fixed.
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Post by Giest118 »

THEchaingunner is far deadlier than EradicationKnight by the way...
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Post by Cutmanmike »

Yeah, since he floods the place with bullets
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Post by BouncyTEM »

yeah, i know. you'll definitely need a rocket launcher for both the Eradication Knight and THE chaingunner!
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Post by Cutmanmike »

AFTER you give them more mass, for the love of god, change those featherweights!
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Post by BouncyTEM »

the modified Eradication Knight data i posted earlier does change his mass. [Deathknight and DeathKnight's apprentice mass will be changed later]
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Post by BouncyTEM »

Giest, any progress on my example map?
also, second beta's almost done.
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Post by Giest118 »

Bouncy wrote:Giest, any progress on my example map?
No... sorry. :(
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Post by BouncyTEM »

oh. no problem.
Just about 2-4 more monsters, and the second beta will be released.

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