Monster Wad Project in progress

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Post by Giest118 »

Oooh... shit I meant to type "SoM did it".... strange how the brain can fuck you in the head temporarily.

On an unrelated note: St00pid.wad is still in the works... and is 30 minutes long.

I plan to break a few records with this WAD....
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Post by Xaser »

I love all the levels except for "Speedrunner's Nightmare", "Mining Fecality", "Insert Name Here" (it;s boring), and "Vowel" (used to Slow down my machine like hell just for a stupid thing YOU CAN"T EVEN SEe!!). For some reason, I like "Hell is Falling" and "SoM did it". :P
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Post by HotWax »

Bouncy wrote:I need .64! If i don't get it by 4/10/04, my head shall explode!
Uhhhhh.. If your head exploded, wouldn't this be all that was left of you?
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Post by BouncyTEM »

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Lexus Alyus
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Post by Lexus Alyus »

Sooooo... after that date are you gonna replace your avatar with that one? Urm, that is if .64 isn't out then...

Mmmmmm, you say an invasion of nazis? :twisted:

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Post by Xaser »

OMG 200th Post! (in this thread)

/Me needs 2.0.64 sometime soon, too. MUST HAVE CUSTOM WEOPANS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Nanami »

Don't rush Randy and Graf guys. As far as I'm concerned, Randy could take until 2008 to release the next version. He's not working for us, and he has a life. ZDoom's a hobby, not a job.
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Post by Giest118 »

She has a point.................................................................................

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Lexus Alyus
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Post by Lexus Alyus »

Bouncy asked for an invasion and I gave it him... unfortunately I get this error:

Code: Select all

Tried to read address 0000002c
Flags: 00000000
Address: 00482c80

Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600 

GS=0000  FS=0038  ES=0023  DS=0023
EAX=00000000  EBX=00100000  ECX=00000000  EDX=ffe90000
ESI=04237250  EDI=016b5960
EBP=00270000  EIP=00482c80  ESP=0012fc04  CS=001b  SS=0023
 CF+ PF+ AF- ZF- SF- TF- IF+ DF- OF- NT- RF+ VM- AC- VI- VP-

FPU State:
 ControlWord=027f StatusWord=0020 TagWord=ffff


Running threads:
00000cac at 00482c80*

Loaded modules:
00400000 - 00630fff *zdoom.exe
77f50000 - 77ff5fff  ntdll.dll
77e60000 - 77f44fff  kernel32.dll
71950000 - 71a33fff  COMCTL32.dll
77c10000 - 77c62fff  msvcrt.dll
77c70000 - 77caffff  GDI32.dll
77d40000 - 77dc5fff  USER32.dll
77dd0000 - 77e5afff  ADVAPI32.dll
78000000 - 7806dfff  RPCRT4.dll
63180000 - 631e3fff  SHLWAPI.dll
71ad0000 - 71ad7fff  WSOCK32.dll
71ab0000 - 71ac4fff  WS2_32.dll
71aa0000 - 71aa7fff  WS2HELP.dll
76b40000 - 76b6bfff  WINMM.dll
10000000 - 10093fff  fmod.dll
77be0000 - 77bf3fff  MSACM32.dll
771b0000 - 772bffff  ole32.dll
763b0000 - 763f4fff  comdlg32.dll
773d0000 - 77bbdfff  SHELL32.dll
69f00000 - 69f1bfff  vscapi.dll
5ad70000 - 5ada3fff  uxtheme.dll
76f50000 - 76f57fff  wtsapi32.dll
76360000 - 7636efff  WINSTA.dll
76f90000 - 76f9ffff  Secur32.dll
51080000 - 510d5fff  dsound.dll
77c00000 - 77c06fff  VERSION.dll
72d20000 - 72d28fff  wdmaud.drv
72d10000 - 72d17fff  msacm32.drv
77bd0000 - 77bd6fff  midimap.dll
5ef80000 - 5ef83fff  KsUser.dll
76fd0000 - 77047fff  CLBCATQ.DLL
77120000 - 771aafff  OLEAUT32.dll
77050000 - 77114fff  COMRes.dll
6ce10000 - 6ce44fff  dinput8.dll
688f0000 - 688f8fff  HID.DLL
76670000 - 76753fff  SETUPAPI.DLL
01530000 - 0153afff  ffdrv1.dll
72280000 - 722a7fff  DINPUT.dll
51000000 - 51046fff  ddraw.dll
73bc0000 - 73bc5fff  DCIMAN32.dll

Bytes near EIP:
00482c70: 04 ba 00 00 20 00 2b d0 03 da 89 5e 20 8b 47 0c
00482c80: 8b 79 2c 03 f8 8b c7 c1 e8 13 89 79 2c 8b f8 8b
00482c90: 14 bd 38 c1 5b 00 8b 81 08 01 00 00 89 54 24 10

ZDoom version 2.0.63

Command line:
 F:\Zdoom\zdoom.exe -file nazitext.wad naziinvasion.wad -iwad Zwadconv.wad -file F:\Zdoom\tempmap.wad -map MAP01 -skill 4
IWAD: Zwadconv.wad

Current map: MAP01

viewx = 110826778
viewy = 192742222
viewz = 6285956
viewangle = 1160904704

Possible call trace:
 00482c80  BOOM
 0045d1e2  call eax
 00462110  call 0045d0e0
 00463fd1  call 00463400
 004220f7  call [edx+0x10]
 0042237d  call 00422080
 00473934  call 00422330
 0042aaeb  call 00473850
 0041b572  call 0042a7d0
 0041760c  call 0041b280
 0042d817  call 00409ab0
 0040b083  call 0040afd0
 0049bb06  call 0040b070
 0049bc23  call 004ffa66
 00498cd3  call 00417660
 00498fe5  call 00498920
 00502f1a  call 00498f70
 00502dae  call 00500810

Stack Contents:
0012fc04: 0000b505 00000000 003a54f0 04237250  ·········T:·Pr#·
0012fc14: 0000014d 00002ea2 0045d1e2 00c09000  M····.····E·····
0012fc24: 04237250 00462110 003a54f0 00000000  Pr#··!F··T:·····
0012fc34: 000003db 00000000 04237250 00000000  ········Pr#·····
0012fc44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
0012fc54: 00000000 00463fd1 00100000 004220f7  ·····?F······ B·
0012fc64: 005ae6d4 00000008 00000000 0042237d  ··Z·········}#B·
0012fc74: 00000008 005b0ef8 00000001 00473934  ······[·····49G·
0012fc84: 00000d44 00000001 0042aaeb 005aedd6  D·········B···Z·
0012fc94: 0000000b e8f61c22 0041b572 00000004  ····"···r·A·····
0012fca4: 01705fb0 0012fcd8 00000001 0041760c  ·_p··········vA·
0012fcb4: 00000004 01705fb0 00000001 0042d817  ·····_p·······B·
0012fcc4: 00000d43 0012fcb4 0012fe04 00511125  C···········%·Q·
0012fcd4: 00000000 00000000 0000026e 000000f8  ········n·······
0012fce4: 0012fe6c 0000017e 8d038353 00bb3d78  l···~···S···x=··
0012fcf4: 145241b9 06a56305 6d6f6f44 7475412e  ·AR··c··Doom.Aut
0012fd04: 616f6c6f 8b000064 95fc59ab 8173a372  oload····Y··r·s·
0012fd14: 7b4f5764 92b48411 c1893796 098eb65b  dWO{·····7··[···
0012fd24: aa8273c7 32c0b231 569e7a21 61954968  ·s··1··2!z·VhI·a
0012fd34: 4dd11992 387cdb50 da351f90 3e580c48  ···MP·|8··5·H·X>
0012fd44: 75a65119 0776f4ac 00000002 846038ba  ·Q·u··v······8`·
0012fd54: 0040b083 0012fd64 0049bb06 005314a0  ··@·d·····I···S·
0012fd64: 00531444 00000005 00000001 00000a28  D·S·········(···
0012fd74: 0049bc23 00000094 00000005 00000001  #·I·············
0012fd84: 00000a28 00000002 771cd500 772a9888  (··········w··*w
0012fd94: 772a9880 77202ab0 772a9888 7720ff73  ··*w·* w··*ws· w
0012fda4: 00000000 0012fdb4 0012fdb8 00000000  ················
0012fdb4: 00158768 77e777ef 77203e35 00159768  h····w·w5> wh···
0012fdc4: 0012fe08 772ad120 771ddc63 772ad188  ···· ·*wc··w··*w
0012fdd4: 772ad168 0012fdfc 00000002 77202ab0  h·*w·········* w
0012fde4: 772ad170 771dd994 00000000 0000026e  p·*w···w····n···
0012fdf4: 0000017e 00000002 006038ba 846038ba  ~········8`··8`·
0012fe04: 0012fe60 00511148 ffffffff 00498cd3  `···H·Q·······I·
0012fe14: ffffffff 77e79c90 7ffdf000 00000000  ·······w·······
0012fe24: 00000000 0000026e 0000017e 00000001  ····n···~·······
0012fe34: 000f4240 0012fe2c 00000020 00000276  @B··,··· ···v···
0012fe44: 00000000 00400000 00400240 00400218  ······@·@·@···@·
0012fe54: 77e60000 00400000 0012fe14 0012fe88  ···w··@·········
0012fe64: 00512620 00000000 0012fe98 00498fe5   &Q···········I·
0012fe74: 77e79f93 00000000 7ffdf000 0012fe74  ···w·······t···
0012fe84: 0012f82c 0012ffb0 00502b58 00530b40  ,·······X+P·@·S·
0012fe94: 00000000 0012ffc0 00502f1a 00400000  ·········/P···@·
0012fea4: 00000000 00152365 00000005 00000094  ····e#··········
0012feb4: 00000005 00000001 00000a28 00000002  ········(·······
0012fec4: f5a52c00 f5a52c08 f5a52c08 f5a52c08  ·,···,···,···,··
0012fed4: f5a52c08 f5a52c08 f5a52c08 e38b6000  ·,···,···,···`··
0012fee4: e38b7000 e38b8000 e38b9000 e38ba000  ·p··············
0012fef4: e38bb000 e38bc000 e38bd000 e38be000  ················
0012ff04: e38bf000 e38c0000 e38c1000 e38c2000  ············· ··
0012ff14: e38c3000 e38c4000 81068110 ff676980  ·0···@·······ig·
0012ff24: 0000615e 00000001 00000014 00000000  ^a··············
0012ff34: 00000014 000028b6 8053e4a0 00502dae  ·····(····S··-P·
0012ff44: 00000000 00000001 7ffdf000 00000044  ···········D···
0012ff54: 00153528 001534d8 00153588 00000000  (5···4···5······
0012ff64: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
0012ff74: 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000005  ················
0012ff84: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ················
0012ff94: f5a52d00 00000000 00000001 00152365  ·-··········e#··
0012ffa4: 00000000 0012feb0 f5a52d10 0012ffe0  ·········-······
0012ffb4: 00502b58 0055e250 00000000 0012fff0  X+P·P·U·········
0012ffc4: 77e7eb69 00000000 00000001 7ffdf000  i··w···········
0012ffd4: f5a52cf4 0012ffc8 8052f184 ffffffff  ·,········R·····
0012ffe4: 77e9bb86 77e95a18 00000000 00000000  ···w·Z·w········
0012fff4: 00000000 00502d96 00000000           ·····-P·····
This map WAS supposed to be super cool... but it crashes when you get to the part in the screenshot... those question marks are nazis by the way... hence the nazi invasion part. I'm gonna include a link with TEH level (and the other one) WITH the textures. I'm gonna work on one more level ... this one will be a tank battle in a city type place :twisted:

Oh, why does my level crash and nuts doesn't? It's not that bad I'm sure... maybe it's bouncies file... do all of the monsters work? I tried it with gennodes on and it worked... but I have moved all of the eradication nights as they were killing the entire army! Now there are only three in UV and they have been moved to the exit area. What I think it was was because the EK's launch so many projectiles that it just couldn't handle it... that's my thought :-D. And Bouncy, you really need to change their mass'!

Finally, TEH maps (both first and seccond... with the textures... also, because you used an FF music, I've added two more :-) ). Oh, and you will need bouncies naziinvasion wad to play this...
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Nanami wrote:Don't rush Randy and Graf guys. As far as I'm concerned, Randy could take until 2008 to release the next version. He's not working for us, and he has a life. ZDoom's a hobby, not a job.

It's just that the current version has an annoying bug (A_CustomMissile crash) and the next version has custom weapons. I can understand why everybody wants to have it. If it was just another update it'd be different...

I have a neat idea what to do as a little demonstration project when it is out but I have to wait until Randy releases it because much of what I have to do for it depends on the way he puts it all together...

(And please don't ask what I'm planning. I won't tell until I know for sure I can do it but with 2.0.63 it's not yet possible.)
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Post by Risen »

Lexus: your problem is probably the CustomMissile bug. Wait for .64.
Last edited by Risen on Fri Mar 12, 2004 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Giest118 »

Heh, Lexus, that WAD of yours is 1337. :)
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Post by Xaser »

Wow, Lexus. That reminds me of HELLDOOM's E1M7. :P
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Post by BouncyTEM »

Lexus Alyus wrote:Bouncy asked for an invasion and I gave it him... unfortunately I get this error:

Code: Select all

Tried to read address 0000002c
Flags: 00000000
Address: 00482c80

Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600 

GS=0000  FS=0038  ES=0023  DS=0023
EAX=00000000  EBX=00100000  ECX=00000000  EDX=ffe90000
ESI=04237250  EDI=016b5960
EBP=00270000  EIP=00482c80  ESP=0012fc04  CS=001b  SS=0023
 CF+ PF+ AF- ZF- SF- TF- IF+ DF- OF- NT- RF+ VM- AC- VI- VP-

FPU State:
 ControlWord=027f StatusWord=0020 TagWord=ffff


Running threads:
00000cac at 00482c80*

Loaded modules:
00400000 - 00630fff *zdoom.exe
77f50000 - 77ff5fff  ntdll.dll
77e60000 - 77f44fff  kernel32.dll
71950000 - 71a33fff  COMCTL32.dll
77c10000 - 77c62fff  msvcrt.dll
77c70000 - 77caffff  GDI32.dll
77d40000 - 77dc5fff  USER32.dll
77dd0000 - 77e5afff  ADVAPI32.dll
78000000 - 7806dfff  RPCRT4.dll
63180000 - 631e3fff  SHLWAPI.dll
71ad0000 - 71ad7fff  WSOCK32.dll
71ab0000 - 71ac4fff  WS2_32.dll
71aa0000 - 71aa7fff  WS2HELP.dll
76b40000 - 76b6bfff  WINMM.dll
10000000 - 10093fff  fmod.dll
77be0000 - 77bf3fff  MSACM32.dll
771b0000 - 772bffff  ole32.dll
763b0000 - 763f4fff  comdlg32.dll
773d0000 - 77bbdfff  SHELL32.dll
69f00000 - 69f1bfff  vscapi.dll
5ad70000 - 5ada3fff  uxtheme.dll
76f50000 - 76f57fff  wtsapi32.dll
76360000 - 7636efff  WINSTA.dll
76f90000 - 76f9ffff  Secur32.dll
51080000 - 510d5fff  dsound.dll
77c00000 - 77c06fff  VERSION.dll
72d20000 - 72d28fff  wdmaud.drv
72d10000 - 72d17fff  msacm32.drv
77bd0000 - 77bd6fff  midimap.dll
5ef80000 - 5ef83fff  KsUser.dll
76fd0000 - 77047fff  CLBCATQ.DLL
77120000 - 771aafff  OLEAUT32.dll
77050000 - 77114fff  COMRes.dll
6ce10000 - 6ce44fff  dinput8.dll
688f0000 - 688f8fff  HID.DLL
76670000 - 76753fff  SETUPAPI.DLL
01530000 - 0153afff  ffdrv1.dll
72280000 - 722a7fff  DINPUT.dll
51000000 - 51046fff  ddraw.dll
73bc0000 - 73bc5fff  DCIMAN32.dll

Bytes near EIP:
00482c70: 04 ba 00 00 20 00 2b d0 03 da 89 5e 20 8b 47 0c
00482c80: 8b 79 2c 03 f8 8b c7 c1 e8 13 89 79 2c 8b f8 8b
00482c90: 14 bd 38 c1 5b 00 8b 81 08 01 00 00 89 54 24 10

ZDoom version 2.0.63

Command line:
 F:\Zdoom\zdoom.exe -file nazitext.wad naziinvasion.wad -iwad Zwadconv.wad -file F:\Zdoom\tempmap.wad -map MAP01 -skill 4
IWAD: Zwadconv.wad

Current map: MAP01

viewx = 110826778
viewy = 192742222
viewz = 6285956
viewangle = 1160904704

Possible call trace:
 00482c80  BOOM
 0045d1e2  call eax
 00462110  call 0045d0e0
 00463fd1  call 00463400
 004220f7  call [edx+0x10]
 0042237d  call 00422080
 00473934  call 00422330
 0042aaeb  call 00473850
 0041b572  call 0042a7d0
 0041760c  call 0041b280
 0042d817  call 00409ab0
 0040b083  call 0040afd0
 0049bb06  call 0040b070
 0049bc23  call 004ffa66
 00498cd3  call 00417660
 00498fe5  call 00498920
 00502f1a  call 00498f70
 00502dae  call 00500810

Stack Contents:
0012fc04: 0000b505 00000000 003a54f0 04237250  ·········T:·Pr#·
0012fc14: 0000014d 00002ea2 0045d1e2 00c09000  M····.····E·····
0012fc24: 04237250 00462110 003a54f0 00000000  Pr#··!F··T:·····
0012fc34: 000003db 00000000 04237250 00000000  ········Pr#·····
0012fc44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
0012fc54: 00000000 00463fd1 00100000 004220f7  ·····?F······ B·
0012fc64: 005ae6d4 00000008 00000000 0042237d  ··Z·········}#B·
0012fc74: 00000008 005b0ef8 00000001 00473934  ······[·····49G·
0012fc84: 00000d44 00000001 0042aaeb 005aedd6  D·········B···Z·
0012fc94: 0000000b e8f61c22 0041b572 00000004  ····"···r·A·····
0012fca4: 01705fb0 0012fcd8 00000001 0041760c  ·_p··········vA·
0012fcb4: 00000004 01705fb0 00000001 0042d817  ·····_p·······B·
0012fcc4: 00000d43 0012fcb4 0012fe04 00511125  C···········%·Q·
0012fcd4: 00000000 00000000 0000026e 000000f8  ········n·······
0012fce4: 0012fe6c 0000017e 8d038353 00bb3d78  l···~···S···x=··
0012fcf4: 145241b9 06a56305 6d6f6f44 7475412e  ·AR··c··Doom.Aut
0012fd04: 616f6c6f 8b000064 95fc59ab 8173a372  oload····Y··r·s·
0012fd14: 7b4f5764 92b48411 c1893796 098eb65b  dWO{·····7··[···
0012fd24: aa8273c7 32c0b231 569e7a21 61954968  ·s··1··2!z·VhI·a
0012fd34: 4dd11992 387cdb50 da351f90 3e580c48  ···MP·|8··5·H·X>
0012fd44: 75a65119 0776f4ac 00000002 846038ba  ·Q·u··v······8`·
0012fd54: 0040b083 0012fd64 0049bb06 005314a0  ··@·d·····I···S·
0012fd64: 00531444 00000005 00000001 00000a28  D·S·········(···
0012fd74: 0049bc23 00000094 00000005 00000001  #·I·············
0012fd84: 00000a28 00000002 771cd500 772a9888  (··········w··*w
0012fd94: 772a9880 77202ab0 772a9888 7720ff73  ··*w·* w··*ws· w
0012fda4: 00000000 0012fdb4 0012fdb8 00000000  ················
0012fdb4: 00158768 77e777ef 77203e35 00159768  h····w·w5> wh···
0012fdc4: 0012fe08 772ad120 771ddc63 772ad188  ···· ·*wc··w··*w
0012fdd4: 772ad168 0012fdfc 00000002 77202ab0  h·*w·········* w
0012fde4: 772ad170 771dd994 00000000 0000026e  p·*w···w····n···
0012fdf4: 0000017e 00000002 006038ba 846038ba  ~········8`··8`·
0012fe04: 0012fe60 00511148 ffffffff 00498cd3  `···H·Q·······I·
0012fe14: ffffffff 77e79c90 7ffdf000 00000000  ·······w·······
0012fe24: 00000000 0000026e 0000017e 00000001  ····n···~·······
0012fe34: 000f4240 0012fe2c 00000020 00000276  @B··,··· ···v···
0012fe44: 00000000 00400000 00400240 00400218  ······@·@·@···@·
0012fe54: 77e60000 00400000 0012fe14 0012fe88  ···w··@·········
0012fe64: 00512620 00000000 0012fe98 00498fe5   &Q···········I·
0012fe74: 77e79f93 00000000 7ffdf000 0012fe74  ···w·······t···
0012fe84: 0012f82c 0012ffb0 00502b58 00530b40  ,·······X+P·@·S·
0012fe94: 00000000 0012ffc0 00502f1a 00400000  ·········/P···@·
0012fea4: 00000000 00152365 00000005 00000094  ····e#··········
0012feb4: 00000005 00000001 00000a28 00000002  ········(·······
0012fec4: f5a52c00 f5a52c08 f5a52c08 f5a52c08  ·,···,···,···,··
0012fed4: f5a52c08 f5a52c08 f5a52c08 e38b6000  ·,···,···,···`··
0012fee4: e38b7000 e38b8000 e38b9000 e38ba000  ·p··············
0012fef4: e38bb000 e38bc000 e38bd000 e38be000  ················
0012ff04: e38bf000 e38c0000 e38c1000 e38c2000  ············· ··
0012ff14: e38c3000 e38c4000 81068110 ff676980  ·0···@·······ig·
0012ff24: 0000615e 00000001 00000014 00000000  ^a··············
0012ff34: 00000014 000028b6 8053e4a0 00502dae  ·····(····S··-P·
0012ff44: 00000000 00000001 7ffdf000 00000044  ···········D···
0012ff54: 00153528 001534d8 00153588 00000000  (5···4···5······
0012ff64: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
0012ff74: 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000005  ················
0012ff84: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ················
0012ff94: f5a52d00 00000000 00000001 00152365  ·-··········e#··
0012ffa4: 00000000 0012feb0 f5a52d10 0012ffe0  ·········-······
0012ffb4: 00502b58 0055e250 00000000 0012fff0  X+P·P·U·········
0012ffc4: 77e7eb69 00000000 00000001 7ffdf000  i··w···········
0012ffd4: f5a52cf4 0012ffc8 8052f184 ffffffff  ·,········R·····
0012ffe4: 77e9bb86 77e95a18 00000000 00000000  ···w·Z·w········
0012fff4: 00000000 00502d96 00000000           ·····-P·····
This map WAS supposed to be super cool... but it crashes when you get to the part in the screenshot... those question marks are nazis by the way... hence the nazi invasion part. I'm gonna include a link with TEH level (and the other one) WITH the textures. I'm gonna work on one more level ... this one will be a tank battle in a city type place :twisted:

Oh, why does my level crash and nuts doesn't? It's not that bad I'm sure... maybe it's bouncies file... do all of the monsters work? I tried it with gennodes on and it worked... but I have moved all of the eradication nights as they were killing the entire army! Now there are only three in UV and they have been moved to the exit area. What I think it was was because the EK's launch so many projectiles that it just couldn't handle it... that's my thought :-D. And Bouncy, you really need to change their mass'!

Finally, TEH maps (both first and seccond... with the textures... also, because you used an FF music, I've added two more :-) ). Oh, and you will need bouncies naziinvasion wad to play this...
it's something about that map. Also, the SECOND beta already has their masses fixed. For me, i get it JUST when it's loading. It's most likely the A_Cutsommissile error that everyone's getting. Also, Nazi Invasion runs FINE, and i mean FINE, without it. it's something with the maps.
EDIT: i had to modify the Wad a bit, but i got it to work. My response: Forget Giest's map. Your's is...Interesting. Really good. Sucide. Map02 is RIDICULOUS. i had killed all of them, but the use of the admiral, general [there are stat differences between the 2. Example: General has less health, and shoots less bullets], and Supreme officer. In short: good job.
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Post by BouncyTEM »

Oh, and Lexus, you're not limited to Nazis. Demons may be used too. Here's the 'short' storyline i whipped up in a short amount of time.

It has been 2 years since the last Demon Invasion. You had successfully managed to take a break from military, and has actually had a moment to yourself. Little did you know that the demons were planning ANOTHER invasion, except this time, they would have numerical backup. The nazis, who were burning in hell for some time, had been released under one condition...Destroy the humans. They all agreed, and the nazis were allowed to back the demons up in their 5th invasion. {i'm counting both Plutonia and TNT, too}

So, in short, this is a demon invasion combined with a nazi invasion.

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