[Project]Hexen II Monsters

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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by Cutmanmike »

You can tell that the face is a model though :P
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by CaptainToenail »

Yeah, it kind of ruins the effect, looks too shiny and plasticy, otherwise it would be an awesome monster
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by printz »

Wow, Vegeta(dw), I'm impressed. You're halfway towards creating the icon of sin on feet!

As for the four riders of the apocalypse, I don't think you have to make them require path nodes. Keep them as optional map or ACS features. I see why you don't want Doom-based Eidolon. Even though the skull wizards are also based on a monster created for Doom, Eidolon is a game boss, and needs more accurate rendition.

I was also asking about those sentient evil crossbows one meets in act 1. I believe they can be ripped (and screenshot) directly, because: 1) they don't look very remarkable to be copyrighted (may yet be) and 2) they're pieces of machinery, different from anything else, but similar to some of LilWhiteMouse's monsters. Even more, you can add an actual model to work for GZDoom.
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by Vegeta(dw) »

Here's a VERY early preview. There are many things I don't like, I'm still designing the first frame, once I get it right I'll start the set.
I putted the other Serpent Riders just for viewing pleasure and comparison purposes.

I love Hexen, and Eidolon is my favorite character. I'll be sure not to mess it up.

BTW the Dark Wizard is superb
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by CaptainToenail »

Heh, I think that maulataur edit is quite good actually :D , although the red is a bit iffy
What does the Eidolon guy do anyway?

(how is the Korax thing supposed to ride a serpent?) :lol:
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by Vegeta(dw) »

Nothing that Ghastly can't fix with his recoloration skills. Still that is actually the same red of Eidolon, the only difference is that Eidolon has the muscules more sharpen. For the importance of this character perhaps it could be edited by more than one author. Yet that needs coordination, each author should only start editing once the previews finished his edition in all the sprites.
The sprite also needs the golden things on the legs, I'm going to add that later.

Edit: About Korax riding a serpent, lol I started this but I think it looks kinda bizarre.
The eyes of the beast need extreme edition
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by Ghastly »

Perfect! :D

And yeah, if the red looks too sharp, in-game, I can touch it up in paintshop to soften it a bit. It's attacks will be pretty easy to make, too.

@Toenail: First stage, he throws some slightly seeking projectiles (3 or 4 with each attack) and can stomp on you. Second stage (after you beat the first stage, he grows a lot, but that can be left out of this pack :P), he throws meteors at you, breaths fire, and calls down lightning.

I guess the serpent rider title was only really used for D'Sparil, but they had to keep the name for the other two. :lol:
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by CaptainToenail »


Somehow I don't think mounting the Heresiarch on a giant Alien was a good idea :lol:

Also, if Korax is the Serpent Rider who's the Heresiarch guy? Just a powerful minion?
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by Ghastly »

Yep, though he's prominantly featured in the Heretic end-panel. Heretic and Hexen have some minor continuity problems. :P
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by Vegeta(dw) »

For what I heard the Heresiarch was supposed to be the Serpent Rider and Korax the mount, but because that'd be too repetitive with Heretic, and to have two bosses instead one with these sprites they made two different characters. Personally I like it that way, while the Heresiarch looks majestic and all, I like the variation this add.
Later Raven to fix things added that red hand at the end of Hexen that belongs to the same monster of the end of Heretic. You can say that's Eidolon, or as I prefer a higher monster.
My mod is going to be centered around that monster (creator of the serpent riders). I'm trying to find a way not to use the Heresiarch sprites as base lol.

Edit: And Ghastly don't forget that Eidolon can heal himself, morph you into a sheep (very rare attack), can crush you if he walks over you, and can use disc of repulsions on his first stage.
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by neoworm »

Whole Serpent rider trio is awfuly inconsistent. I think they should have been brothers and powerful mages (not necesary human mages). DSparil is ok. I can also accept Korax as a mage that merged with his own serpent steed. But Eidolon... As far as I know the team that made HeXen II was different than Heretic and Hexen team. So the Eidolon can be considered as non-canonic character. I dont like this guy much. I would like to redesign him to be more rider-like.

I always tought about Heresiarch as a Serpent rider level character that have potential to become 4th rider but is killed before he can get promotion.
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by oODemonologistOo »

The Eidolon looks excellent!!!

Korax riding a serpent... That doesn't even look like a serpent! Besides, I don't remember Korax having a serpent to ride at all, he was the only rider on foot.
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by ShadesMaster »

I agree, Eidolon deserves to be based on the Mauloraur as they are of similar size and build. The musculature is right, the shape of the legs are right, even the face is a similar enough base. It's amazing how much a simple color change and new horns can make a creature look.

btw in the HeXen II manual, Korax IS shown riding a Serpent - however, it looks more like a giant tentacle than anything else. I can easily picture Eidolon riding a giant version of a Chaos Serpent - except this version would be Charred Black. So all 3 can still ride as their namesake implies. To actually make said giant serpent, there would need to be a detailing project as simply scaling a recolor up would not match with Eidolon's 'normal-sized' pixels.
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by oODemonologistOo »

IIRC, at the beginning of the HeXen II, there's an intro movie which a wizard narrates the story. Inside his sphere over the table, it shows Korax, on foot; not on a serpent rider. I might be wrong... it has been ages since I last played it.
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Re: [Project]Hexen II Monsters

Post by Gez »

Vegeta(dw) wrote:For what I heard the Heresiarch was supposed to be the Serpent Rider and Korax the mount, but because that'd be too repetitive with Heretic, and to have two bosses instead one with these sprites they made two different characters.
It makes sense. Korax's overall body shape is closer to a chaos serpent than to a humanoid, including the super long neck on which the rider can sit.

The Hexen 2 manual (you know, that paper thing nobody looks at) does contain illustrations for Korax and D'Sparil riding, well, things, though neither look much like they did in the games.

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