Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion 6.1

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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by hnsolo77 »

i do, but im too busy to play it sadly... ive been wanting to play this mod, but ive been doing all sorts of painting and woodwork for my aunt, freakin 12 hour days... slavedriver...
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »
[EDIT] Forgot one of the wads, didn't notice it was missing at first.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by ReX »

I just downloaded the most recent version (v3.1) + ATAT.wad.

Is there any documentation to go along with the files?

I played through the first few maps, and I have a few questions:

1. How do I use the thermal detonators? I cycled through the available weapon slots and couldn't find the detonators I had picked up.
2. In Map35 there are 2 rock slides, and there are 2 sequence charges that I picked up. One of the rock slides gets cleared up, but the second rock slide doesn't - it tells me I need a sequence charge. Is this a problem or am I missing something?
3. In Map53 (Tie Interceptor Hangar), what is the purpose of opening the hangar doors?
4. Some of the maps that I've played have multiple exits. I am afraid that by choosing one exit I will miss out on the opportunity to explore the map(s) to which the other exit leads. Does it matter which exit I choose? Do all maps eventually get played, no matter which exit I take?
5. I was able to take out one of those walkers (AT-ST?) in Map53 with just my "cattle prod" (Weapon 1), as they don't seem to attack. Am I missing something?

I'm sure I'll have more questions as I go along, but the whole thing is nicely done.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

ReX wrote:1. How do I use the thermal detonators?
Altfire on all weapons to toss a TD.
2. In Map35 there are 2 rock slides, and there are 2 sequence charges that I picked up. One of the rock slides gets cleared up, but the second rock slide doesn't - it tells me I need a sequence charge. Is this a problem or am I missing something?
It's a bug on my part. I defined the sequence charges as keys, so only one shows up in your inventory even if you pick up another. I'll have to define it differently.
3. In Map53 (Tie Interceptor Hangar), what is the purpose of opening the hangar doors?
The hangar door gives you access to the other exit on the map.
4. Some of the maps that I've played have multiple exits.
I assume you've never played Chibi Rebellion before? While there are almost 60 maps, only ten get used at a time. Chibi Rebellion is a hub, with each level in the hub randomly selected from a pool. IE: Red key maps, blue key maps, blue gate maps, etc... Every level included in the hub is required to finish your objective. When you finish your objective and begin a new one, it selects a new random set of levels and you proceed again.
5. I was able to take out one of those walkers (AT-ST?) in Map53 with just my "cattle prod" (Weapon 1), as they don't seem to attack. Am I missing something?
AT-STs attack just fine for me. Ignoring range, the fusion cutter is probably the most damaging weapon the player has though.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by Project Shadowcat »

LilWhiteMouse wrote:It's a bug on my part. I defined the sequence charges as keys, so only one shows up in your inventory even if you pick up another. I'll have to define it differently.
Inventory Items. ... But you probably already knew that. *is therefore only serving to save LWM a few brain cycles*
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by CaptainToenail »

I assume you've never played Chibi Rebellion before? While there are almost 60 maps, only ten get used at a time. Chibi Rebellion is a hub, with each level in the hub randomly selected from a pool. IE: Red key maps, blue key maps, blue gate maps, etc... Every level included in the hub is required to finish your objective. When you finish your objective and begin a new one, it selects a new random set of levels and you proceed again.
Cool, how do you do that? Random teleporters or something? Could make a nice community wad for Hexen or something, people make a few areas each and they are all bundled together :)
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

CaptainToenail wrote:Cool, how do you do that? Random teleporters or something?
The selected map #s are stored as world variables that each map references to find out what map each exit should send the player to. This is what I was going to do with HQuest 2, but I couldn't come up with enough maps so I simply made it what it was, hence the generic exits in some of the maps.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by ReX »

LilWhiteMouse wrote:2 rock slides/2 sequence charges - It's a bug on my part. I defined the sequence charges as keys, so only one shows up in your inventory even if you pick up another. I'll have to define it differently.
I went back and re-played it, but this time I blasted one rock slide after I picked up the first charge, then the second rock slide after I picked up the second charge. It worked fine under this sequence.
AT-STs attack just fine for me.
I still don't get them to attack me. (Or more precisely, I don't take any damage from them.) I'm using ZDooM v2.2.0 (R748). (Just to be sure we're talking about the same thing, are AT-STs the "walking legs" - Mechs that have no body? Or are those AT-ATs?)
Ignoring range, the fusion cutter is probably the most damaging weapon the player has though.
Is that what you've named Weapon 1? I thought the fusion cutter was the weapon with multiple barrels (sort of like Pan's flute).

Now a few issues to report:
1. I get this message on some maps: P_StartScript: Unknown Script 101.
2. On Map92 I get this message: P_StartScript: Unknown Script 119. (I noticed this after picking up the Lambda Navigation Card.)
3. I have played 8 maps but can't proceed further because I don't have the requisite keys or access. Here is a sketchy layout:
a. Start on Map02, enter Map20, enter Map35, enter Map42, need the Shuttle's Navigation Card to proceed.
b. Return to Map 20, enter Map53, enter Map 61, need the Blue Key Card to proceed.
c. Return to Map 53, enter Map84, enter Map92, need the Red Key Card to proceed.
I believe I have used every possible exit on each map. (Maps 35 and 84 only appear to have one exit each. Map35 leads to Map42, and Map84 leads to Map92.) If I get desperate enough I may extract those maps from the zip and view them in an editor. But that would be cheating, wouldn't it?
4. Some of the maps could use a bit more health.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

ReX wrote:1. I get this message on some maps: P_StartScript: Unknown Script 101.
2. On Map92 I get this message: P_StartScript: Unknown Script 119. (I noticed this after picking up the Lambda Navigation Card.)
Scripts 1xx are contained in Are you loading it with
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by ReX »

LilWhiteMouse wrote:Scripts 1xx are contained in Are you loading it with
No, but I didn't realize that I needed to. Could this be the source of the other problems I'm having?
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Not loading the explains some of it. The rest I think you just need to explore more.

Concerning the fusion cutter, what you described is one of the fusion cutters, but I'm basing my design on the Star Wars:Battlefront versions.

Update note, one new objective map not included in the current version.
[EDIT] Just added another blue gate map, "AT-AT Derelict". One more map and there will be sixty playable maps.
[EDIT2] Is it just my imagination, or does ZDoom seem to get into a rut and use the same random number over and over?
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by ReX »

LilWhiteMouse wrote:Concerning the fusion cutter, what you described is one of the fusion cutters, but I'm basing my design on the Star Wars:Battlefront versions.
Got it. In the map with the Hoth Ice "Beast" I was running low on ammo and I decided to try Weapon 1. It worked so well that I kept using it on the other Ice Beasts, but I always wondered if things were somehow not altogether right - Weapon 1 against such a formidable enemy.
Update note, one new objective map not included in the current version..... Just added another blue gate map, "AT-AT Derelict". One more map and there will be sixty playable maps.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Not until a new version. The new objective map uses resources not in the current release.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by ReX »

OK. I restarted the game with, and things seem to be working fine. I still can't find the red key for Map92, but I'll keep looking. I did find the Lambda Navigation Card, but I can't figure out where it's used. Again, I'll keep looking.

Incidentally, it's possible to by-pass the red key door in Map92 by jumping on the lamps outside the blue blocks, then onto the wall around the blue blocks, then into the compound behind the red key door.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Fixed the shortcut in Map92. The navigation card is required on some maps to use the lambda shuttle transport. The card is map specific though, meaning you need to find the card in the same level as the shuttle.

Semi spoiler:
[EDIT] I get the impression some people are having trouble with health. Are you picking up the shield generator at the beginning?

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